
As soon as this announcement came out, Qin Feng's eyes lit up and he was overjoyed!

Double the reward!

He made a lot of money again!

At this time, Tiandao also continued to send reminders

【Player Qin Feng’s personal reward specifications have been changed as follows:...】

【Reward player Qin Feng with +20 million Beijing star combat power...】

【Reward player Qin Feng with +600 Level 20 Universe Hearts...】

【Reward player Qin Feng, +10 Dao Hatching Pills (high-grade Dao Transformation Level)...】


As soon as the prompt came out, a dazzling reward beam fell from the sky and landed on Qin Feng!

The next second, his momentum began to surge wildly....

Not long after, the combat power rewards ended!

Qin Feng also slowly opened his eyes, his eyes full of joy!

In just a moment, his combat power increased by 20 million Beijing, and his basic combat power soared to 430 million Beijing!

The success rate of killing the elders of Xiji has reached 80%!

Of course, Qin Feng's target combat power exceeds 450 million, and the success rate is over 90%!

And he is not far away from this goal!

Perhaps, the next points exchange will be able to achieve the goal...

Qin Feng thought with anticipation!


At this moment, the second reward beam fell and landed directly in front of him!

Immediately afterwards, 600 Level 20 Cosmic Hearts and 10 Dao Hatching Pills slowly fell down the light beam!

When these rewards fell in front of him, Qin Feng looked at the hearts of the universe with a smile!

After receiving three consecutive rewards, the number of level 20 cosmic hearts he received has reached 900!

This is definitely a rich resource that can be used to upgrade the level of the universe and repair the incomplete Five Spirits Universe!

To put it simply, these cosmic hearts are what he urgently needs!

Thinking of this, Qin Feng happily put away the Heart of the Universe.

Then, he looked at the 10 Dao Hatching Pills again, and the joy in his eyes became even stronger.

If he wants to be promoted to the eighth-level Heaven-bearer, he still needs to break through to the realm of mastering!

To break through the Dao realm, you must first condense the Dao body!

His current Tao body cohesion is 88.89%, which is still some distance away from a breakthrough.

Qin Feng had been worried before about how to speed up the cohesion of the Tao body. 133 Now with these 10 Dao Hatching Pills, he sees hope!

"Ten Dao Hatching Pills! Maybe it’s enough!"

Qin Feng smiled and put away the Dao Hatching Pill.

After doing this, he raised his head and found that the surroundings were quiet!

All the players looked at him anxiously, with complex colors in their eyes!

Obviously, they were attracted by Qin Feng's hunting points were completely shocked!

Up until this point, they had not recovered yet!

210 million points!

Even the intermediate masters could not get so many points!

The players could no longer imagine Qin Feng's strength How strong is he?!

When they saw Qin Feng raise his head, everyone gradually came back to their senses.

They looked at Qin Feng in awe, and felt that their throats were a little dry!


Right here. At this time, the void shook!

The voice of heaven came again.....

【Announcement: This round of rewards has been distributed and the points redemption mall will be opened soon....】

【Reminder: Points from all assessments can be accumulated together and used as exchange currency...】

【Reminder: As a point redemption for the last session, the prices of all resources are reduced by 30% to encourage the lucky players....】


As soon as this announcement came out, the whole place was in an uproar!

All the contestants’ eyes widened with excitement!

What they have been waiting for is this opportunity to redeem points!

What they didn't expect was that the price of resources for points redemption this time was actually reduced by 30%!

At that moment, the crowd started talking excitedly!

"Ha ha! Very good! It’s so good! This time the price of resource exchange will be reduced by 30%!"

"yes! It’s so good! I didn’t expect that I would be so lucky! We are so lucky this time!"

"Of course! The 30% price reduction is definitely an unexpected surprise! Having said that, I would like to thank Mr. Qin Feng for this session!"

As soon as these words were said, everyone looked at Qin Feng with gratitude in their eyes.

They all knew that if Qin Feng had not ended the opportunity of creation, they would not have been able to enjoy the opportunity to reduce the price by 30%!

In this case, they How could I not be grateful!

Feeling the grateful gazes of everyone, Qin Feng

's lips curled up slightly and he smiled without saying a word! In fact, he was in a good mood too! With the price reduced by 30%, he could also exchange for more resources!

