That's right, Sid still lived up to her sister's expectations.

He ran away again, and when his sister found out, it was already too late.

At this time, Sid had slipped into the street alone, and after arriving here, he also felt the true value of the name Unable City.

As the name suggests, this place is lawless and extremely chaotic!

Sid was walking down the street, but as he walked, someone would accidentally bump into Sid.

The truth is that while Sid wasn't paying attention, he quietly took his wallet away.

But for Sid, as long as he thinks about it, the whole world is almost static in his eyes. How can such a little trick be hidden from him?

I saw the other party taking Sid's wallet away, and in an instant, Sid took the wallet back.

He even visited the other party’s wallet!

It didn't take long for Sid to figure out the secret to making a fortune.

"Sorry, bro"

"Come home quickly, young master"

"Thank you for your help~"

Just like that, when they arrived at Bangwang, Sid took a stack of wallets and passed by an alley while getting a sudden windfall. A violent incident was taking place here, and Sid walked in, but the next moment he He was also a little confused.

Because he actually saw that the victim was a ghoul!

Sure enough, the people here are very cruel.

Sid had no intention of meddling in other people's business. He recognized it as a vampire's subordinate at a glance. Without the slightest hesitation, just when he decided to turn around and leave, unexpectedly, there was a fluctuation of magic power in the sky. When

Sid looked up, the moon became redder - and at the same time, a mutation occurred in the alley.

Ghoul Changing from his previous passivity, he threw someone down like crazy and bit him.

If it was in the previous life, he would have been assimilated if he was bitten, right? But there is no such thing in this world.

Sid recalled the information given by his subordinates , but the next moment, Sid was stunned.

Because in just a moment, the other person also turned into a vampire!

"Because of...The reason for the red moon?", Sid looked at the sky and realized that tonight's change was precisely because of this red moon!

The magic power on the entire earth was activated. Did this also lead to contagious characteristics?

Sid sighed helplessly , if left alone, I am afraid that the entire lawless city will fall, so what should I do?

Should I run as fast as a passer-by, or choose to kill with force?

Looking at the vampire in front of him, Sid not only did not panic, Instead, he thought about how he should show off.

Should he make the stage bigger and strengthen these vampires?

But the next moment, a scarlet sword flashed by, and the unconscious vampire in front of him was directly chopped into pieces. At this time

, Sid stared blankly like a passerby, but the beautiful girl with beautiful red hair in front of him was a hero. The fiery red hair color floated past, and Sid was stunned.

Hmm...? Was he rescued? what should I do? Oh, yes 263 should ask like a passerby!

"you...who are you?!"

"Mary is a vampire hunter." Mary glanced at Sid coldly, and then said coldly,"If you don't want to die, just run away."

"The situation is starting to get out of control, the moon has turned red, and there is no time left."

Then Mary jumped up, her ethereal figure danced under the red moon, and left here gracefully! (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu novels Net!)

At this time, Sid looked at this figure that seemed to have endless strength, and his eyes could not stop being excited!


The red moon is approaching and the show begins!"

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