Of course, the current Qin Yue does not have 20 million.

However, the three rough stones that you purchased can be dismantled and made into talismans.

Sell ​​10 glass jade charms for 10 million.

That's almost enough.

Seemingly seeing that Qin Yue liked this place very much, Zeng Qiang said quickly:"Master Qin, if you want this place, I can help you contact Yang Wenshan."

Yang Wenshan is the owner of this manor.

Qin Yue nodded:"Okay, help me ask!"


The car drove away from here and arrived at the farmyard. After a delicious meal, Qin Yue returned to the shop.

However, it was already dark at this time, but Qin Yue did not intend to go home. He had seen the top manor. After that, Qin Yue felt aggrieved when he looked at his little shabby house.

Of course, it was also because the store had a second floor that could be used as a bedroom.

If Qin Yue had not been a boy, Zhang Yizong was afraid that Qin Yue would not be able to inherit his inheritance. At that time, he couldn't even afford a house and couldn't marry a wife.

He wouldn't risk his life to earn a house for Qin Yue.


The door opened.

Qin Yue carried three rough stones and entered the shop.

He turned on the lights.

In the picture of the white tiger descending the mountain hanging on the wall, the white tiger was lying lazily on the ground.

It didn't look as ferocious as last night.

It was just one It's just a big cat.

Qin Yue didn't care about it, and took out a dark stone.

This stone has a dark appearance and dark green color.

The seed water reaches Nuobing, it is colored and seeded, and it is worth 280,000, which is not a loss.

But The other side is very dark, and the performance is not good, or you can't see anything.

For experts, you only bet on the visible part.

The other part is not of value.

However, it is often here that there is a lot of Gambling.

But Qin Yue did spend a lot of money.

Even if what appeared was the same as it appeared, there was a big crack on the stone, making it impossible to make a bracelet, and the value was immediately halved.

Qin Yue didn't care about this at all.

His fingers followed The crack was cut.

It was cut in half.

The stone split, half was emerald green, the seed water dropped, and only the waxy seed was left.

But the other side was as black as ink.

Not just black, but even the texture was exposed, It also looks like ink.

It is very fine and smooth.

Qin Yue turned on a flashlight and shined it on it, and a circle of green suddenly appeared.

If anyone who knows how to do it saw it, they would definitely burst into exclamation.

"Mo Cui!"

Qin Yue is very satisfied.

This is the biggest treasure he gained today.

"This Mo Cui, it would be a pity to make a jade talisman!"

In the ancient inheritance, the color of ink has many representatives. It is the main killer.

Qin Yue thought for a while, cut the ink jade directly, and finally broke it into a rectangle of three centimeters wide and five centimeters.

The thickness is thinner than the previous jade talisman, about 0.8 centimeters.

A total of 24 pieces were cut.

Then, Qin Yue began to punch holes up and down, took out the gold wire, and began to pass through all 24 pieces. After passing through each piece, Qin Yue copied the formation, and the above The scales and other patterns changed from a piece of ink-colored stone to an emerald jade medal that exudes a faint light.

After wearing the 24th piece, it was completely completed.

"Sharpen the edge!"

Qin Yue waved his finger and cut the last jade medal into a sharp shape.

"Crack, crackle!"

The ink on the golden thread stretched straight, and in an instant, it formed a sword.

"The jade sword suppresses evil and eliminates demons."

Qin Yue, this is a killing weapon.

After it was done, Qin Yue was satisfied.

"I don’t know if there are any evil spirits left in this world!"

After all, in the Age of Ending Dharma, the inheritance is cut off.

However, when Tianji retreats, it is also a time of great chaos in the world.

In recent years, many natural and man-made disasters have occurred frequently, which is a sign of great chaos.

Qin Yue collected the jade sword, and later You can make a sword hilt and a leather scabbard, and you can even use it as a belt.

Next, Qin Yue opened the remaining two stones.

There is no doubt that both are glass and High-quality jade from the ice.

Qin Yue directly made the jade talisman.

In this batch, hundreds of them were made.

If they are all sold, it would be a small goal.

"I think it will take a long time to sell, so I might as well post it on a social circle to sell it!"

Qin Yue thought for a while, and now he has many WeChat friends, including top bosses in the live broadcast room and new bosses he met.

Moreover, he remembered that Cheng Xiangguo had several brothers and sisters!

Therefore, Qin Yue will I took a photo of the talisman and sent it up.

【There is no purchase limit for the jade talisman for the time being. Those who are destined can get one million pieces. ]

I posted it on Moments, and when I looked at the time, it was actually three o'clock in the morning.

Although Qin Yue is now a Qi Refiner, he is not completely reborn and still needs to rest.

And wait until he falls asleep.

A new day has arrived.

Qin Yue's circle of friends exploded.

King Han: The master’s things must be good. I want one.

Su Xinyue: Master, if you have any good things, I’d like to ask for one.

Zeng Qiang: No purchase limit? Master, give me two, and I'll give them to my parents.

Cheng Xiangguo: Master, I have several brothers and sisters who will visit you tomorrow to buy jade talismans.

Shen Yingqin: Is this talisman of yours also good for health?

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