By the way!

This Once redeemed, the points from multiple rounds of assessments are counted, which is the total points!

So how many total points does he have?

Thinking of this, Qin Feng couldn't help but pick up the Heavenly Order and was about to check the total points....


But at this moment, another reminder came from Heaven...

【Reminder: It was detected that player Qin Feng performed extremely well, so he received a special award...】

【Award content: Player Qin Feng’s exchange price for resources will be half that of other players....】


As soon as this announcement came out, the whole audience was in an uproar again!

Immediately, everyone looked at Qin Feng again, all envious.

Master Qin Feng has so many points, but the price of redeemable resources is only half of theirs.

To say that they are not envious would be a lie.

However, none of them are jealous!

In their opinion, Master Qin Feng is qualified to enjoy such privileges!

After Qin Feng heard the announcement, he was in a good mood!

He was originally worried that he would not have enough points to redeem the master-level sacred objects and the incomplete cores of the eight Yuan Realms.

Now you can redeem it at half price, which should be enough!

Thinking of this, Qin Feng smiled, picked up the Heavenly Order, and checked his points....

【Total points]: 218.7 million points.

After reading the points, Qin Feng showed a satisfied smile.


Tiandao also sent prompts simultaneously...

【Announcement: All players please be prepared. In three minutes, the redemption mall will be opened....】

As soon as this announcement came out, everyone was excited again!

"The redemption is about to begin! I'm actually a little nervous!"

"yes! Same below! correct! Bro, what's your total score? Quickly check your points, this is the exchange currency!"

"right! Let me take a look!"

"Let me take a look too!"

At this moment, all the players took out their Heaven-Walking Orders and checked their points.

At this point in the assessment, no one in the field is a Creator, and they have all been promoted to Heaven-Walking Orders.

The earliest Creation Orders have also entered The level has become the Heaven-Exerting Order!

Those Heaven-Exerting Orders record the points of the players!

It’s just that the level of the Heaven-Exerting Order has different levels!

Most of them are first-level Heaven-Exerting Orders, a few are second- and third-level, and some have reached fourth-level!

Like! Qin Feng's seventh-grade Heavenly Order is truly outstanding!

After a while, all the players checked their points and started talking enthusiastically!

"oops! My total score is less than 30,000 points!"

"Brother, you are pretty good! I only have more than 20,000 points!"

"Hey~! I'm even worse! I don’t even have 5000 points, so I’m probably at the bottom of the competition!" (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Ha ha! My points are pretty good, reaching 100,000 points. I should be able to redeem some good resources this time!"

At this moment, some people are happy and some are worried!

Qin Feng watched everything silently, smiling without saying a word!

I'm afraid that the total points of all the players will not reach one-tenth of his!

Boom~Rong~Long ~!

But at this moment, Qin Feng’s sea of ​​​​consciousness suddenly sounded a shocking roar!

Heavenly Dao also sent a prompt simultaneously....

【Reminder: Your mind body refines 1 (cidg) 0 Dao Hatching Pills, and your combat power +2 million Beijing Stars...】

【Reminder: Your mind body has refined 10 Tao Hatching Pills. Your Tao Body Cohesion Degree has reached 99.97%....】

After hearing the prompt, Qin Feng was overjoyed!

Afterwards, his combat power, aura and Taoist aura all improved all the way!

Wait until everything is digested!

Qin Feng also slowly opened his eyes, and the joy in his eyes became even stronger.

Dao Hat Dan is really easy to refine!

In just a moment, it was all done!

As a result, his combat power increased to 432 million Beijing, and he was closer to the goal of 450 million Beijing!

The only pity is that his Tao body's cohesion degree only reached 99.97%, and he did not condense a complete Tao body!

"Just the last bit left! As long as I get one more Dao Hatching Pill, I will be able to break through! I wonder if there is a Tao Hatching Pill in the exchange mall this time?"

At this time, Qin Feng murmured in his heart.

He was even more eager for the next resource exchange!


Just after this thought came up, the voice of Heavenly Dao came again...

【Announcement: Preparation time is over! First, open the exchange interface for master-level resources and special resources!】

【Reminder: For this round of redemption, you need to meet the corresponding permissions before you can enter the corresponding redemption mall interface! This year, only contestant Qin Feng has reached the authority! 】


As soon as this prompt came out, the Cangtian Realm platform began to vibrate violently!

