Hearing that the students around him were laughing at him, Cha Dou suddenly became angry and immediately turned around and cursed,"Who doesn't have eyesight?"

As a result, he saw Lanz sneering, and he was suddenly startled as if on conditioned reflex.

He still clearly remembered that this guy was the one who beat him yesterday, and he was ruthless.

It has already cast a shadow on him.

But he quickly came to his senses and asked sternly:"Did you throw the dinner plate?"

"Yes, it’s your grandfather and me!"

Faced with Tea Dolphin's question, Lanz mocked with a joking face. Seeing Lanz's arrogant look, and thinking of the humiliation he suffered yesterday, Tea Dolphin suddenly became angry. He had just been arrested by

"690" yesterday They made a sneak attack, and today they dared to put a food plate on my head.

As a talented student with the highest grades in the school, how has he ever received such an insult?

"Very good, you guys still dare to appear in front of me, then let’s settle yesterday’s accounts today!."

The tea dolphin had a gloomy face, and then a powerful aura erupted from his body.

He felt that yesterday it was Lanz and the others who attacked him from behind, and he was the only one who lost.

Otherwise, how could a few brats defeat him?

He was so hurt. Almost the whole day was spent in the infirmary.

At that time, he thought that when he came out, he would take revenge on these bastards.

It was precisely because Cha Dou stayed in the infirmary all day yesterday. , just came out of the infirmary.

So he didn't know about Lanz and the others beating the instructor.

If he knew a little bit of information, I wonder if he would be so brave.

Cha Dou found that he had already exploded with momentum. Lanz, who was opposite him, still looked indifferent.

This made him feel that he had been underestimated. He couldn't bear it anymore and shouted loudly:"I will let you know the consequences of offending me!"

Then he kicked off his feet and rushed towards Lanz quickly. He raised his right hand and clenched his fist, and hit Lanz's head.

In his eyes, Lanz seemed to be frightened by his attack. He didn't dodge or evade.

He suddenly sneered in his heart, and felt that Lanz and the others were really gangsters who couldn't stand up to the stage. As long as there was no chance of a sneak attack, they were so frightened that they couldn't even move.

But it was obvious that he was overthinking. His fist was about to hit Lanz's face.

Lanz finally moved!

He raised his right hand casually and quickly, and unexpectedly caught the tea dolphin's wrist.

Lanz downplayed the dolphin's angry blow. like broken


The guy he thought was a good-for-nothing gangster actually caught his powerful blow head-on.

Cha Dou's face was full of astonishment, and he couldn't accept the fact before him.

"How is it possible, how do you have such strong power? I don't believe it!"

The angry tea dolphin burst out with all his strength and tried to break free of his fist from Lanz's hand.

However, he found that he had used all his strength, but there was no way to break free.

The tea dolphin's mentality suddenly collapsed, and he couldn't help but howl:"impossible......This guy is just a follower of that good-for-nothing Moser, how can he be my opponent? impossible!"

"whispering sound!"

Looking at the nearly collapsed tea dolphin, Lanz sneered with disdain.

Then he kicked the unresponsive tea dolphin away.

"ah!"(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The tea dolphin let out a scream and flew out like a kite with its string broken.

Finally, it hit Moser's feet hard and let out a wail.

He was about to tease her. Moser in Gion was immediately affected by the howling of the tea dolphin.

Moser, who looked dissatisfied, turned to Lanz and scolded:"Damn, what happened? Didn't you see that I'm doing something, young master?

Lanz hurried over and admitted his mistake with a look of shame on his face:"I'm sorry, boss!""[]

At this time, Gil and Yaoz were already raising the tea dolphins on the ground.

"Damn it, you bastards, you have the ability to let me go and fight one on one!"

The tea dolphin that had just been lifted up suddenly started struggling and yelling at the same time.

Moser looked at it with disgust and waved his hands at Lanz and others. 0

"It's so noisy. Drag this guy out quickly. Staying here will affect your mood too much!"

"Got it, boss."

After hearing Moser's order, the three of Lanz immediately dragged the tea dolphin out of the canteen.

As soon as they walked out of the cafeteria, Lanz threw the tea dolphin on the ground unhappily and kicked him.

This guy, unexpectedly If you dare to affect the boss's mood, you must repair it and improve his memory!

Looking at Lanz and the others with fierce looks, Cha Dou felt a sense of fear in his heart.

He was kicked by Lanz just now and almost couldn't breathe. Angry.

Then he was picked up by Gil and Yaoz, and he tried all his strength, but he couldn't break free.

The strength he was so proud of was like a baby in front of these guys.

At that moment, he finally understood , It turns out that these three guys are so strong.

Even if it is not a sneak attack, they cannot be their opponents. The reason why the students in the second cafeteria are so afraid of Lanz and the others is not because of Moser's identity.

It is because of this These guys are really cruel!

At this time, the tea dolphin finally felt panic and roared with anger:"You guys......What are you thinking? This is a school. If you hit me, the instructor will not let you go!"

Yao 4.9 These people, seeing that the tea dolphin still dared to threaten them, immediately showed ferocious smiles, geared up, and slowly approached.......

"Yeah? Then just pray that the instructor will come to you! Hey hey hey......"

As soon as he finished speaking, Yaozi and the others hit him unceremoniously with a storm of punches and kicks.

"ah! Help! ah...Help......"

The tea dolphin let out a miserable wailing sound.

Dear readers, I beg you for your monthly evaluation votes for Flowers!!!!.

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