Ignoring Kizaru's surprise, Gil put the spear condensed by thunder in his hand against Kizaru's throat.

Kizaru came to his senses immediately, and then raised his hands in a funny gesture in a gesture of surrender. He did not act rashly!

Gil was the first to ask,"Who are you? Why are you sneaking around following us?"

Kizaru looked sultry and immediately said,"Misunderstanding, I'm not an enemy, I'm just protecting you secretly.."

Gil frowned, looking unconvinced, and then said:"Looking at you, you look so wretched, you don't look like a good person. Forget it, I'll take you back and let the boss decide."

Gil frowned He frowned, looking unconvinced, and then said:"Looking at you, you look so wretched, you don't look like a good person. Forget it, I'll take you back and let the boss make the decision."

"Thunder fang stabs!"

Kizaru was about to explain, but Gil's lightning-covered thunder spear had already stabbed him.

"Yeah, yeah, something is not good."

Seeing this scene, Kizaru felt helpless and could only be dodged. His body turned into golden light and flew away instantly.

"Don't try to escape!"

Seeing Kizaru's elemental transformation, he wanted to escape. Gil also turned into lightning and chased after him.

Kizaru was very fast, but Gil was not left behind at all.

A magical scene appeared in the sky.

Only He saw a golden light in front and a silver light behind, and the two lights were chasing each other.

After a while, Kizaru discovered that no matter how fast he increased his speed, he still couldn't get rid of Gil's pursuit.

While he was surprised, he gave up and continued to escape.!

"There is really no way, young people nowadays are really too impatient and cannot sit down and communicate calmly. In this case, I can only let you calm down!"

While speaking, the golden light stopped, and then condensed the outline of Kizaru.

"Lightspeed kick!"

Countless photons were contained in his right foot, and then they were drawn out like a giant axe.

When Gill saw this, he did not flinch, and he also raised his foot to condense the lightning.

"Thunder Kick!"


For a moment, terrifying thunder collided with endless flashes of light, the atmosphere continued to roar, and the sound of explosions sounded.

Kizaru looked at how easily Gil blocked his kick, and he was immediately surprised.

Gil on the other side It was the same, thinking that this guy could block one of his moves, and this guy was not a weakling.

Then, the two of them did not hesitate, and began to fight fiercely. The thunder continued to rage and the light continued to shine.

The longer the fight lasted, Kizaru became more and more frightened as he looked at the thunder of destruction.

Kizaru had already confirmed that this guy was a user with the Thunder Fruit ability. The destructive power of this destruction alone was even more terrifying than his Shining Fruit.

Moreover, this little guy was old. Although not big. The development and application of the fruit are not much worse than his.

He wanted to run, but his proud speed could not give him an advantage in front of the opponent. In a short period of time, he was unable to deal with the opponent. , it is not an option to continue to be entangled like this.

Only by using all one's strength can one solve him, but in this case, the result will definitely be loss-lose for both sides. Even if one solves the other party, oneself will definitely not be much better.

When thinking of this, Kizaru immediately I gave up this idea.

After all, this was just a misunderstanding. Both myself and the other party were both marines. How could they fight to the death?

Gil on the other side was no less surprised than Kizaru, or even more.

Because he had already used 80% of his strength. , but there was still nothing he could do to deal with this guy.

And he could clearly sense that the wretched guy on the opposite side did not use all his strength and always had three points left.

The two collided again and retreated with one move.

"Autumn bean sack!"

Gil was about to continue taking action, but Kizaru immediately stopped.

Gil also stopped, ready to see what this guy was going to do.

"I really am a Marine, and if you don't believe it, I can follow you back to the ship."(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Kizaru said with a vulgar expression.

After a pause for a few seconds, Gil actually heard that there seems to be a Shining Fruit ability user in the Navy, who is very similar to this guy, but Not sure yet

"Okay, then you go back with me first."

Gill finally decided to take this guy back to the boat.

Then, the two of them turned into a stream of light and headed back in the direction they just went.[]

With their speed, they were back on the navy ship in less than a moment.

At the same time, Ghost Spider and the others also handcuffed Walder and his group who were still alive and brought them to the warship in stilt handcuffs.

"Yo, little Moser, we meet again."

Kizaru was the first to say hello to Moser.

"Kizaru? You wretched guy, why are you here?"

Moser was very confused as to why Kizaru came over.

When Gil saw Kizaru greeting his boss, he realized that he had really misunderstood and had no plans to do anything again.

"Well, your guy's little brother is a bit powerful, and I can't even deal with him."

Kizaru obviously didn't want to answer this question and immediately changed the topic.

"You still haven't told me the purpose of your coming here."

Moser obviously wouldn't let him change the subject so easily, and asked directly.

For a moment, Kizaru looked like he was thinking, obviously hesitating whether to say it or not?

"Stop the ink stain and say it quickly, or you won't be able to leave!"

As soon as Moser finished speaking, Lanzi and the others surrounded Kizaru with understanding.

Seeing the three Yauzi who were gearing up to take action, they immediately gave in because of Kizaru's lazy character.

After all, just one of them had given up. He felt that it was very troublesome, let alone three of them.

In order not to make things too troublesome, Kizaru thought about it and decided that he could no longer hide it.

"Wait a minute, I'll say it!"

He quickly made a gesture of surrender, indicating that he had no dangerous actions.

Marshal Kong, fearing that your trip will be dangerous, specially asked me to protect you in secret. If you are in danger, I will take action at the critical moment.

But now it looks like Come on, Marshal Kong's worries are unnecessary."

Kizaru's eyes first glanced at Moser, and then at Gil.

The scene where Moser easily killed Walder just now was still vivid in his mind. That was Walder, the World Destroyer, and no ordinary lieutenant general could match him.

Even if it were him, he wouldn't be able to achieve such an easy instant kill. Can you imagine how terrifying Moser's strength is?

Moreover, no matter how terrifying Moser's strength is, this guy named Gil can fight him back and forth, and his strength cannot be underestimated.

At this moment, in Kizaru's mind, Kong Yunshuai's move was completely unnecessary. If he had this time, he might as well give himself more vacation.

He heard Kizaru say that Marshal Kong asked him to protect him.

Moser smiled slightly. Is his own strength so insecure?

But he didn't think much about it, and slowly said:"Okay, I understand, you go back first."

When Moser told him to leave, Kizaru was too lazy to stay long.

After all, these guys definitely don't need their own protection. They turned into a stream of yellow light and disappeared into the sky.

Dear readers, I beg you for your monthly evaluation votes for Flowers!!! Son!.

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