Everyone was shocked!

In the minds of these people, when could manpower reach this point?

The network is the network, reality is reality.

There are always people who are not online.

Not everyone goes online every day.

So for a moment, they were all confused, really dumbfounded.

There were also people who were not afraid of death and rushed to the huge sword mark to take pictures of the rolling flood.

But soon someone from the Special Bureau shouted

"If you all step back, why are you taking pictures? Are you going to die?"

"If it collapses, wouldn't you be a crime for Master Qin?"

"Back up!"

That's what they said, but these people still held up their mobile phones and took pictures excitedly.

They knew the danger, but they still continued.

It was like seeing a Siberian tiger and taking a photo.

At this time, more and more floods were pouring in , but the urban area behind it was also saved!

The river merged into the lake, although it also caused the water level to rise and even the buildings on both sides of the lake to be flooded, but this was nothing compared to the damage to the urban area. Not only that, Qin Yue felt that he had tampered with huge heavenly secrets.

These heavenly secrets, with the activation of the Secret Code of Stealing Heaven, were all turned into spiritual energy and integrated into his body.

It was no less than what he taught the Human Dao Sutra.

After all, the Human Dao Sutra allowed People should keep fit and avoid death, but in the final analysis, they still have to exercise themselves.

There are few modern people, especially young people, who can persevere.

But the life of the elderly has been finalized.

The change will not be too big.

Gain Although he has a lot of merits, he doesn't tamper with many secrets.

This time, it is a direct impact.

Moreover, people nowadays often want money rather than their lives.

Recovering their property losses is sometimes more important than saving their lives..

Qin Yue smiled and was satisfied.

Then he summoned the black dragon and took off again.

Where the flood came, there was not just a suburban gathering place.

There were many places.

But so far, Pingzhou City has not been flooded, only Pingzhou City has been flooded. He reached the rural areas upstream.

He fought to minimize the threat.

At this time, rescue teams also appeared one after another, and even dispatched helicopters.

Not only that, there were also frontline reporters on the helicopters, broadcasting live broadcasts of the flood situation.

As it happened, the helicopter took off The route is exactly where Qin Yue is currently.

For a time, all Qin Yue's movements were recorded on professional equipment

"Is this someone from the Special Bureau? What is he doing?"

"Oh my god, he's opening a river channel. Does he want to dredge the flood?"

"How can this be!"

"Driver, can you follow up for an interview? This news is very important to us, or to the people!"

"Heroes cannot be nameless!"

The driver could only report to his superiors. After hearing what the other party said, the superiors immediately agreed.

These comrades on the front line have no time to surf the Internet. They don't know that the Internet has caused an uproar.

However, even if these people want to follow Qin Yue, There was no way.

After Qin Yue opened the river, he immediately rode the black dragon and left the place. At the speed of the helicopter, he could not catch up.

However, the video was preserved.

The first day of the flood passed in the blink of an eye.

Online, Another voice came out

"Didn’t Master Qin say that there was a flood in Pingzhou City? It rains a little here and there is just water accumulation."

"Haha, can you believe what the master said?"

"The city was not flooded, but the countryside was really flooded"

"It's better to live in the city"

"Buy Xincheng Garden, the terrain is high, it will not be flooded, and life safety will be guaranteed"

"Damn it, what kind of developer is this, trying to make a fortune out of disaster!"

"The brothers rushed him with us."

While netizens were having a heated discussion, a hot search went straight to the top.

[Pingzhou Flood (Explosion)]

Posted by: Special Bureau!

This is a blue v, officially certified.

Previously, the Special Bureau kept it secret for reasons , He didn’t even have his own official account.

But with the revival of ghost energy and Qin Yue’s appearance in front of others, the Special Bureau finally came to the forefront.

Because, there are some things that really can’t be hidden.

Therefore, several things released by the Special Bureau The announcements were all about the incident where a certain evil ghost claimed his life, the incident where seven members of a certain family were killed, the incident where a certain evil spirit massacred a village, etc. In short, the announcements were the kind where there were heavy casualties and there was no way to explain it to the masses.

This time, what they announced was a flood.

And when the screen opened, it was a lightning strike.

It didn’t give any face at all.

"Affected by tropical storms and strong typhoon weather, heavy rainfall hit Youcheng, Shacheng, and Sioux City. The water storage reached the red warning line. The reservoir pressure was huge and the gates were not allowed to be released."

"It was turned on at 10:00, 11:00, and 11:30 on the 23rd at the same time, causing a sudden increase in water volume downstream and causing floods."

"Pingzhou City, as a downstream city, was hit first. Villages and towns were submerged. In some areas, the water was 2 meters deep and houses were washed away!"

At this time, what is shown in this video is a huge flood rolling in.

Then, the house was washed away.

As the camera is raised, you can see the yellow mud, covering the earth.

And on the barrage, He immediately cursed

"I am from Pingzhou, I wonder why there are floods even though there is not that much rainfall, and the city above is causing us such harm?"

"If you don't communicate well, you will no longer have the pressure, and we will be flooded directly."

"Not everyone in Pingzhou is angry, the water conservancy bureaus of the three cities above are directly taking advantage of it!"

And at this moment, the screen turned and another swampy land appeared.

On a bamboo raft, a cute little girl opened her big mouth and sucked in the flood water.

The video dubbing of the Special Bureau began to sound.

"With the world in mind, the special person went to the junction of the water flows of the three cities to absorb the flood and prevent the disaster."

Then, the scene changed again.

A black dragon appeared in the sky, and then a man wearing a Taoist robe waved his hand!

A river emerged.

The rolling river water was intercepted.

"Some people also entered the village to rescue, and the people who were rescued cried and thanked them."

An old man was interviewed and cried.

"I don’t know what kind of medicine he used. My feet were rotten. He applied it and left. Granules sprouted at night. How expensive it is. It’s not worth treating me!"

"I want to know his name, I really thank him!"

Then someone took out their mobile phone and played the video of this brave man.

These three special people are naturally Xiaoni, Qin Yue, and Fang Mingxu.

This time, the video not only caused a sensation on the Internet.

It also went directly to TV.

Planting flowers Home Center Channel.

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