
Control Room!

"It's Miss Jing Ke!"

The two girls, Fujimaru Ritsuka Masu, couldn't help but smile after seeing Jing Ke appearing in the video.

Jing Ke - the heroic spirit of the ancient East!

In the Great Qin Lost World, this seemingly weak The girl's mission was to assassinate the legendary First Emperor!

Although she failed in the end, you must know that it was hindered by various external factors that led to the failure!

Otherwise, this may change the historical trajectory of the entire East!

Thinking of this, the two The girl was so angry that she couldn't help but feel angry!

From Miss Jingke's point of view, this life can be said to have been full of ups and downs!

Based on the information collected by Chaldea, Mashu and Fujimaru Ritsuka learned about this person. Most of the deeds of Eastern Heroic Spirit - Miss Jing Ke!

Fujimaru Ritsuka and Mashu looked at the flashing cold light in the video!

Even through the video, everyone could feel the creepy tingling sensation!

It can be said that as long as they look at this scene in front of them, no one will doubt Miss Jing Ke’s ability! They will even think of the woman in the video as a genius assassin who has been trained since childhood!


The truth is, the girl does not make a living by assassinating!

It can even be said to be the complete opposite!

Before the plan was implemented, she was a generous person who loved reading, swordsmanship, communicating with friends, and even more wine!

Whether abroad or at home, the other party's reputation has never been restricted by ancient concepts!

When Crown Prince Dan of Yan commissioned her to assassinate Qin Shihuang, the girl did not hesitate at all, even though she knew that he was the master of the entire earth!

The Lord of Ninety-Five!

But even in the face of such a terrifying plan, the girl still readily agreed!

In order to assassinate the cautious emperor, the girl arranged a series of detailed plans!

From the beginning to the end of the action, the girl is ready for everything!

In order to assassinate Qin Shihuang, Jing Ke specially prepared a gift for Qin Shihuang, a poisoned assassination dagger!

Saying final farewell to my family! but...

Just before setting off, the girl had to wait for a friend who was willing to risk his life and accompany her to the assassination. When the stupid Prince Dan of Yan saw Jing Ke's delay in moving, he actually began to wonder if she was"cowardly and afraid of 503!!!"

A surge of anger filled the hearts of two girls, Fujimaru Ritsuka and Mashu, at the same time!

**Prince of Yan!!!

Of course, Jing Ke, who was under suspicion, did not say anything. He had no choice but to choose a man recommended by the prince as his assistant and embarked on a journey to Qin!

The two of them were even more angry when this was mentioned!

Judging from the perspective of a bystander, this prince of Yan Kingdom simply wanted Jing Ke to die!

There is no other reason. The assistant who was carefully selected and recommended by the Crown Prince of Yan actually... recorded in ancient texts——:"There was a warrior named Qin Wuyang from Yan State who was thirteen years old. He killed people and no one dared to disobey him!"...Outrageous and ridiculous. For a moment, the two of them couldn't help but feel a little regretful. The man who was supposed to help her assassinate was unable to move due to fear....

But even at this juncture, the female Miss Jing Ke did not give up, but at that time she had to assassinate Qin Shihuang alone, and the result was already doomed...

Perhaps it was because of the Emperor's luck that he escaped at the last moment....

And in the end, Miss Jing Ke’s ending was just like what was said at the beginning - the wind rustled and the water became cold, and the strong man was gone and never returned....return...

"It’s still the cerebral palsy prince!!!", thinking of this, the orange-haired girl couldn't help but swore again!

Although they also admired the First Emperor, after all, the First Emperor did not appear in the video~

So of course they feel sorry for Miss Jing Ke~

And that person is not here either They dared to say that here.

Thinking of that person, the two of them looked around hurriedly, and were relieved when they didn't find that figure! You know, although that person has always had a good image in their hearts, there is no denying it!

This person has a spiritual foundation equivalent to Grand (Grand) in the history of pan-humanity!

It is a super existence of genuine value!

According to Mr. Goyanskaya's evaluation - this king of the Lostbelt is very troublesome, and other Lostbelts The king is purely a"monster that humans cannot cope with", and the First Emperor is a"person that humans cannot cope with." The"existence" of monsters with brute force is terrifying in itself, while humans with intelligence are"behaviors" Very scary!"

