The ambulance hasn't come yet.

So this aunt was also feeling bitter at this time.

It was so hopeless down there.

Fortunately, she can swim, and the water in the sewer is very deep, so she has some buoyancy.

This prevented her from being washed away

"After I fell down, I kept climbing up. Later I found an iron pipe on top, so I tore my clothes into pieces, twisted them into ropes, hung them on the pipe, and then pulled them up, adding a foothold. place, I just stood here and called"

"I was pushed down the night before yesterday"

"I kept shouting for help, but there was no one!"

"I also took an umbrella with 100 yuan in it and put it in the hole in the sewer, thinking that someone could get the money and find me"

"As a result, the money was also taken away. As soon as I shouted for help, the other person ran away with a scream!"

Netizens laughed when they heard this.

"Auntie, if it were me, I wouldn’t dare to save you!"

"This is too scary!"

"If I were at the scene, wouldn’t I think it was money for selling my life?"

"Auntie is so strong. Fortunately, she is in good health. Otherwise, if she had no strength, she would have drowned if she fell!"

During this period, the water friend also took pictures of the sewer. The structure inside was such that only half of the foot could stand.

Auntie's clothes were entangled in a thick iron pipe, and it was with this that Fang Cai climbed up little by little.

Not only that, the other party's hands were ulcerated due to soaking in sewage and long-term exertion.

The toxic gas she inhaled made it difficult for her to open her eyes.

After a while, the ambulance also arrived, and the medical staff got Aunt Tai into the car.

The live broadcast ended here. Qin

Yue said:"Friend Shui, Auntie is safe, you can rest assured!"

"Thank you, Master Qin, thank you! Master Qin, do you still need to count me out again?"

Qin Yue laughed dumbly."No, no, no, the effect of the show has already been in place!"

"Calculating the past is to build trust. Since you are my water friend, you don’t need to do this. Some are also for program effects. After all, everyone’s life is different. What I calculated is combined with a person’s Analyzing a person's appearance, clothing, speech, appearance, and past is a very magical thing for people, and it is also the effect of the program."

"Of course, you don’t need this, so don’t forget it!"

"Water friends, go and get busy!"

"Clover nodded quickly:"Okay, thank you Master Qin, thank you very much!"

Clover also had a big ups and downs today, and had already booked a ticket to Spring Market.

I really am not in the mood for fortune telling anymore.

But before leaving, Clover directly rewarded him with a treasure map.

Then the video link was disconnected.

Qin Yue started to connect with the second friend.

Small blue wildflower.

Soon, this water friend appeared in the live broadcast room

"We are all big sisters today!"

"She must be the eldest sister!"

"The EQ upstairs is in a hurry, eldest sister and aunt have almost the same meaning, if you really call me that, just wait to be criticized!"

"How about calling someone Qi?"

This little blue wild flower is also a woman who looks to be in her thirties. She already has the traces of time.

And it seems that her life is not good and she has been wasted enough.

"Hello, Master Qin!"

"Hello, water friend, there is something about this face of water friend."

He activated the Heaven-stealing Secret Code and saw this woman's past.

In fact, he could feel it without activating it.

This woman's life is miserable!

Not only that, there is a bloody disaster above this woman's head.

But the bloody disaster has not yet come. First, Calculate the past

"Water friends, let me do the math for you first."

"Okay, Master Qin, you count!"

"Shuiyou, you were born in poverty, your parents were workers, your parents divorced when you were seven, your mother cheated on you, and your father raised you"

"But he is not kind to you, especially after you are ten years old, you marry another wife, and you start working right after you graduate from junior high school!"

"After that, he entered a factory and got married at the age of twenty-one."

"Currently twenty-seven years old, the child is five years old!"

In the live broadcast room.

Water friends exclaimed

"Only twenty-seven?"

"This is a bit anxious!"

"Can you not grow old if you struggle in society?"

"I don’t know, I thought I was in my thirties!"

Under Shuiyou's straightforward expression, the little blue wild flower's eyes turned red, but she had experienced too many ups and downs and finally endured it.

"Water friends, what do you want to calculate? The little blue wild flower gritted her teeth and said,"Master Qin, I'm thinking about whether I want a divorce!""

"My husband is like me. We met while working in a factory. He is honest and handsome."

"You have said before that my father doesn't care about me very much, and I haven't seen my mother for more than 20 years. My husband doesn't have a house or a wedding gift, and I don't have a dowry!"

"After we got married, we have been renting a house"

"Two years ago, when my child was about to enter elementary school, I planned to buy a house in a school district."

"My father-in-law has a demolition fund, but I don't want to take it directly from the old man, so I want to borrow it first. It will be less stressful to buy a house with the full amount, and then I can slowly pay it back to my father-in-law, which is about 600,000!"

"As a result, when I asked last year, all the money was given to my brother-in-law. My father-in-law only has two sons in his family. My brother-in-law is a college student, but he has changed eight jobs after graduation. Last year, he said he wanted to engage in aquatic product farming, so he took all of his father-in-law’s money. loss! But I heard rumors that the money was actually lost in gambling"

"I didn’t say anything. My father-in-law had no money, but my husband and I had saved 200,000 over the years. I borrowed another 100,000 from my cousin, planning to pay 300,000 as a down payment."

"As a result, my father-in-law said that my brother-in-law had a date this year. He is also 30 years old. His girlfriend is pregnant and he cannot live without a house. Let us give them the money to buy a house for our brother-in-law!"

"Of course I didn't agree. But yesterday, my husband went to buy a house in the school district. I didn't go because of work. When I came back, I asked to see the receipt, and he hesitated and said that the money was used to buy a house for his brother-in-law!"

"Master Qin, am I in a miserable life? How could I end up with such a husband?"

"I borrowed money from my father-in-law, but he didn't lend it to me, so he lost 600,000 yuan, and now he comes to lend me money!"

"I also borrowed this money!"

"Master Qin, I am so desperate. My child is still waiting for the district housing to go to a good elementary school. Now my family has spent another 300,000 yuan. These days, it is really disappointing."

"Master Qin, do I want a divorce?"

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