"Okay, Master Qin!"

Yanba nodded, but his attitude was very casual.

This made Qin Yue frown slightly.

Because, in his eyes, he was worried about things that

Yanba didn't care about.

This kind of thing must be dealt with seriously.

"Don’t take this friend of the water lightly to your heart."

"Maybe now you are despairing"

"So you don’t feel anything about money anymore. You feel like your mother is dead and you don’t want to live. You don’t care about the money."

"But, follow your original life trajectory!"

"Your mother died in a car accident. You didn't go to college and inherited your mother's small supermarket."

"Your aunt and uncle came over to seize ownership of the supermarket."

"Making a lot of noise at the door every day"

"I won’t let you continue to open a store!"

"You keep the supermarket going"

"Just give these people money and stop them from causing trouble."

"But they become vampires in you"

"Later, due to poor management, the supermarket was finally closed."

"You can only sell the house"

"But because the procedures were incomplete, when you applied for a replacement, your uncle said he would help you, but in fact, he secretly wrote the owner of the supermarket as his own!"

"In the end, you were in debt, but your uncle made a lot of money."

"And now, because of the resurgence of ghost energy, your mother has changed your fate once against the will of heaven!"

"The supermarket is sold and the money is saved for you"

"However, because your relatives know that the supermarket has been sold, they still continue to make trouble with you and demand the money."

"So, in the end, you took out the money and distributed it to them, not wanting them to affect your studies."

"You yourself are a person who is well protected by your mother."

"But from today on, you can no longer be protected by your mother"

"If you don't protect your money, your mother will come out in person to talk to these relatives on the Ghost Festival next year. By then, it will be a massacre, and your mother will bear the blood debt and suffer in hell from now on!"

"Do you want this?"

Yanba finally looked shocked when he heard this.

He looked up at the phone.

"Master Qin, I...I don't want to, I don't want to, my mother has to worry about me even after she dies, I don't want to be like this."

He shed tears again.

He is an evasive personality.

When others make trouble for him, he will naturally take out money to solve the trouble.

He does not know that such an approach will arouse more greed in others.

Now, I heard that he Even if his mother dies, she has to worry about him.

He finally couldn't bear it anymore. He made up his mind completely.

And this determination made his life completely change.

That's fine.

Qin Yue nodded.

He already felt that the secret of heaven had been tampered with. The rewards he received later.

Not only that, he suddenly felt that the power of Tianji was very powerful.

He raised his eyebrows and took a serious look at this classmate Yanba. Unexpectedly, this young man would actually glow after his life trajectory was changed.

So many secrets.

This person is a person who can change the future world structure.

Technology is the primary productive force.

The other person is a future scientist.

Unfortunately, times have changed. Although he can change technology and the future, the future will not be strong. Those who are destined to be those children in special schools.

Even if they are scumbags, they will become superior people.

This is the reality

"Friends, remember, only if you live well can your mother feel at ease"

"Time flows at different speeds between the underworld and the human world"

"Reincarnation takes a long time"

"Maybe after you die, your mother will stay in the underworld, so you have to work hard and live like a human being!"

Yanba nodded repeatedly and wiped his tears.

"I will, Master Qin!"

"Well, friends, do you have anything else to do?"

"No, no more!"

"So this time, that’s it, how about it?"

"Okay, thank you Master Qin, goodbye!"

The connection between the two is broken

"Now, let’s contact the last destined person!"

Qin Yue contacted the third destined person, the towel roll.

It took a while for the video to be connected, and then he saw a girl with a face towel who had just washed her face.

This girl, although she had just washed her face, Her face can be seen to be full of water, and she is very beautiful without makeup.

However, her eyes are red and swollen, and they are slightly narrowed. She has obviously cried.

"Master Qin, hello!"

This girl took off the washcloth that bound her hair and left the bathroom.

As she walked around, it could be seen that the decoration was very luxurious.

She was obviously a white, rich and beautiful girl.

"Hello friends, if you have those crying eyes, something must have happened to you, but according to the rules, we’d better get over it first, okay?"

"Master Qin, forget it, I am also a long-time fan. I am still on V-blog and have asked for jade talismans!"

This kind of person is an old customer.

And he has asked for jade charms.

He spent at least one million.

She is a proper little rich woman.

At this time, the entire live broadcast room was excited.

"Hi wife!"

"Rich woman, hungry, hungry, rice!"

"Oh my God, who is this beautiful and rich girl? Oh, she is my wife!"

"Nowadays, when people see a young girl, they call her"wife". Where is the bottom line? Where is the morality? Where are the contact details?"

The ridicule of these people.

At this time, Zai Toroll didn't feel happy at all.

Instead, he was discouraged.

He only looked at Qin Yue

"This water friend comes from a scholarly family, and his parents are both university professors."

"You were just one month old and your family moved and your father got a building."

"There is no shortage of money in your family, and you have had a smooth life since childhood, with no illness or disaster."

"The ancestors are all here, and they are highly respected."

After Qin Yue said this, the barrage exploded again.

"Some people own a building at a young age!"

"Damn it, is this a second-generation move?"

"Rich lady, I figured it out, I don’t want to work hard anymore"

"I also want to lie down!"

"I will go home and ask when the three shabby tile-roofed houses in my house will be moved."

Under everyone's ridicule, Qin Yue finally explained the background of the towel roll.

However, he frowned and continued:"But you are not a very good person!"

"When I was in high school, I fell in love for the first time, and I soon found out that the other person had two sides."

"After breaking up, every time you fall in love, you will find that the other person is a scumbag"

"Including those who just broke up yesterday!"

Hearing Qin Yue's words, the towel roll couldn't bear it anymore.

"Defense broken!"

"Master, why do I always meet scumbags?"

She really can't stand it anymore!

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