Wang Bing clenched his fists and stood alone, facing Chen Luo who looked very thin, with a sneer on his lips.

When the younger brothers saw that Wang Bingcai was going to challenge Chen Luo to a duel, they were shocked and began to pat their horses one by one.

Gao Daxiong shouted:"You're in trouble when you meet Brother Cai. Have you seen his well-developed biceps? I can't even go three rounds in front of Brother Cai!"

Li Xiaowai has a crooked mouth. At this time, He said contemptuously:"When Brother Cai was wandering around on the road, you didn't know where you were playing in the mud. If you didn't kneel on the ground and beg for mercy just now, why don't you wait to be beaten to shit!""

"This kid has never seen the mighty scene of Brother Cai challenging a group of people alone. He is really pitiful. Lin

Xiaohan was slightly startled. Although Wang Bingcai was considered a tyrant in the school, he was not as powerful as these people boasted. These guys had no moral integrity.

Tang Xin clapped her hands and shouted:"Come on, Chen Luo, come on Chen Luo!" If you want to be with your eldest sister, you must be very powerful!"

Lin Xiaohan staggered when he heard this, and was worried about what Xiaoxin was talking about. Who wants to be with this guy? Moreover,"very powerful" is too ambiguous. People who don't know thought that something was going to happen between the two of them. What about unhealthy things?

Wang Bing almost lost his temper when he heard this. It’s not enough for this grandson to have an appointment with two girls for dinner. He still wants to be with Lin Xiaohan? My uncle can bear it, but my aunt can’t bear it anymore!

I am satisfied with the younger brothers. Wang Bingcai, who was performing, approached Chen Luo with a sneer. He was wondering whether to give Chen Luo a flying kick in the heart, or to scare him with a mouthful of words first.

His feet stood on tiptoe on the ground nimbly. , his body was swaying back and forth, his posture was wide open, his arms deliberately exposed the muscles he had worked hard on for a long time, and with that arrogant look, let alone, he really looked like he could fight.

Gao Daxiong looked at Chen Luo indifferently With such a look on his face, he suddenly felt that Chen Luo was frightened, and couldn't help but smile at Li Xiaowai:"Xiaowai, look at this guy's dull look on his face, isn't he scared out of his mind?"

Li Xiaowai also laughed loudly, and a group of younger brothers laughed unscrupulously.

Tang Xin added fuel to the fire and shouted:"Chen Luo, you have to speed up, our time is also precious, we must take the time to rest soon. It’ll be a while! Wang

Bingcai had enough to show off at this time and thought to himself:"Speed ​​up the speed, I will have him go to the hospital in a few minutes.""

He decided to kick Chen Luo's heart with his big foot, which would be more handsome and relieve his hatred.

When he said it, Wang Bing suddenly accelerated his speed, leaped in the air and kicked Chen Luo suddenly. The momentum was as dynamic as The Tuotu looked like a tiger going down the mountain, looking very fierce.

Chen Luo was not a good old man who would just let others bully him. He had long been angry with these inexplicable people.

He had no intention of hiding at all, and turned around very quickly. A flying leg suddenly swept out, and kicked Wang Bing's chest as fast as lightning as he was flying in the air.


Wang Bingcai, who was holding his breath in mid-air, was kicked out by Chen Luo. He flew out like a cannonball, raised a beautiful parabola, and hit the stinking ditch next to him..

A piece of stinky water splashed out and hit all the boys on their faces and bodies. Wang Bing in the ditch swallowed several mouthfuls of stinky water. He felt painful, angry and smelly, and almost cried. The boys were dumbfounded, and those who were watching the battle on the side were stunned. Lin Xiaohan and Tang Xin were also stunned. The popcorn in Tang Xin's mouth fell to the ground, and her big eyes were wide open.

"Just give me two minutes. I'll deal with these flies and then I'll follow you."Chen Luo smiled at Tang Xin and casually raised his fingers to a group of people:"Come on, come on."

