The rest of the other person's life is just like ordinary people, nothing special.

"So friends, what do you want to do when you come here this time? Chen Laosan said:"

Master Qin, if you don't give me any advice on life, you already told me about that sister just now!" Qin

Yue smiled and said,"You should be lucky that I didn't give you any advice. Otherwise, wouldn't you be the victim?""

Chen Laosan was stunned for a moment, then slapped his thigh.

"Yes, not telling is a good thing, it proves that my life is going smoothly!"

Sometimes, water friends can only hear good things but not bad things.

There is nothing bad, and in fact, there is nothing good.

And Qin Yue keeps saying that he is going downhill.

It means that if no changes are made, this person's life will This is how it will be for the rest of his life!

However, Qin Yue didn't need to expose the other party.

He just nodded.

"That’s right, your life will go smoothly!"

Chen Laosan felt that this statement was very auspicious, and he felt much more relaxed.

"Master Qin, let me tell you about myself. Recently, I have been haunted by ghosts!"

This sentence instantly lifted the spirits of all the water friends in the live broadcast room.

You know, since the ghost energy revived, there have been quite a few people being targeted by ghosts.

At first, everyone was very afraid.

Because They have no ability to resist.

Ghosts kill people invisible and invisible.

However, as time goes by and the more they know, the people are not so afraid and gradually adapt to it.

Because the unknown is the fear..

When you understand ghosts, they are not so scary.

Even now, the Bureau of Special Investigations will take the initiative to announce the conditions for many ghosts to kill people, so that the public can prevent them.

And the Taomu sword and Taomu brand are set as must-have products.

Let Mass purchase.

It also gives everyone the ability to resist ghosts.

Although they are familiar with it, the chance of encountering ghosts is still not high.

Therefore, this kind of experience is also very attractive.

It will become a topic of conversation for everyone after dinner.

Chen I have said this to the third child no less than ten times, so I am very familiar with it and speak very quickly.

"Master Qin, I had a drink with a friend last night, but his wife was not happy that night, so the party broke up and we left at 12 o'clock!"

Hearing this, the barrage suddenly became speechless.

"In what age are you now, are you still drinking at other people's houses in the middle of the night?"

"You don’t want to sleep in someone else’s house, do you?"

"I’m not happy with it either!"

"No wonder water friends can hit ghosts. This is because they don't treat themselves as outsiders."

However, he didn't pay attention to Shuiyou's complaints and continued:"It's hard to take a taxi at night now, and every time I take a taxi, the mahogany sign around my neck gets hot."

"Although I drank a little, I knew this was not an easy matter and I didn’t dare to take their car!"

"Fortunately, it's not too far, just two streets, so I'll keep walking."

"When I walked under a streetlight, the streetlight seemed to be broken, flickering"

"There was also a gust of cold wind blowing over"

"I shuddered at that time"

"At this moment, I heard a voice, very enthusiastic, calling my name."

"I turned around subconsciously!"

After saying this, he paused and swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

The water friends in the live broadcast room also forgot to complain and were completely attracted by him.

People often say that there are three fires in people.

There is a fire above the head. One on each shoulder.

If someone calls you and you turn around, the fire on your shoulders will be extinguished.

At this time, the probability of encountering supernatural events and being attacked by ghosts is very high.

Therefore, when you turn around , obviously not a good thing.

Chen Laosan’s voice was trembling. It seemed that he was still afraid after saying it many times.

"I turned around and saw a dwarf, which only reached my chest. He was skinny and skinny, and he had no shirt on. His ribs were clearly visible."

"When he saw me turning around, he immediately smiled. The smile was so charming. The teeth were sharp and the mouth was dark."

"I was so frightened that I ran away. As a result, I ran past the traffic light and came back to this broken street light that kept flashing."

"Another voice called my name and asked me, long time no see!"

"How dare I return? I will continue to run away!"

"As a result, I ran back to this street light again."

"I really can't run anymore!"

Although Chen Laosan is big and round, his physical strength is very average.

Running for two blocks would have killed him.

So after running twice, he also realized that continuing to run like this would only be a waste of energy.

"I simply stopped running. I gritted my teeth, held the mahogany card, and clenched my fists to give the opponent Bang Bang two punches."

"Not to mention, these two punches really made the opponent scream and then disappear."

"That street light stopped flashing in the end. It seemed to be working fine."

"But in the past two days, I always feel like someone is calling me. During the day, when someone calls my name, I dare not answer. Because of this, my wife has been scolding me a lot in the past two days."

"So I just want to ask Master Qin, will that ghost haunt me again, or am I safe now?"

"It always makes me feel uncomfortable!"

Qin Yue heard the other party's statement and understood it.

This person is a typical uneasy person.

"Friends, this happened a week ago, not too long ago."

"I see that there is no ghost energy lingering on your body now"

"So you don't have to worry, it should be safe"

"However, never go out at night in the future. If you encounter it once, it is easy to encounter it a second time."

"No one can guarantee that you will still have this good luck if you meet him in the future!"

Hearing Qin Yue say this, the man relaxed a lot. But he was obviously not happy when he heard Qin Yue's persuasion.

"Hey, since the ghost spirit revived, the barbecue stalls have not been opened."

"It’s hard to find someone to drink with!"

"This is too difficult for me!"

Qin Yue was also a little speechless.

"Water friends, your life is more important than drinking!"

"Drink to stay alive!"


Qin Yue didn't even know how to complain.

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