Let him touch it twice?

Lin Xiaohan froze on the spot, her eyes filled with disbelief, and then she became furious, and her teeth trembled with anger.

She, Lin Xiaohan, grew up in fine clothes and fine food, surrounded by stars, and no one around her spoke to her in a focused tone, let alone such rude and disrespectful words. Even when she left home and was in school, the same thing happened!

Lin Xiaohan felt that if she didn't deal with the guy in front of her, she would not be well.

Without thinking much, an angry Lin Xiaohan cursed:"Crazy!" Then he stepped forward and kicked him.

Lin Xiaohan kicked the big man directly in the crotch. Then she felt that the position of her kick was wrong, and she stepped back with a slight blush on her face.

The big man squatted down holding his crotch, his eyes widened, and he looked at Lin Xiaohan angrily:"You little bitch, I let you touch me, not kick you! You are looking for death, don't blame me. You can destroy the flowers with your own hands!" He hunched over and rushed to Lin Xiaohan quickly, stretched out a hand, and slapped Lin Xiaohan down!

There was only fear in Lin Xiaohan's eyes at this time. She rushed up and kicked the big man just now, but that was just her act of anger.

Tang Xin also panicked and shouted:"Don't bully the eldest sister!"

Unfortunately, Tang Xin's voice was really weak, and she was two or three meters away from Lin Xiaohan, so she couldn't rush to help at this time..

It’s broken. Is the eldest sister going to be beaten on the head? Tang Xin couldn't help but cover her mouth.

The big man's thick arm suddenly swung down, and when she saw that the slap like a cattail fan was about to fall on Lin Xiaohan's face, she even felt a strong wind blowing in her face.

It's over, it's over, if you don't do what's right, you'll be beaten into a pig's head today! By the way, will it be disfigured?

Lin Xiaohan was about to cry, but she secretly swore in her heart:"Next time I won't be such a good guy again. This is so thankless!"

At this moment, a hand reached out from the side and grabbed the big man's wrist.

That hand was not strong and seemed to have no strength, but it firmly controlled the big man's wrist, holding it in the air and unable to move it!

Chen Luo stood quietly in front of the big man, with a pair of calm eyes filled with dissatisfaction.

There was a sharp pain in the big man's wrist, and he struggled desperately. Unfortunately, the strength of the young man in front of him was terrifying. With his own strength, he couldn't break free at all! On the contrary, the more I struggled, the stronger this boy grabbed my wrist!

Cold sweat fell from the big man's forehead. The big man gritted his teeth and shouted:"Boy, this matter has nothing to do with you. Don't look for trouble!"

Chen Luo curled his lips:"It seems that your eyesight is really not good, street vendor." It doesn’t matter if the clothes costing dozens of dollars a piece can be regarded as Armani. If you don’t know, I understand you. But didn’t you see that she and I were sitting at the same table to eat? This matter has something to do with her, and naturally it has to do with me. It's relevant, don't you think?"

Chen Luo's hands were like pliers, and the big man almost shed tears. Originally, he was so painful that he couldn't stand up straight after being kicked in the crotch by Lin Xiaohan. Now his waist The bow was harder, like a shrimp.

The big man can't listen to Chen Luo's nonsense. He just wants to break free from Chen Luo's hand and kick the bastard in front of him.

"Boy, I don’t care who you are or how powerful you are! If you don’t kill me today, the next time we meet, you will die!"The big man yelled madly, his voice was ridiculously loud, and everyone in the noodle shop was frightened.

"Chen Luo, beat him!"

Lin Xiaohan, who had escaped the disaster, couldn't stand the arrogance of the big man anymore. She couldn't help but clenched her fists and said angrily.

"Brother Bigfoot, kick him in the crotch with your big foot and make him unable to straighten his back for the rest of his life!"

Tang Xin, who had a false alarm, also clenched her fists to cheer Chen Luo.

Chen Luo's face darkened, kicked him in the crotch? And kicked him?...

If he really wanted to do this, with his own strength, this stupid bear in front of him could directly They were already sent to the crematorium, so why should they talk about straightening up?

Chen Luo didn't have time to talk to the big man, so he decided to get rid of the fly quickly, saying that he was also hungry.

Chen Luo grabbed the big man's wrist and used his backhand. He slapped the big man in the face.

The big man kept exerting force, but in front of Chen Luo's strength, his little strength was even more powerless and ridiculous than that of a baby, so he could only watch his big slap like a cattail leaf fan coming towards him. Pull yourself hard

"Snapped!"A huge crisp sound resounded in the noodle shop.

Chen Luo let go of the big man's hand in time, and the big man slapped himself hard on the face, causing him to stagger and stagger back. Two steps later, he fell to the ground!

Did he whip himself to the ground? Everyone immediately became happy, and a burst of laughter came from the noodle shop.

Chen Luo laughed:"Mr. Stupid Bear, why are you whipping yourself when you have nothing to do?" Yeah, you are still using so much strength, can you exercise your body like this?"

Tang Xin couldn't bear it any longer. She grabbed Chen Luo's arm and laughed loudly. The flowers were trembling. The laughter was as arrogant as possible.

The big man's face turned the color of pig liver, and he was shaking. He stood up and suddenly took out a switchblade from his pocket. After ejecting the blade, he fiercely rushed towards Chen Luo.

"Little bastard, I will kill you today!"

Tang Xin, who was laughing unbridled, was stunned. Lin Xiaohan, whose beauty turned pale, screamed, grabbed Tang Xin and stepped back.

The big man had just rushed to Chen Luo, but Chen Luo moved quickly and went around behind the big man.