The boss has been kicked into the stinky ditch. If Chen Luo didn't need to provoke everyone, they would definitely rush forward, not to mention that Chen Luo looked like he didn't want to be beaten.

Li Xiaowai took the lead and rushed forward with a roar.

He learned what he had learned before Wang Bingcai learned a lesson from being kicked away. He felt that the posture was too pretentious and flashy, and Chen Luo's legs seemed to be longer than Brother Cai's. Otherwise, why would Brother Cai's leg be the first to kick, but Chen Luo kicked Brother Cai first?

So , He turned sideways from all the way and imitated Wang Bingcai's example and kicked Chen Luo. Moreover, he still had his legs off the ground and jumped low. The difficulty of this move was obviously too much for Wang Bingcai. Chen

Luo Luo retracted his legs and stood still, using this leg as the axis, the other leg rotated along with his body, and suddenly kicked Li Xiaowai's calf, which was flying at low altitude.


Li Xiaowai's calf was lifted up into the sky by Chen Luo, and he was even worse than Wang Bingcai.

At least Wang Bingcai kept a handsome posture and smashed into the ditch, but he turned clockwise like a clock, It flew around while spinning, and finally hit the ditch with a pop.

Speaking of the ditch, Wang Bing reluctantly stood up with a look of sadness on his face. He was about to climb out of the ditch, but was knocked out by someone far away. Li Xiaowai, who had come from far away, sat on his head, and the two of them fell into the ditch again. The boys were shocked by Chen Luo's move, but there was no way, they had to go now.

They hoped Relying on the large number of people, Chen Luo can be pinned to the ground, so everything is simple.

Unfortunately, their fighting ability is really limited. Chen Luo stood there without moving. He took one foot back and moved the other foot. Immediately spin on the spot and then kick







The younger brothers who rushed towards me ferociously. One by one they flew up and aimed directly at the stinking ditch. A pool of stagnant water in the stinking ditch has completely ushered in its spring today, splashing everywhere happily. I want to ask the most depressed person present. Who it was, it must be Wang Bingcai.

He just raised his head from the smelly ditch and stood up. Immediately, a younger brother flew over and smashed him into the ditch again. As soon as he stood up, another younger brother flew over. In this cycle, Wang The soldiers were about to collapse.

Gao Daxiong was the last one to rush forward. As strong as he was, he still did not avoid the tragic result of being kicked away.

Watching Gao Daxiong, who weighed more than 80 kilograms, fly towards the smelly ditch, at this moment Wang Bingcai I have the heart to die

"Damn, it doesn’t matter if someone else flies over. Gao Daxiong, don’t fucking hit me, otherwise it won’t be you who will die!"

Fortunately, Gao Daxiong did not hit Wang Bingcai this time, but hit him next to Wang Bingcai. Hearing the loud noise caused by the weight of nearly two hundred kilograms, Wang Bingcai breathed a sigh of relief. He climbed onto the shore with his hands and feet.

There was no one in front of Chen Luo anymore, and all the younger brothers had fallen into the ditch at this moment.

So as soon as Wang Bing stood up, he met Chen Luo alone.

Chen Luo frowned Wrinkled, the leg that had just been retracted moved, and Wang Bingcai almost shed tears.

"No, don't kick me, I'll jump on my own!"

Wang Bingcai closed his eyes in humiliation, turned around and jumped into the stinking ditch.


The sound of splashing water echoed in everyone's ears for a long time. The younger brothers who were about to stand up were frightened. How could they dare? After getting up, he could only cry and lie down in the ditch. The scene was too beautiful to look at.

Chen Luo laughed, the young man was quite conscious!

He clapped his hands and walked towards Lin Xiaohan and Tang Xin, who had dull faces:"One day Minutes and forty seconds, luckily I lived up to my command and didn't waste your time, right?

Tang Xin swallowed her saliva and stuck out her tongue:"No... no!""

