Thinking of this, Chen Luo also frowned and looked at this teleportation formation carefully, trying to find out the secret of this teleportation formation.

"Swish, swish, swish!"At this moment, the four wooden swords suspended in the air also moved. They turned into four ropes and wrapped around Chen Luo, trying to tie up Chen Luo.

"snort!"Seeing these ropes, Chen Luo also snorted coldly, and the aura on his body was released instantly, sending the four ropes flying. At the same time, the four ropes also fell to the ground and drew a line on the ground. Four long traces.

However, the power of these four ropes is also very terrifying. It can actually be compared with the space teleportation formation. Moreover, Chen Luo also felt the specialness of these four ropes. If these four ropes can be If they are refined into spiritual weapons, the attack power of these four ropes will be doubled.

However, it is obvious that these four ropes have not been successfully refined. Otherwise, the power of these four ropes will also reach a level of Quite terrifying, noEven if these four ropes failed.

However, Chen Luo's strength has still been greatly improved. Chen Luo's speed also surged a few points at this time. In the blink of an eye, he disappeared next to the teleportation formation and fled into the distance.

After Chen Luo left the teleportation formation, the four great elders of the White Tiger clan also chased after him. However, the four great elders of the White Tiger clan were faster than Chen Luo.

However, their strength is only one level higher than Chen Luo after all, so Chen Luo's speed is still much faster than these four people, and he leaves these four people behind in the blink of an eye.

However, although these four great elders of the White Tiger clan lost track of Chen Luo, they did not give up. They followed Chen Luo closely, tracking Chen Luo all the way until Chen Luo's figure completely disappeared.

The four elders of the White Tiger clan stopped and looked at the direction Chen Luo was leaving. Their eyes were full of murderous intent, and there was also a trace of cold murderous intent in their eyes..

These four great elders of the White Tiger Clan did not expect that Chen Luo could slip away from their hands so easily. This was simply a shame for them. If Chen Luo was not killed, they, the White Tiger Clan, would be in trouble in the future. Some people will also question the position of the elder.

And they didn't expect that the White Tiger clan would actually send a rookie like Chen Luo to this trial place. If they knew that Chen Luo had such ability, they would never let Chen Luo enter this place alone. Instead of coming inside, he asked the other three members of his tribe to come inside together.

In this case, if Chen Luo wanted to survive, they could discover him in time and rescue him. However, now, they were already too late, and Chen Luo had already escaped their sight.

This time, no matter how hard we try to search, it is of no use. It can only be a waste of everyone's precious time. Naturally, the people of the White Tiger Clan are not willing to do such a waste of time.

Although the four elders of the White Tiger clan did not find Chen Luo, they also searched nearby, not letting go of any clues, hoping to find out Chen Luo's whereabouts, find Chen Luo, and catch Chen Luo , and then tortured him severely, tearing Chen Luo's body apart, and then pulled out his soul, making him immortal forever.

Chen Luo didn't know the plans of these people. At this moment, Chen Luo was running his star body with all his strength, frantically devouring the essence energy contained in the void stone, making his strength become more and more powerful day by day.

Unconsciously, several years have passed, and during this period, no one knows how many people died under the minions of the Void Beast, and Chen Luo was also sneak attacked by the Void Beast. Although There was no injury, but Chen Luo also suffered some trauma.

However, because the void beasts could not get close to Chen Luo, Chen Luo easily avoided the attacks of those void beasts.

During this period of time, Chen Luo had already completed the cultivation of the ninth level of his star divine body, and was only left with the last step to advance to the eighth level, which is the legendary second level.

Moreover, because of the help of the void beast, Chen Luo's void beast's strength has also been greatly improved. Now, even if he encounters a strong man in the sixth realm, he is not afraid, because Chen Luo has Enough confidence and confidence to defeat him.

Although Chen Luo's strength has been greatly improved with the help of the Void Beast, he does not dare to take it lightly.

Because he is still very aware of the terror of the void beast. If he does not have the help of the void beast, he will never be able to resist the void beast with his strength alone, so he cherishes it even more. This opportunity

"call......Finally, he successfully cultivated the eighth-level star god body. However, this star god body is indeed worthy of the seventh-level martial arts, and its power is indeed extraordinary."Chen Luo exhaled deeply, with a satisfied smile on his face.


At this moment, a huge explosion suddenly sounded beside Chen Luo, and immediately after, balls of flames emerged from the void, illuminating the entire void extremely red.


When Chen Luo heard the explosion, the expression on his face suddenly changed slightly. Then, Chen Luo looked towards the flame.

"Are these people attacking?"Chen Luo glanced around and discovered that there were dozens of flames rising around them, wrapping them in them, and constantly attacking them, hoping to cause them serious damage.

"Who are they? Come out! Now that you are here, why hide your head and tail? If you have the ability, come out and fight!"

Chen Luo clenched his hands into fists, and then punched the ground. Suddenly, the entire ground collapsed. Then, Chen Luo's voice also sounded at this moment.


As soon as Chen Luo's voice fell, the dozens of flaming void beasts roared angrily, their bodies flashed quickly, emerged from the void, and landed in front of Chen Luo. Moreover, the size of these void beasts They are also getting bigger and bigger. Each void beast is a hundred meters tall, and its body is extremely dark, like an iron tower. It looks extremely fierce.

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