Wang Bing, who fell to the ground with a split, grabbed his two thighs and screamed. He wanted to close his legs, but it was extremely painful to move.

The younger brothers were dumbfounded and quickly ran up to put out the fire.

"Just be gentle, slowly, slowly……"

Li Xiaowai and Ma Gan combined Wang Bingcai's legs little by little. Wang Bingcai was in so much pain that he cursed them.

Tang Xin rolled to the ground while holding her stomach, and laughed without restraint.

Lin Xiaohan also felt unbearable and almost fell to the ground.

Isn't this person so funny? If you hit others and they don't fight back, you can still seriously injure yourself?

Teasing happens every year, but this year there are so many!

The two girls' unscrupulous ridicule made Wang Bingcai's calf pain even worse, and he almost burst into tears.

"This guy is so interesting, sister, why don't we scare him again?"

Tang Xin was tired of laughing, and rummaged around in her backpack. Finally, she took out a box, took out something, and screwed it onThe article was thrown to Wang Bingcai and the others.

Wang Bingcai rubbed his calf and felt just a little better, but he found something flying next to him.

He looked down and saw a small green snake with its eyes widened and its body twisting and jumping towards him.


"Snake, snake, snake, snake, snake!"

Wang Bingcai jumped three feet high, screaming and running in the direction of Lin Xiaohan and the others. As a result, he felt a sharp pain in his leg after running two steps, and he fell to the grass while dancing.

"Kill it, drive it away!"

Wang Bingcai, who was lying on the grass, ignored the pain on his nose and face and shouted to his younger brothers. The three younger brothers were also frightened. Li Xiaowai and Ma Gan were not as courageous as Wang Bingcai. Wherever they were going, Sa YaZi had already run away, and only Gao DaXiong was left, stomping on the"Green Snake" on the ground with a strong composure."

"Damn it, get out of here!"

Gao Daxiong stepped on the head of the"green snake", and then kicked the snake off the mountain. Then he came back panting and his legs were weak.

"Finally dead, finally dead."Wang Bing was relieved, and then he continued to moan while covering his face that hurt from the fall.

Lin Xiaohan and Tang Xin were so laughed that they rolled on the ground holding their stomachs, and the laughter like silver bells echoed throughout the top of the mountain.

After an afternoon of playing in the mountains, night fell.

Chen Luo got into his tent. His tent was very close to the tents of the two women. If something happened at night, he could react quickly.

The top of the mountain The night was very quiet, and as the middle of the night came, it would become very cold.

Chen Luo got into his sleeping bag, zipped it to the top, closed his eyes and fell asleep.

At the foot of the mountain, there was a burst of chaotic but slight footsteps.

"Brother Qin, I, I can't run anymore, should we take a break?"A deliberately suppressed voice sounded.

"Okay, let's take a rest, and then we can work together to take down Lin Xiaohan."A calm voice said.

Under the moonlight, the three people sat gently on the ground, breathing softly and resting.

The leader was stout, the other two were ordinary, and all three were wearing black night clothes.

"Have you rested enough? Let’s go!"

At this time, the temperature on the top of the mountain had dropped a lot. Chen Luo frowned in his sleep and shrank his head into his sleeping bag.

At this moment, his ears seemed to hear some unusual sounds.

He suppressed his sleepiness , Chen Luo reached out to unzip his sleeping bag, ready to go out and take a look.

Suddenly, there was a burst of heavy and fast footsteps. Chen Luo was shocked. These footsteps were not from Wang Bingcai and the others. Who was coming?!

Chen Luo was completely sleepless. He opened the zipper completely and poked his head out of the tent. Three figures got into the group of tents, roughly opened the tents, grabbed the people inside and threw them to the ground.

"Ah, who are you!"Wang Bing was just lifted out of the tent by someone and fell onto the cold grass. He couldn't help asking in horror.

"Shut up!"The man kicked Wang Bingcai on the butt. Wang Bingcai groaned and did not dare to speak.

Chen Luo saw a man walking quickly towards Lin Xiaohan's tent, and he felt anxious. However, his body was at this moment. It's in a sleeping bag, there's no way to jump out at once

"Brother Qin, found it!"The man opened the tent and shouted excitedly

"Damn it, these people came specially for Lin Xiaohan and the others, they are robbers!"Chen Luo slammed his fist on the ground and thought with some annoyance.

At this time, the other two people had quickly walked to Tang Xin and Lin Xiaohan, who was screaming. He was too late to save them.

Two robbers of ordinary size would The panicked two people locked up, and the strong man kicked the four Wang Bingcai together one by one. Then, he took out a pistol from his arms.

Chen Luo's pupils shrank, and the pistol was illuminated by the moonlight. , It's a real gun!

Chen Luo frowned and gave up the idea of ​​taking action.

If the opponent didn't have a gun, he could rush up and kill the three of them, but if he had a gun, it would be bad if he didn't use his real strength. Killing three people would expose his own strength at that time, and this would not work.

There were only four Wang Bing who were dragged out from his sleep, but they were frightened. Wang Bing stared at the cold and strong man in front of him, scared. My heart is going to stop

"Okay, good man, good man... don't kill me! I will give you whatever you want, I have money! Wang Bingcai shouted at the strong man. Next to him, Li Xiaowai and Ma Gan hugged each other. Gao Daxiong, who was strong and strong, also huddled on the ground like a quail, frightened.