After finishing the work, Chen Luo ignored the group of guys.

With the two women who had not yet reacted

, the three of them walked towards a nearby food street.

"Big sister, Chen Luo is so awesome, I feel a strong sense of security! Otherwise, just keep him!"

Tang Xin came close to Lin Xiaohan's ear and whispered advice.

Lin Xiaohan's eyes widened and she thought:"How is this possible!"

"Xiaoxin, you have to stand your ground! This guy just won a fight, what's so great about it!"Lin Xiaohan turned around and glared at Chen Luo fiercely, then stretched out her hand to pinch Tang Xin's face.

"You guy who is not firm in your revolutionary stance, show me your face!"

"oops! Sister, please forgive me, Xiaoxin doesn’t dare!"Tang Xin quickly begged for mercy and covered her face to avoid Lin Xiaohan's clutches.

The three of them walked and watched, and finally stopped in front of a"Ye's Noodle House" and walked in to find an empty table.

But Chen Luo felt The strange thing is that although this is the peak period of the food street, there are not so many people in the surrounding stores with better decoration and larger area. Why is this small store almost full? The food is particularly good. The reason for eating?

The two girls gathered in front of the menu and finally ordered three plates of stir-fried dishes. Tang Xin handed the menu to Chen Luo and said with a smile:"Brother Bigfoot, you are so good today, you can also order two." A dish!"


Chen Luo touched his nose. This nickname is not very nice, but it is a good thing to have a nickname. It proves that the distance between you and your employer has been shortened, which will make it easier to work in the future. The noodle shop not only sells noodles, but also orders them at noon. There are a lot of stir-fried vegetables and rice bowls, and some people order casseroles and dumplings. In short, there is everything to eat.

Chen Luo looked at the menu and was surprised. The menus in other restaurants are printed in various fonts. This one is great, it was handwritten and then framed!

The handwriting is very beautiful, delicate yet sharp. Chen Luo can tell that it should be a girl's handwriting, and he can't help but become more and more curious about this small shop.

Three People were eating in a noodle shop, and Wang Bing couldn't remember how many times he stood up at the stinky ditch. Fortunately, no one came to hit him again this time, and he was able to climb up the stinking ditch safely, with a sad face. Standing on the ground, he looked like he was about to cry without tears. Damn it, my whole body was drenched in smelly water, how could I see anyone?

Seeing the elder brother getting up, the younger brothers quickly got up one by one. Standing behind Wang Bingcai with an unhappy look on his face, holding his clothes and fanning the stench, he yelled curses at Chen Luo

"Brother Cai, what should we do? Are we just going to let that bastard Chen Luo go?"Among all the people, Li Xiaowai was kicked more severely. At this time, tears were hanging in his eyes. He asked Wang Bingcai unwillingly.

"Let it go? I'll give it a damn! Wang Bingcai was so angry that he gritted his teeth and shouted:"If I can't kill him this time, how can I still hang out in school in the future?""

The boys are deeply aware of this. This time everyone was beaten badly. Fortunately, there is no one here in the remote place.

Wang Bingcai didn't think so. Just now, there was no one. Lin Xiaohan and Tang Xin were the ones who could watch the battle! When I thought of it, Here, he felt a pain in his balls. If he could, he would rather the two women were not here today. It would be damn fine if he had a hundred classmates watching the game.

In short, he was very embarrassed this time, and he was in Lin Xiaohan's heart. Will the glorious image disappear all of a sudden?

The more Wang Bingcai thought about it, the angrier he became. He suddenly clapped his hands and said viciously:"It seems that I have no choice but to find my eldest brother Wang Dongcai! When the younger brothers heard this

, they laughed and flattered him:"Yes, the eldest brother is a member of society, how can his methods be comparable to that of such a brat!""

"That's right, that little bastard Chen Luo is dead!"The rest of the boys responded one after another.

A group of five people left the smelly ditch and secretly prepared to leave this place.

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