Both Jill and Jill were extremely remorseful. Just when they were about to speak, Moser interrupted them first,"The Golden Lion is a legend on the sea. Even if it is not at its peak, its strength is one point stronger than that of a general.

With your current situation, With strength, failure is considered normal. Again, don't dwell on failure all the time, but think about how to work hard to defeat the enemy and the four of you." Moser looked at the four ghost spiders, his expression It's rare to see some seriousness

"Got it, boss……"Seven people said in unison

"Also, Mole told Marshal Kong that we have caught the golden lion. Remember, we must ask what the reward is. After all, we can't work in vain."At this moment, Moser looked like a philistine. He was completely different from before.

"Got it, boss."The mole wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and he didn't know what to say.

"Bulu, Bulu."

The Navy Headquarters and the Marshal's Office were handling matters, but Cyborg Kong answered the phone.

"Marshal, I am the Mole."MoleThe voice rang from the other side of the phone bug

"Is there a problem?"Gang Gukong's tone was a little serious. 27"Marshal, we met the Golden Lion on the way to perform the mission."

"What? You said you met a golden lion, how was it? Is anyone injured?"Hearing the name Golden Lion, Cyborg Kong asked anxiously before Mole could finish speaking.

"Report to the marshal that no one was injured, and the golden lion has been defeated by our boss. He is now unconscious and handcuffed by us with sea-floor stone. said the Mole

"What did you say? The golden lion has been defeated and captured by you."Ganggu Kong looked a little shocked, but after thinking about it, with the strength of that little guy Moser, it was normal to defeat the Golden Lion who was not in his prime.

"Yes, the golden lion was instantly killed by our boss with one move. Marshal, should we take the golden lion back first, or should we continue to search and capture the captain of the Bone Pirates?"The Mole then asked

"What did you say? Moser killed the golden lion instantly with one move."Shocked, extremely shocked. At this moment, Cyborg Kong no longer knows what to say.

Killing the Golden Lion with one move instantly, in Cyborg Kong's eyes, this is really unbelievable. You must know that it was the Golden Lion, even if it was not at its peak. He also has the strength of a general.

He can kill a general instantly. Is Moser really that strong?

"Marshal Kong, our boss did kill the golden lion with one move. However, at that time, the golden lion had been severely injured by the three men of Yaoz."

After hearing Mole's explanation, Cyborg Kong came back to his senses. Although it was incredible to kill the seriously injured Golden Lion with one move, it was still within the acceptable range of Cyborg Kong. Whitebeard at his peak, Luo Jay, Garp, with all his strength, might be able to kill a seriously injured general with one move.

Could it be that the strength of this little guy Moser is almost the same as that of Whitebeard at his peak? Cyborg Kong sighed deeply in his heart, he did not expect that he was still He underestimated the strength of this little guy Moser.

But what he didn’t know was that Moser’s strength was far from being as simple as Whitebeard’s at his peak. His strength was already stronger than that of Whitebeard at his peak.

"First give up the mission of capturing the Bone Pirates and bring back the Golden Lion. As for the rewards, they will naturally be distributed when you come back." Cyborg Kong said with a shocked tone.

In Cyborg Kong's eyes, a mere captain of the Bone Pirate Ship can be caught at any time. The

Golden Lion is different. He escaped from the Impel City Prison a few years ago. It can be said that He broke the myth of Impel Down City and slapped the navy hard in the face. Now it is natural to capture him and save the navy's face.

The longer time passes, the more accidents will happen. If he is rescued, the loss will be huge. Big.

But obviously Cyborg has too many dreams. With Moser's existence, as long as he doesn't want to, no one can save the Golden Lion, not even Roger is resurrected.

"Got it, Marshal."After Mole responded, Cyborg also hung up the phone, but his heart couldn't calm down for a long time.


"Boss, the marshal asked us to take the golden lion back first. As for the reward, it will be distributed as soon as we return."Mole said truthfully

"Oh, everyone returns."Moser yawned. He would never agree to a job like Cyborg Kong's job of finding someone else next time. Finding someone was too troublesome and a waste of time.

With Moser's order, the warship began to return. Heading towards the G1 branch


One day later, with the scorching sun in the sky and the gentle sea breeze blowing, the warship was approaching the navy branch.

In the cabin, Golden Lion was currently being held in a prison, with his hands still handcuffed by sea-floor stone handcuffs. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Moser is now standing opposite the Golden Lion, and the two are looking at each other.

"Boy, what kind of monster are you? Why is there such strong strength?"The golden lion couldn't help but speak after all. In his eyes, Moser was even stronger than the dead Rocks.

"It all depends on my hard work and strong talent. Moser said calmly.

"Well..." Golden Lion was speechless for a moment, but he didn't know how to refute him, but looking at Moser's pretentious look, he was really unhappy.

"Golden Lion, I have 300 questions to ask you. Do you know what the secret treasure of the sea is?"In the following time, Moser asked some questions that he wanted to know.


Ten minutes later, Moser walked out of the cabin with a disappointed look on his face, because he discovered that the golden lion didn't know more than he did.

At this time, the warship also arrived at the Navy branch.

As soon as they arrived at the shore, Yaozi and the other three brought the golden lion down in person, and Lieutenant General Dagel had already been here to greet them.

Cyborg Kong ordered him to personally take the Golden Lion to the Navy Headquarters, and then hand it over to Porusalino to take to Impel Down City.[]

"Boy, after chatting for so long, I still don’t know what your name is?"The golden lion who was being taken away turned to look at Moser and asked.

"My name is Moser, and Garp is my father. Remember, if you have a chance to settle accounts, remember to look for Garp, not me."When he said this, Moser smiled.

"Hahahaha, the son of that old bastard Garp? No wonder."The corners of the golden lion's mouth also showed a smile.

Garp, who was far away on a mission in the new world, said,"Aqiu."I sneezed and thought, who is thinking about me?


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