Moser looked at Buck with a ferocious smile and said slowly:"It's not over yet!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Moser raised his foot and kicked Buck's knee directly with the sound of breaking wind.

Buck didn't have time to dodge, and there was another click.


With a scream, Buck's right foot was broken from the knee. The bloody knee was exposed, and even the bones were exposed. It looked particularly scary.

After losing one leg, Buck could no longer stand and fell directly to the ground. His expression Full of pain and fear.

At this time, Moser, with a ferocious smile on his face, was like an evil ghost from hell in his eyes!

Buck, who was frightened, wailed and grabbed the"Zero Four Three" face with his remaining hand. He kept twisting and crawling, trying to escape from here.

But Moser was not in a hurry, and just walked forward slowly holding Gion.

Looking at Buck who was wailing and struggling to crawl, he sneered and said:"This Can’t you stand it? It’s still far from enough!"

Then he stepped on it again......


With a scream, Buck's other leg was stepped on and broken by Moser again.

"sorry......I was wrong......I don't dare to do it anymore. Please go around me. I don't dare to do it anymore......."

Buck knew he couldn't escape, so he could only cry out and beg for mercy.

Facing Buck's pleading, Moser was indifferent and said with an indifferent expression:"Didn't you just say that you wanted to break your limbs? I will certainly satisfy you now." As soon as he finished speaking, Moser raised his foot and stepped on it fiercely. Cut off Buck's remaining arm.

Buck has all his limbs broken......


Buck once again let out a heart-rending cry.

"Devil, you are a devil!!"

Buck is filled with regret now. If he could turn back time, he would never say such words to anger this devil again.

He also knew that the other party would never let him go no matter what.

He had given up begging for mercy. Now he only prayed for the other party to give him something. He was happy

"Just kill me! Kill me quickly......"

Looking at Buck who kept wailing, Gion couldn't bear it at this moment and said slowly:"That's enough, I'm not angry anymore!"

However, Moser's expression was still so indifferent,"No....Not enough. If this bastard dares to bully you, of course I have to make him pay back a hundredfold."

As he spoke, Moser's eyes became fierce and he kicked Buck's crotch with his right foot.


The sound of broken eggs, accompanied by screams, resounded through the forest, and the birds in the forest were frightened and flew away.

This was the first time Gion had seen such a ferocious side of Moser, but she was not afraid in her heart. It was a secret joy.

Because she thought that Moser was so angry because of her. Does this mean that she has a very important position in her heart? At this moment, Moser didn't know what Gion was thinking, and after interrupting After Buck's five limbs, most of his anger had disappeared

"This is much better!"

He nodded with satisfaction, and Moser's expression was finally no longer cold. He turned to look at Gion, and happened to see her looking at him in a daze.

Seeing this, Moser couldn't help but show a lewd smile, and then said He said to Gion:"Are you touched? Do you have the urge to commit yourself to each other?"

"Pooh! What nonsense are you talking about?"

Hearing Moser's words, Gion suddenly came back to his senses and hammered Moser angrily.

However, the soft force and the coquettish expression made it look like he was flirting. (Watch the spoiler) For cool novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Seeing Moser moving his index finger, he unexpectedly took a bite directly at Gion.

Gion had no idea that Moser would launch a sneak attack, and was stunned for a moment.

Waiting until After reacting, Moser had succeeded.

"asshole! you......How dare you......I am going to kill you!"

After reacting, Gion immediately beat Moser hard and cursed at the same time.[]

And Moser didn't seem to expect that he would do what he just did out of control.

After finishing the nibbling, he was in a daze just like Gion. He didn't come back to his senses until he was beaten and scolded by Gion..........

He licked his lips subconsciously, as if he was reminiscing about what happened just now......

"Ah~~bastard, I hate you so much.....Woo woo~~~"

Seeing that Moser was not only not ashamed, but actually made such a shameless move, Gion couldn't bear it any longer and actually started crying in aggrievedness.

If Gion beats and scolds him, Moser doesn't have to care.

But when he heard Gion's cry, Moser finally panicked and quickly comforted and apologized in a low voice.

"So what, don’t cry.....It is my fault....."

However, the more he comforted him, the sadder Gion cried and ignored Moser's apology.

"Ah...kill me....kill me....."

Just when Mercer felt at a loss, Buck on the ground was still wailing.

Moser was originally a little flustered by Gion's crying, but Buck's howling made him even more upset.

"Shut up!!!"

Moser glared hard at Buck on the ground!

In an instant, a wave of domineering aura, like a huge wave, covered Buck.

Suddenly, Buck's wailing stopped and his eyes became dull. , stayed in place and lost consciousness!

"This is...Overlord color....Domineering...."

Gion, who was still crying sadly, was shocked by Moser's bastard spirit just like 5.3.

At this moment, looking at Moser with wide eyes, he even forgot to cry.

Seeing that Gion finally calmed down, Moser breathed a sigh of relief.

"Okay, don't cry. You need a good rest due to your current situation. I'll take you back first. You won't fight back even if you want to hit or scold me!"

With that said, Moser didn't ask for Gion's consent, he picked her up and took her towards the warship.

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