Ching Ming Festival.

Sweeping graves and worshiping ancestors.

The door of hell is wide open.

Generally, ancestor worship is completed before the Qingming Festival. Otherwise, on the official day, other ancestors have received it, and their own ancestors have not received it. Wouldn't they be blamed by their ancestors?

Therefore, many people have already given away things before.

And the opening of the gate of ghosts also allows these newly promoted ghosts to return home and have a look.

That night.

Many people have dreams about their dead relatives.

Li Chengsi is one of them.

At the beginning of this year, his father suddenly passed away from a heart attack, and the family was devastated.

The tree wants to stop but the wind is not calm; the son wants to be filial but does not wait for his relatives.

When his father was alive, he did not fulfill his filial piety.

When my father passed away, many sacrifices were burned in piles.

It is said that it is sent to the dead, but in fact, it is to give comfort to the living.

"Dad, I gave you a villa, a sports car, gold ingots, and trillions of dollars in banknotes. Over there, you can eat whatever you want and drink whatever you want."

A pile of sacrifices turned into ashes with the light of the fire.

On the day of Qingming Festival,

Li Chengsi fell asleep early.

In his dream, he returned to a few months ago when his father was still alive.

The two sat down to discuss the festival thing

"This holiday, look at what you gave me?"

"Look at that villa, the style is too old, and it’s rough and messy. I feel embarrassed to show it off. The house next door has a Nordic style, it looks grand!"

"That sports car is still flat and has two tires. Are you fooling me?"

"There are also gold ingots, paper money, and even incense that have no aura at all. They are all fake."

"Can't you be more generous and find some genuine goods?"

"Worst case, if you buy me a mobile phone, I can also surf the Internet!"

"Don’t just buy mobile phones from those stores, go to a T-treasure shop called Su’s Paper-making Man"

"Hurry up and buy it, don’t delay!"

This dream was so real.

When he woke up, Li Chengsi found it incredible.

He opened his t-treasure app and searched for Su's paper-tying figures. He immediately saw countless messages on it.

"Let me go. The boss’s phone seems to be really useful. After I bought it, I was busy with work and waited several days to burn it. As a result, I received a silent phone call that night, but there was really no sound. , there wasn’t even a number. If I hadn’t personally connected, I would have thought it was a dream."

"My mother told me in a dream that she wanted to buy a phone from this store. She asked me if I had watched Master Qin’s live broadcast. The mother who clicked so far bought the phone from this store. I bought Orange 20 directly. After burning it, I received the call the same day. , I think it’s my mother. It’s a pity. It is said that there are two separate parts of yin and yang, and people and ghosts are on different roads, so you can’t hear the sound at all. But one person felt comforted. My mother is not gone, but went to another world. Maybe One day, we will meet again!"

"I received them all, so why didn’t I?"

Reply:"Has it been too long since your friend’s loved one passed away? Maybe he has been reincarnated, not to mention that according to my frequent visits to supernatural bars, the ghost energy only started to revive last year. People who have passed away before may not stay for too long."

Li Chengsi looked incredulous when he saw this.

This store really does exist, and many people have even bought it.

As for Master Qin, although he is not a fan of the other party, he often sees the other party's videos.

But click Who is it so far? He searched directly and saw the complete live broadcast video, and was shocked.

He searched for an Apple 18 on the spot, and the price actually cost 2,000 yuan, which can even buy a domestic mobile phone.

The problem is, This is not an iPhone from the earthly world, but from the underworld!

"How much does 20 oranges cost?"Li Chengsi asked customer service

"Orange 20 currently costs 3999, special price during Qingming Festival!"

"Sorry, what more functions does this have?"

"My dear, the iPhone 18 can only make calls once a month. If the other party is strong, you may be able to make more calls, but the Orange 20 can make three calls. Not only that, it also has Internet access, and the elderly also like to compare. , if you buy a low-level one, will you be scolded for being unfilial?"

Li Cheng thought that his father had complained about the poor style of the villa in his dream, and he suddenly became speechless.


Gritting his teeth, half a month's salary went in.

Then, he looked at other things, such as villas, cars, and even a protective puppet.

The price of this protective puppet was the most outrageous, costing one hundred thousand yuan.

He He couldn't understand it.

In the end, he only bought a villa. Fortunately, the villa was not expensive, costing 200 yuan, and the car cost 100 yuan. It was said that it was cheap because it was not connected to the human world and was mass-produced.

The things were delivered by express mail the next day, and that night , was burned by Li Chengsi.

When he was on his way home, he actually received a call, but the other party didn't speak and hung up after a while.

When he saw it, there was no record on the phone.

It's amazing!

In fact, He was still a little dubious, suspecting that the business was behind it.

But that night, he dreamed of his father again.

"I like the new mobile phone very much, and my son is the best."

In the dream, his father was very happy, which made him very happy too.

Inside the divine calculation shop.

At this time, Su's paper-making figures were very popular, and naturally they were also noticed by Qin Yue.

"This person is definitely from a family with a heritage in paper making."

It is very powerful to make a mobile phone from the other party that can connect Yin and Yang.

Moreover, Qin Yue was also curious and bought two mobile phones, from Apple 18 to Orange 20.

This thing is also updated.

The aura contained in it is also More and more, maybe one day, a mobile phone that communicates yin and yang can really be designed.

The new era is coming, and Qin Yue is not the only one who seizes the opportunity.


Qin Yue finally burned the phone.

But that day, he didn't receive any calls.

"Even if I know the result, I still want to look forward to it, even if I achieve enlightenment and become an immortal!"

Qin Yue smiled bitterly.

In fact, he knew that his master Zhang Yizong did not die after the ghost energy was revived, so there was no soul left at all. What's more, most of those who died with five disadvantages and three deficiencies would not fall into the human world.

Maybe they would have been reincarnated long ago. Reincarnated.

To put it bluntly, he might even lose his soul.

This is fate.

There is no way to change your destiny. Even if you end up like this, you can't force it.

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