At this time, he and the pheasant ran to the aisle with the children.

Yemmer and Tol Taylor trade at the door.

I took out the phone bug. The phone worm occurs during a conversation between Long Xiaoqing and the island helper.

Based on the phone call, Tottel determined that the Lonely City Road Gang was on the island.

"This is inconspicuous evidence, let's do a spot check. Gao Taylor said coldly.

Of course, Ye Mo didn't let him in easily. "This is my place. I need consent to enter this country. "

"And when Ye Motian comes, I will definitely refuse. "

In fact, Ye Mo didn't really know. He knew there were invaders on the island, but he didn't know who they were.

Gao Taylor, of course, didn't believe Jermo's words. "When you were 25 on Chambord Island, you fought side by side with Ye Motian, the lord of the lonely city, and received help in the war. You ran after Ye Motian. Believe it or not. But it could be mine. It's personal...... Territory, I won't let you go in and search it. "

So far, negotiations between the two countries have reached a freezing point.

Suddenly, there was a loud bang inside the Vega Punk Academy.

Mo and Tottel were stunned. Looking inside, I saw countless giant babies running hand in hand.

The two men ran first.

By default, these two are recognizable.

Chaos monsters dragons and pheasants.

Why are they here?

At this time, Lord Toad and Dragon Thunder also arrived.

When they saw the light on the door, everyone cheered.

"Wow, I ran away"

"Wow, that's great, I've finally escaped from this prison. "

"Now that we're cured, I'm back to see my mom and dad. "

In fact, according to the research of Long Xiaoqing and the pheasant, they knew that the children had been kidnapped.

Parents don't know their children have been taken away.

I don't know who did this evil thing behind the scenes.

At the gate, everyone was excited.

The pheasant also said excitedly to everyone. As soon as you get to the door, you can go out. "

The children cheered.

As a result, a group of people came to the door and saw Yemen and Tol Taylor.

A naval regiment is like a Yemeni bandit.

Isn't this Yemen?"

"That's not good, the Navy is coming. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"It's my uncle who smokes. "

"Damn, how did Gao Taylor end up here?"

Chaos monsters, everyone is full of praise.

This road seems to go nowhere. "Let's go back and change lanes, there should be other exits. Long Xiaoqing said at this time. It's the same as everyone else.

Everyone agreed and nodded.

This path is absolutely impossible, because the Navy is here. We recommend that you change your path as soon as possible.

When fighting with naval gangs.

Don't say you can win, these kids will get hurt.

We have established that the minibus has started to guide the children to find other exits.

"Is the Navy bad?"

At this time, the child asked.

"We are not forever. "If he thinks he's safe, you can go to them. "320

"I'm not going. They look like villains. "

Hearing this conversation, Gao Taylor and other naval people were also very difficult to speak.

They're weird too, but I don't know how they feel.

"Nope. Who is this?" What does emptiness mean? These four people are clearly members of the Chaos Monsters. You said you didn't really see it," Gao Taylor told Yemer.

There's nothing you can do. "What if I say, do you really know if you believe it or not?"

At this point, Gartel's men could no longer hold back.

"Boss, let's chase it. "They ran. "

"yes, boss, it's going to be late if I don't go out now. "

With that, a group of naval soldiers took out their swords. I must catch one of the members of the Chaos Monsters.

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