This is the description of the First Emperor.

And looking back on the other party's deeds, it is indeed the case!

In the Lost Belt of the Great Qin, the First Emperor recovered the remains of an artificial human made by Immortal Taiyi Zhenren from the ruins of the Yin Dynasty. Through its analysis, he obtained the technology of physical mechanization!

So after that, my long-cherished wish of immortality no longer depends on the illusory elixir!

Physical transformation!

Mechanized body!

In this rare opportunity, the contemporary First Emperor actually achieved immortality!!!

After that, the First Emperor, who fulfilled his long-cherished wish, avoided the war era through iron-clad governance, allowed the country to complete the Industrial Revolution before the Western Renaissance, and conquered the world with absolutely overwhelming power through the technology he researched.!!!

In the Lost Belt, that person's achievements can be said to be unprecedented and unprecedented!

But also after that, the First Emperor wanted to increase his power enough to dominate the entire earth!

It actually began to continuously expand its mechanized holy body, and in the end, its body even swallowed up the Epang Palace in the city. Finally, its huge body floated over Xianyang through anti-gravity!

The internal structure of the mechanized holy body is not the human body, but an existence that imitates the natural environment, like an artificial garden composed of miniature mountains, forests, water and rivers!

Even now, when the two girls Fujimaru Ritsuka and Mashu recalled the Great Qin Lostbelt they had experienced, they couldn't help but feel a little emotional.

Using the body itself as a small universe, based on the principle of Feng Shui magic that actually operates in nature, it drives the Afang Palace. After that, the First Emperor got the opportunity to analyze living fairy samples, and was able to realize the corpse dismemberment of the fairy while maintaining the human shape!

But even so, the First Emperor still believed that the appearance of a supercomputing device was worthy of the power of a politician who rules the world!

The method of ascending to heaven obtained by analyzing the Fuso tree was verified through the living data collected from Wasabiko, and was successfully practiced in a culture tank, and finally regained the human form!

The purpose of doing this is to decide the outcome in a way that is acceptable to you, nothing more....

And the experimental subject bred there was the real First Emperor, who was cultivated as the crystallization of electronic magic that had evolved to its extreme!

To put it bluntly, it is a super life form with ultimate balance and abilities that cannot be achieved by the human body!

The One Absolute and Eternal One, having no need to reproduce, has transcended gender.

It can even be said that the appearance of this artificial immortal is the end of the technology of the Eternal Qin Empire that has been cultivated for 2000 years!

That figure is the so-called ultimate of human existence!

The only true person who overcomes death, transcends yin and yang, and reaches the immortal truth, is the emperor of heaven and earth who rules the human world!

It is an absolutely unimaginable existence!!!

And what’s even more unbelievable is!

The First Emperor, who had progressed through mechanization and realized his long-cherished wish of immortality, actually used his god-likeComputing power, predict the careers of all subjects!

You know, at that time, dividing the world into one's own domain meant that all the people in the world would be subjects of the First Emperor!

And it is in the existence of these billions!

The First Emperor actually predicted the lives of all his subjects! One can imagine how powerful the other party is!!!

Correspondingly, the First Emperor also made decisions on the fate of all his subjects at the same time!

Thinking of this, Fujimaru Ritsuka and Mashu couldn't help but feel deep admiration in their eyes! (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

This is the First Emperor. Even the oldest hero king once commented on him like this!

"Being left alone as a human being, taking on human responsibilities and guarding against the alien barbarians, is simply the ultimate that humans can achieve!"

"However, the future held in your palm has been sealed, and the development of civilization has been interrupted - you who carry the stars alone! You appeared two thousand years earlier!"

Although there are mixed reviews, it is enough to let the most ancient arrogant say such words, which is enough to show how glorious the First Emperor is!

Thinking of this, Fujimaru Ritsuka and Mashu couldn't help showing a touch of distress on their faces again, I feel sorry for the girl holding the dagger in the video - Jing Ke!

After all, with a human body, it was so difficult to deal with such a being at that time! What's even more annoying is that Miss Jing Ke also met such a person with cerebral palsy The prince of Yan!