Immediately afterwards, a mall altar slowly rose in front of Qin Feng!

Seeing this scene, all the contestants swallowed their saliva and felt their throats were dry!

Master-level resources!

Even the ninth-grade heaven-bearing person will salivate!

It’s really admirable that Master Qin Feng can gain access to such a cherished resource!

Thinking of this, everyone looked at Qin Feng's back with admiration and envy!

Not long after, the mall altar was completely raised!

Qin Feng also walked forward excitedly and looked at the altar.

I saw a groove in the center of the altar, which happened to be the shape of the Heavenly Order.

Qin Feng understood it in his heart, took out the Heavenly Order, and put it into the groove....


A soft sound!

The token snaps into the groove!


Immediately afterwards, the altar shone brightly and emitted a loud and clear sound!

Qin Feng secretly thought that it was indeed the case!

The Sky Commanding Order records the players’ points, so naturally the mall must be activated through the Commanding Command.

At that time, the points deducted for redemption will also be deducted from the Tianzhi Order!

After thinking about this, Qin Feng pressed one hand on the altar and covered the token with his palm!


In the next breath, his thoughts passed through the Heavenly Order and entered the mall interface!

There are only three treasures in that interface, which seems very rare!

Qin Feng was extremely excited!

The fewer treasures there are, the more precious they will be!

With this in mind, he couldn't wait to look at the first treasure....

【Item]: Tianlong Seal

【Characteristics]: Palm level, Kung Fu type!

【Reminder]: By practicing this seal, the mighty dragon can be upgraded to a regular magical power!

【Reminder]: You need to reach level 8 Dzogchen with the power of the Heavenly Dragon before you can practice!

【Price]: 60 million points (you have half-price permission)

Seeing this, Qin Feng was pleasantly surprised!

He has been worrying about a problem, that is, in a duel with a master-level powerhouse, ordinary magical powers are no longer effective.

The realm of master-level power often makes ordinary magical powers ineffective, just like the holy abyss realm!

Before this, the growth rate of his mighty Tianlong had been suppressed by the Holy Abyss Realm!

If you can advance it to a regular magical power, then you won't be afraid of suppression!

This is very useful for him to challenge master-level experts!

So he was going to decide on this Heavenly Dragon Seal!

"60 million points! Half price is 30 million points, which is really not cheap!"

Qin Feng took a deep breath and looked at the second treasure......

【Item]: Wuliang Mountain

【Characteristics]: Master-level holy objects, heaven and earth spiritual objects!

【Reminder]: This thing contains the true meaning of unity - immeasurable!

【Reminder]: This object can be integrated into the universe and strengthen the power of the universe!

【Price]: 80 million points (you have half-price permission)

Seeing this, Qin Feng smiled with satisfaction!

Another master-level sacred object!

Of course he won't miss it!

Then, he looked at the last treasure....

【Item]: Nine Heavens and Ten Earth Laws

【Characteristics]: Top-grade master level, practicing secret techniques!

【Reminder]: You need to obtain the title of Ultimate Pathbreaker before you can practice!

【Reminder]: You need to reach the middle grade of Purple Ultimate before you can practice!

【Reminder]: This method can combine two five-dimensional universes into a cave-level universe, which is called Nine Heavens and Ten Earths!

【Reminder]: The nine heavens and ten earths are like a small source world, with incredible magical effects. Its feedback power is ten times that of the five-dimensional universe!

【Reminder]: This secret method will only appear once every ten countless kalpas!

【Price]: 160 million points (you have half-price permission)


Qin Feng was shocked when he saw the message!

Top-grade palm level!

This is also the highest level treasure he has ever seen!

The power of the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths universe is actually ten times that of a five-dimensional universe!

What’s even more astonishing is that this secret method only appears once in ten countless kalpas!

This is too rare!

You know, the Tianlong clan has only experienced three countless calamities since its birth!

The appearance of this thing is even rarer than the birth of the Tianlong clan!

Now, it is a great opportunity for him to find it in this mall!

I'm afraid that those Zhenyuan people from the high-grade Yuan clan will never have a chance to meet them!

Now that he has met him, how can he miss it?

Qin Feng was very excited at this thought!.....

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