Blood-red magic is flying, and a large amount of magic is shrouded above the entire Crimson Tower!


Everyone in the surrounding Shadow Courtyard was wailing in pain. Beta also felt something strange in her body at this time!

She looked around in disbelief. This is...At this time, everyone in the Shadow Courtyard showed signs of being possessed by demons!

Although they are like this to begin with, you must know that Lord Shadow has cured them long ago!

Although they couldn't believe it, the fact was right in front of them and they couldn't help but not believe it. This also meant that the bloodthirsty queen could control even the blood of demons!

The one who was most affected was Claire, who was wailing in pain, saying that she might turn into a monster in the next second!

And just when Beta was at a loss, Claire, who was originally struggling in pain, suddenly fell into silence.

But Claire had a dream, in which a mysterious woman told her that there were two kinds of blood in her body.

And these two kinds of blood are adapting to each other, one is the blood of the demon possessed person, and the other is the blood of the ancestor vampire!

Claire's face froze and she quickly asked what to do.

But the mysterious woman crossed her legs and said calmly

"No matter which of these two kinds of blood comes from, ordinary people will die, but you don’t need to worry, because your qualifications are enough to adapt to these two kinds of blood~"

Claire wanted to ask something else, but this mysterious woman thought of herself. He turned around and left, and a line appeared on Claire's arm.

"Take good control of this power."

As the words fell, the entire space began to fragment, and in reality, unreasonable magic power erupted from Claire's body. Then Claire

's body gradually grew in size, changed, and finally She has grown into a big sister with a broad mind!

"this...What's going on?!"Beta looked at this scene in shock.

Didn't the demon-possessed person turn into a monster? Why did he grow up?

Mary on the side also looked at Claire in confusion,"Are you Claire?"

As the smoke dissipated, the figure gradually became clear, and it turned out to be the witch of disaster, Aurora!

"Ah~ I have gained freedom after a long time~" Aurora stretched out comfortably.

Beta on the side was puzzled. After Aurora explained a few words, she looked at the Bloodthirsty Queen, facing the bloodthirsty Queen's sky. Blood arrow.

Aurora stretched out her hand calmly, and then waved it casually. In an instant, the bloody sword turned into petals - in terms of blood, she is the real ancestor!

Speaking of the bloodthirsty queen , Ability, isn't it copied from hers?

".~Pa——", Aurora snapped her fingers, and all the petals turned into blood swords again and flew backwards towards the bloodthirsty queen!

In just a moment, the bloodthirsty queen was beaten into a sieve!

But although this move really shocked everyone, it was only for a second. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Compared to the bloodthirsty queen at this time, Aurora is still a drop in the bucket.

The bloodthirsty queen who was torn apart only to recover again in an instant.

"She recovered too quickly, and this attack has no effect at all," Beta said.

"Well", of course Aurora (Wang Li Zhao) knows.

In the final analysis, the root cause of incompetence is not lack of strength. The next moment, magic power bursts out from Aurora's body!

The entire lawless city is shrouded in a magic barrier!

"Are you thinking...!", Beta was startled, feeling inexplicably familiar before her eyes!

The next moment, she remembered!

Isn't this the boss's unique trick?


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