I can only say that he was born at the wrong time....Or maybe you meet someone unkindly!

But even after death, Jing Ke still did not forget his mission!

From what Fujimaru Ritsuka and Mashu know, it can be said that except for Wang Hassan, who gave Ti Ma's death the meaning, no one can compare to Miss Jing Ke!

"Come on, Miss Jingke!!!"

At the same time, everyone in the world who originally dismissed this Eastern heroic spirit couldn't help but be a little stunned!

The sneer on their faces couldn't help but solidify on their faces!

The sharp cold light can be felt even through the video. See that piercing edge!

What makes them even more unbelievable is that even as bystanders, they didn't notice when the other party appeared behind the other party!

Just like the one that appeared in the seventh singularity. King Hassan is just like that!

As an assassin, it can be said that the terror brought to them by the other party is undeniable!


That’s the crown!!!

Through continuous understanding, everyone also knows about the power shown in the video!

The crown position is like a ceiling-like existence at the top of the world!

Therefore, King Hassan, who is in the crown position, does not need any doubts!

Strength is the epitome of the other party!

But now Jing Ke appears in the video, that inconspicuous and weak woman...

Although not as good as the other party, it is still an existence that scares them!!!

"how could it be possible..."

For a moment, everyone couldn't help but froze in place.

At the same time, the video in the void began to play slowly again

【The nebula's light shone slightly, and countless thick branches and vines in the void exuded terror and ominousness!】

【What is even more eye-catching is that there is endless terror in the scarlet】

【"laugh——!!!"The terrifying sonic boom echoed in the ears of everyone in the void!】

【Time seems to stand still, and the black hole in the starry sky seems to be slightly stagnant at this moment.】

【"So what exactly is the strength?~"】

【Finally, after an unknown amount of time, maybe one second, one minute, one hour, with the gentle voice falling, time flows again!】

【"Boom boom boom——!!!", there was no time to make any movement, feeling the deadly aura behind him, the countless scarlet cross eyes of the nine-pillar demon god pillar headed by Floros immediately shot behind him!】

【After all, in everyone's perception, the assassin should give the opponent a fatal blow secretly! It’s definitely not that I won’t choose a head-on confrontation!】


【next moment】

【The scene in front of them stunned everyone! Facing the countless destructive light beams, the girl's figure was always within ten steps of the opponent. The shadow and light of the knife flickered, and the poison tempered on the blade exuded a terrifying aura!】

【Facing the destructive light pillar, the girl just raised her hand and stopped in mid-air. The next moment, countless cold lights appeared in the void and collided with the destructive light pillar!】

【"laugh——!!!", the sound of cutting teeth echoed in everyone's ears!】

【Countless rays of destruction light blasted in the direction of the girl, but when everyone thought that the girl was about to lose her strength and came to help, the Demon God Pillar on the opposite side once again increased the intensity of its attack!】

【Because they can feel that the crisis has not been reduced by half, but it has made them feel more and more uneasy!!!】

【In the girl's chuckled expression, the girl gently clenched the dagger in her hand and pressed it down!】

【Suddenly, countless lights and shadows arrived in the void! Under this attack, the destructive light pillar was not blocked at all! Like scattered fireworks and foam, in an instant, the attack that could destroy the world disappeared under the girl's powerless attack!】

【But the girl's attack is not over yet!】

【Along with the girl's chuckle, all the cold light in the sky gathered! In an instant, the clouds and mist cleared away! The shadow of the knife of death actually enveloped the huge body of the demon!!!】

【die! Depressed! fear】

【Even though he knew that he would not die, there was still an unconcealable shock in the scarlet eyes of the cross!】

【The next moment, the sword shadow suddenly struck down!】

【"Boom boom boom——!!!"】

【"Damn that guy!!! Damn it, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!",】

【The roar of rage and pain echoed between heaven and earth!】

【Even though they were immortal and could regenerate their bodies, under the sword of this Eastern Heroic Spirit, they, as Demon God Pillars, felt unprecedented fear!! 】


5000 words today! The plot is fully unfolding~! Demon God, Jeanne d'Arc, Doctor -

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(Illustration in the lower right corner: Gudazi, Ma Xiu (housewife)~~)

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