"The Great Chamber of Commerce Alliance is about to collapse. Before the Kingdom intervenes in the search, we have recovered all the things that should be recovered."

"I found it in Danyue's room. Although the handwriting was illegible, it should be left for you."

"No, his sloppy handwriting is not because he is blind. That man was not good at literary work a long time ago, so important letters have always been completed by me."

"The Diavolo Order is the organization that instigated Danyue behind the scenes."

"Order?", the snow girl was startled.

"Those guys are good at exploiting other people's weaknesses, giving them tunnel vision, and luring them into darkness."

"We are fighting against him now, and of course he is too," Alpha said seriously

"John Smith, no, it’s Shadow." Shadow’s face instantly appeared in the snow girl’s mind.

"In fact, the April Chamber of Commerce is a shell company established by Shadow Garden, so all of this is 413’s plan, and everything is as he expected."

"Whether it’s counterfeit banknotes circulating or a credit crisis"

"This is all Shadow's plan, and this time, the credibility of the April Chamber of Commerce will reach its peak!"

"It turns out that Mr. Shadow had already expected such a development." Snow Girl was still a little unable to react, but when everything was sorted out, she instantly understood Alpha's intention.

"The April Chamber of Commerce is on the outside, and the Snow Fox Chamber of Commerce is on the inside. Is that what you mean?"

"So, please give me your advice in the future." Alpha extended his hand.

"Please enlighten me." The invisible war between women began.

At this time, Sid, as the main master, did not know all this.

He was still digging hard!

But (cjdc) was puzzling to him Yes, why, why didn’t you find anything?!

"I should have recovered the funds he paid me and then come to the end, but now..."

What's going on? Why can't I find the gold coins?

There was also an inexplicable loss of news from the Yuki Onna side, and even the April Chamber of Commerce was still standing....

Sid was digging for gold coins in silence.

"boss~~~", a naive-looking Delta rushed over with a shovel.

Sid stretched out his hand and said, let’s work together!

"After digging the cave, will the boss realize Delta's wish? The boss made an agreement with Delta before." Delta looked expectant.

"Did I say that?"


Sid was silent, it was true,"However, I never said I would fulfill all your wishes."

"said!" (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"No, the premise is that it must be within the scope of what I can do"

"The boss clearly said that he would realize all of Delta’s wishes."

"Delta, don't lie."

The two of them were digging and talking intensely.

"I never said that. If there was a tape recorder here, everyone would find out that Delta was lying."

"recorder?", Delta's tail was raised, expressing confusion.

"It is a weapon of shadow that will destroy the world as long as it is activated! Sid looked serious,"Delta, you don't want the world to be destroyed, right?" So we can't lie"

"Delta doesn't want the world to be destroyed, but the boss really said it," Delta retorted weakly.

But this did not make Sid soft-hearted. He continued to coax,"I know, then I will give in, I will do what I do. something to come"

"But, I'm not Santa Claus, so I can't grant all your wishes."

"Santa Claus?", Delta wondered.

"Well, he is the crimson devil who rules the world of shadows and commits heinous crimes! The guy is wearing a red outfit"

"He will betray people's wishes, give them despair, and finally dye his clothes red with their blood."

"Too much"[]

"Yes, it’s too much. I’ve been fooled by him before. It’s like this every year. My heart has been deeply hurt."

"So, what I want to say is, I am not Santa Claus and I cannot fulfill all your wishes."

"But Santa Claus won’t fulfill all people’s wishes because he betrayed the boss’s wishes."

"The boss will fulfill all of Delta's wishes, so Delta will not betray the boss"

"Eh? It feels like the chicken is talking to the duck."

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