The strong man Without speaking, Wang Bingcai thought the other party was waiting for him to get money, so he quickly went to find his wallet.

"Hey man, that's all the cash, I still have a card! Kari, Kari has money! Wang

Bing then took a stack of banknotes and a card in his hand. His hands were shaking like sifting through chaff, and handed them to the strong man.

The strong man growled impatiently:"Shut up, I'll say one more thing." If you say that, I will shoot and smash your anus!"

Wang Bingcai's hand shook like a twitch, and all the money and cards fell to the ground. His throat rolled with difficulty, his lips trembled, and his hands unconsciously reached to his butt, for fear of being erupted by the strong man in front of him..

Chen Luo stood up at this time, with a look of fear on his face, and said to the strong man:"Brother, why don't you arrest me, can you let them two go?

The strong man looked at Chen Luo who was standing in front of him and laughed mockingly:"Catch you?" What the hell do you have to let me catch you? Shut up and squat on the ground, or I'll smash your asshole in no time!"As he spoke, he raised the gun in his hand.

Chen Luo took two steps back in fear, then bravely stepped forward, gritted his teeth and said,"Brother, then... how about you kill me too? Let’s catch them together! Among the two of them, one is my girlfriend! If you take them away, I won't be able to live anymore."

"Ouch, he is still a man who values ​​love and justice."The strong man glanced at Chen Luo and felt that Chen Luo couldn't do anything with his thin arms and legs. If he could have an extra hostage, there wouldn't be anything bad, although it would be a little troublesome on the road.

"Dabao, the smoker, tied up this good man and took him away."

"Okay, Brother Qin! Boy

, put your hands behind your back... You're a bit stupid, but it's kind of interesting. Lin

Xiaohan watched Chen Luo being tied up and pushed in front of her. Her eyes couldn't help but moisten. Tang Xin had tears on her face:"Brother Bigfoot, you are stupid. I still expected you to go back and find someone to save me. It's over now." , woo woo woo……"

Then, the two robbers began to ask for instructions

"Brother Qin, what should we do with these people? Why don't you just do one thing and throw it off the top of the mountain?" asked a robber with a broken voice

"Lin Xiaohan has been caught, we can't let these people go, otherwise we will be in trouble!" Another Yan voice also said.

Wang Bingcai was secretly laughing at Chen Luo for being a fool. At this time, he was frightened to the point of peeing again. He didn't care about the danger of having his anus broken by a shot. He shouted in horror:"Hero, your Aren't they two targets? Then let us go! We are all bastards, Mao doesn’t understand, and we definitely don’t dare to say a word!"

Lin Xiaohan and Tang Xin, who were held captive by two men, were immediately furious.

"Wang Bingcai, you are a fucking bastard, not a man!"Tang Xin yelled at Wang Bingcai angrily. Wang Bingcai lowered his head with guilt, but he was more and more worried about his own safety.

"Insensitive, you fucking scumbag! Brother Qin, the boss of the robbers, became angry at Wang Bingcai and cursed:"Don't let these bastards go, take them with you!" Yanhou tied them up for me!"

The man with a smoky voice came over quickly and tied Wang Bingcai's hands with a thick hemp rope. Because he was unhappy with Wang Bingcai's character, he used so much force that Wang Bingcai cried in pain. Father calls mother.

The seven people were tied up and walked down the mountain under the scolding of the two robbers.

Chen Luo carefully observed the three robbers and found that except for the robber boss, Yan Sheng and Dabao had something like a waist around their waists. He also had his gun on his sleeve, and his brows couldn't help but frown again.

"Brother Bigfoot, I, I'm afraid."The carefree Tang Xin was completely frightened at this time. One moment she got into Lin Xiaohan's arms, and the next moment Lihua asked Chen Luo for help.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, they won't hurt you."

Chen Luo quickly comforted him in a low voice. Tang Xin seemed to trust Chen Luo very much. Hearing this, she hummed and her timidity was slightly reduced.

When they were halfway up the mountain, four men in black walked over not far away. Chen Luo's heart sank. , these four people were obviously letting loose at the foot of the mountain. In this case, the number of robbers has reached seven, and it is very likely that everyone has a gun. This is not going to be easy!

Chen Luo is by no means a person waiting to die. After the four people joined the team, he monitored them more closely, and he also used his brains to think of countermeasures.

"You must never openly resist the robbers, otherwise, even if you can avoid the robbers' bullets, Lin Xiaohan and the others will be in danger! It seems that we can only take one step at a time."

Chen Luo's eyes flickered and he walked calmly behind the two girls.

At this time, a group of fourteen people had already left the resort and walked up another hill.

Although this hill was not big, it was very steep. Not far away, there was a cliff!

The bumpy road was on the edge of the cliff. If you were not careful, you might slip down, which was extremely dangerous! There was a cliff on one side of the path, and a steep mountain wall on this side. Chen Luo looked at the mountain wall Occasionally protruding rocks make your eyes light up slightly

"Ah, cliff, I, I won’t leave!"Tang Xin was frightened when she saw the cliff and the narrow road. She squatted on the ground and cried and refused to leave.

Several robbers immediately scolded her, but they could not persuade Tang Xin and they were not easy to treat Tang Xin. Xin took action and was very angry for a moment.

Chen Luo was shocked, this stupid girl, what kind of petty behavior is she playing at this time? Do you think these robbers are good people?

"Xiaoxin, listen to Bigfoot, stand up and keep walking."

Chen Luo walked to Tang Xin and whispered.

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