Chen Luo took a step forward and suddenly kicked the big man on the butt.


With a muffled sound, the big man's bear-like body rushed directly to the door, flying a full six or seven meters. Then he fell to the door of the noodle shop like a dog. Everyone even heard the crisp sound of teeth breaking.

Chen Luo's tone There was a hint of warning in it:"Get out now, get out now!"

The big man covered his mouth full of blood and got up from the ground in humiliation. Without saying anything, he staggered out of Chen Luo's sight.

In the noodle shop, after a brief silence, Tang Xin's admiring voice rang out:"Wow, Brother Bigfoot, you have such handsome big feet. With such a big body, you can fly away anytime you want!""

Chen Luo touched his chin:"It's just a fluke, haha, it's because the guy didn't stand firm.……"

Lin Xiaohan sat in her seat in shock, looking at Chen Luo with a complicated expression, not knowing what she was thinking.

Ye Ning quickly tidied up the messy tables and chairs in the noodle shop so as not to affect the business, and then walked towards Chen Luo's table.

"This classmate, I really thanked you just now. I don’t know how to thank you!"

Ye Ning said to Chen Luo with a grateful face. She also cast a grateful look at Lin Xiaohan. There were so many people present, but only this girl stood up first. Ye Ning really admired Ye Xiaohan.

"It's okay, it's okay, classmate Ye Ning." Lin Xiaohan waved her hands quickly, feeling a little embarrassed herself. After all, although she stood up, she didn't do anything to help.

Ye Ning was a little shocked:"You know me?……"

Tang Xin immediately interjected:"Who doesn't know you, a beauty, right, Brother Bigfoot? Classmate Ye Ning, this Chen Luo, just transferred to our school today, but he is paying great attention to you."

Chen Luo's face turned pale. Damn, how did you find out?

Ye Ning opened her mouth slightly and glanced at Chen Luo quickly.

Chen Luo felt uncomfortable when he saw Ye Ning's eyes, and said quickly:"Ye Ning, don't say anything else, let us eat quickly, my stomach is growling!"

Ye Ning snorted and recovered. With that capable and neat look on his face, he quickly walked towards the kitchen window.

Tang Xin was someone who couldn't take a moment to rest. At this time, she poked Lin Xiaohan and whispered:"Sister, they are all looking at you!"

Lin Xiaohan raised her head and glanced at the boys sitting around, who seemed to be frightened. Like a rabbit, he quickly looked away, not daring to look at Lin Xiaohan.

Lin Xiaohan gritted her teeth and said to Tang Xin:"Don't worry about them, they are a bunch of cowards!"

Her voice was not too quiet, and almost everyone in the noodle shop heard it. Everyone's heads dropped immediately, feeling ashamed.

Tang Xin stuck out her tongue:"I think Brother Bigfoot is still reliable! Sister, from now on Xiaoxin will no longer be afraid of being bullied!"

Ye Ning put the three people's food on the table and said with a faint smile:"This meal The meal is my treat. Thank you for your help today!"

Lin Xiaohan didn't say a word for some reason. Chen Luo smiled and said:"Don't be polite to her, she has a lot of money!"

"Oh well."Ye Ning did not insist. She glanced at Chen Luo briefly and continued to work. As soon as Ye Ning left, Lin Xiaohan became angry. She kicked Chen Luo hard under the table and said dissatisfied:"Chen Luo, I You haven't spoken yet, how can you make up your mind for me? Who said I have money? I am very poor!"

Tang Xin said quickly:"Yes, yes, my eldest sister's living expenses this month are only a meager two thousand, we have to save!"

Lin Xiaohan's face turned red, while Chen Luo rolled his eyes. More than two thousand is more than the salary of a worker. How can this be less?

Lin Xiaohan gritted her teeth, pinched Tang Xin's face, and scolded in a sweet voice:"You This pig teammate will die if he doesn’t speak!"

As he spoke, he picked up a chopstick of shredded fish-flavored pork and stuffed it into Tang Xin's mouth, who opened her mouth and cried out in pain. Tang Xin puffed out her cheeks and chewed the vegetables, looked at Lin Xiaohan aggrievedly, and did not dare to open her mouth.

The two girls were in the room. There were some vegetables in each bowl, and the rest belonged to Chen Luo.

I spent a little energy today, and it seems that the beautiful employer still noticed it!

Chen Luo smiled slightly, and started to sweep away like a wind and a lingering cloud.

Tang Xin couldn't control her mouth again:"Sister, this is a real man, look at those guys, they eat like a girl!"

Lin Xiaohan:"……"

Chen Luo touched his bulging belly and followed the two women out of the noodle shop. On the other side, Wang Bingcai and others were sitting in a barbecue restaurant, devouring the food in front of them.

They had already taken a shower and changed clothes, and they no longer looked as embarrassed as before.

"Brother Cai, don’t we have plans tomorrow so we won’t go to class? Gao

Daxiong asked Wang Bingcai in a sullen voice, finishing a bunch of barbecue in one bite.

Wang Bingcai said with a dark face:"Go, why don't you go?" I'm not in a hurry to find my brother. Isn't this idiot Kang Shuai very arrogant? Doesn't he dare to laugh at me? I'll see what the hell he can get from that Chen Luo tomorrow!"

Although Wang Bingcai has shortcomings, he still has some good eyesight. After the smelly ditch incident, although he hated Chen Luo and gritted his teeth, he also knew that Chen Luo's skills were not fake. He was very powerful.

"Yes, yes, let this bastard also fall into trouble!"

Li Xiaowai immediately agreed. He had been bullied by Kang Shuai before, and he wanted to see this guy defeated.

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