Not long after Kazak left, Zefa, the chief instructor of the Naval School, returned to the Academic Affairs Office with several teachers.

As soon as he opened the door, he saw that the room was a little messy, and what was even more striking was the cracks on the wall.

Seeing this scene, Zefa suddenly frowned.

Feeling confused, he asked his colleagues around him:"What's going on?"

The teacher who was asked was also confused and had no idea what was going on.

So he shook his head and said,"I don't know. We all went to eat before and just came back."

Zefa nodded, feeling that he had asked nonsense. They all ate in the cafeteria before and came back together.

I don’t know what happened, but it was expected

"So who stayed here before you left?"

Another teacher recalled it for a moment, and then said:"Well......It seems to be Kazakh. I remember when we went to have dinner together, he was the only one left here."

"Kazakh? When he comes back, let him explain what happened!"

Zefa knows all the teachers in the school.

Although this guy Kazak has no ability, he has a big temper.

Because of his seniority, he always looks arrogant in front of these teachers..

Not very gregarious with other people.

Zefa himself also talked to him, but unfortunately the effect was not very good.

This Kazak is still arrogant, even if everyone does not want to see him, but he does not care at all , still going his own way.

As time went by, even Zefa became a little bit unfavorable to him.

Anyway, as long as he could do his own affairs well, Zefa didn't bother to care about other Zefa. After giving instructions to the other teachers, Zefa did not I took this matter to heart.

After all, this is a naval school, and the students are very well-behaved.

It is impossible for someone to come to their academic office to deliberately cause damage.

I just assumed that it was done accidentally and did not think about other places at all.

Zefa He returned to his seat and sat down.

Suddenly he remembered that yesterday, that old bastard Garp seemed to say that his son would come over to report today.

Why didn't anyone come?

"Did you see the freshmen coming to report today?"

Zefa asked the instructors next to him.

"New student? Maybe not"


The instructors all shook their heads.

Isn't it strange that it's not today?

Forget it, don't think about it anymore. That bastard Garp is not reliable in the first place, and his son is probably not much better.

Zefa plans to ask Garp after he goes back in the evening. general


On the other side, after Moser assigned the dormitory from Kazak, he took his three boys and left the Academic Affairs Office.

"Ding! The host beats the teacher violently and is rewarded with 3888 cheating points, and an additional reward: a fairy bean!"

Not long after he left, the system's beep sounded.

After hearing the additional rewards given by the system, Moser was a little surprised.

"Fairy beans? System, is this fairy bean the one in Dragon Ball?"

Moser quickly asked the system whether this fairy bean was the fairy bean he knew.

"Yes, host!"

After receiving the affirmation from the system, Moser suddenly felt a little excited.

You must know that this fairy bean is also a BUG-level treasure in Dragon Ball. It was cultivated by the legendary cat immortal living in Kalin Tower. Eat one. You can go without hunger for ten days if you eat fairy beans. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

And it has the power of regeneration. No matter how serious the injury is, as long as the person is not dead, after eating the fairy beans, he will be full of blood and magic. , Resurrection on the spot.

It can restore physical strength and energy in the shortest time under extreme fatigue, and readjust the body to its best condition.

It is just like a resurrection coin!

The only drawback is that it is ineffective against diseases.

But even so, the fairy beans have already It’s incredible! []

With this fairy bean, it can be said that he has one more way to save his life!

Although there are already many things in this world that can threaten his life, who can guarantee it?

And even if he doesn’t use it, , you can also use it for people close to you.

Thinking of this, Moser laughed.

At this time, Lanz on the side came over and said:"Boss, we don't know where the dormitory is......"

0 flowers requested

"Damn, you still need to ask me about this kind of thing?"

"Oh, I see! Lanz nodded with understanding, then looked left and right, and then ran in one direction.

Not long after, he saw Lan returning holding a navy cadet with black eyes.

Under Lanz's forceful oppression Next, the student had no choice but to become the leader in humiliation.

Not long after leaving, Moser and the others arrived at the dormitory building.

After asking someone again, Moser also found the dormitory assigned to them.


Arrived in front of the dormitory door, Moser kicked open the dormitory door.

The huge sound made everyone in the dormitory startled for a moment.

Then everyone's eyes turned to the door.

Moser ignored the others. With human eyes, he swaggered into the dormitory.

There were six people in the dormitory, and Moser recognized the identities of several of them at a glance. They turned out to be Flying Squirrel, Ghost Spider, Huoshaoshan, and Dauberman. , are all future lieutenant generals of the navy.

Moser did not recognize the remaining two. They must be a few minor characters.

But this was enough to make Moser feel a little surprised. He did not expect that a small dormitory was really Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon!

The people in the dormitory saw that the guys in front of them not only dared to kick the door of their dormitory, but also looked so arrogant.

They immediately felt very unhappy.

At this time, the Ghost Spider was With an angry face, he stood up directly.

Then he walked up to Moser angrily and said angrily:"Boy, do you know whose door you kicked down? If you don't give one today, I will make you unable to eat and walk around in circles."

As he spoke, Ghost Spider pressed his fist, making a clicking sound, with a threatening expression.

However, Moser didn't even bother him, and directly led three horse boys to patrol the dormitory.

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