The more these netizens speculate, the more outrageous they become.

Qianzhongshan quickly clarified

"Master Qin is right, I did almost die because I jumped off the building, but it was not because of any emotional thing!"

"If you tell me Taishe is dead, I'm just practicing backflips"

"After that, it was on a small platform in our school"

"second floor"

"The wall is only about 1.5 meters, but when I do a backflip, my legs go outside and I fall down. For this, our school even paid a condolence fee and added railings."

Hearing this reason, netizens were also shocked.

Then they all laughed and laughed.

It was actually this person who jumped off the building.

It was really weird.

Qin Yue smiled and said,"There is no danger."

"You have the status of a top scholar, graduated from college, and then furthered your studies and graduated from graduate school."

"You are very lucky, very capable at work, and have an annual salary of one million"

"Currently single and on a blind date, ahem, my friend is from Jiangnan."

Qin Yue's hint made Qian Zhongshan's face turn red.

Although Qian Zhongshan was indeed on a blind date, he was still very embarrassed.

But netizens burst out laughing.

"Good guy, water friend, you have a lot of face, Master Qin helps you maintain a good match and stretch your fiber?"

"Brother, can I?"

"Brother, sister thinks you are very good!"

"Young man, my aunt has a little money……"

Fans are starting to get excited

"Master Qin: This young man is single and has an annual salary of one million. Let me remind you!"

"Master Qin: Friend Shui, that’s all I can help you!"

"Just make it clear, sisters, hurry up."

Qin Yue also felt happy in these water friends' jokes.

Not to mention, the peach blossoms in Qianzhong Mountain were actually his water friends in the live broadcast room.

Of course, the other party was not necessarily here to calculate their marriage.

So. Qin Yue still asked more questions.

"Friends, do you want to count something when you come here this time? Let me just take a look!"

In fact, what many water friends want to calculate is different from what Qin Yue finally told him.

The first situation is naturally a misunderstanding.

The second situation is that it has not happened yet, but Qin Yue has seen it, and water friends But he couldn't see it.

No matter which one it was, as long as it could change his life, Qin Yue would naturally say it.

When Qianzhongshan heard this, he was no longer embarrassed.

"Master Qin, I really have something wrong!"

"Recently, I feel a stomachache every day during the day."

"It wasn't serious at all, but when I went for a checkup, it was fine."

"Later I discovered that it wasn’t that my stomach hurt during the day, but that it hurt as soon as I went to work, and it also hurt when I worked overtime!"

"But after get off work, it's fine. It doesn't hurt to rest on my days off."

"I wonder if there's something about my place of work that's killing me."

"Or maybe it’s bad Feng Shui that causes my stomachache!"

"It just so happened that I was drawn, so I wanted to find Master Qin to settle the matter!"

Qin Yue also smiled when he heard this.

This is interesting.

Supernatural events have happened frequently recently, but the two people who came here today are really not contaminated with ghost energy.

Not only that, this Thousand Layers Mountain, even sick people He has no breath.

He is in good health.

But he has a stomachache and it hurts as soon as he goes to work.

There is something wrong with this.

"Then let me help you figure it out!"

Qin Yue activated the secret method of stealing the sky, and then searched for the past of Qianzhongshan.

First, he took a look at the location of the office. There was no conflict in Feng Shui.

They were all normal furnishings.

They should not have an impact on people.

Next, it depends on the specifics of the stomachache. It's time.

Looking at it like this, he couldn't laugh or cry.

After removing the secret method of stealing the sky,

Qin Yue said:"Friend Shui, you have a stomachache, did it happen in the past two months?

Qian Zhongshan thought for a while and nodded,"Almost!""

He also forgot how long it took.

Qin Yue continued:"Shuiyou, has he changed his leadership recently?

Qian Zhongshan said with certainty this time:"Yes, I changed it two months ago.""

Having said this, he hesitated a little.

"Master Qin, if you say so, does my stomachache have something to do with the new leader?"

In an instant, he thought of poisoning, my boss wanted to kill me, etc. There was also surprise and uncertainty on his face.

Qin Yue nodded.

"That's right, you have a psychological illness, it's an allergic reaction!"

"Your new leader has very high requirements for work efficiency, and you have been working a lot of overtime recently, so you are under a lot of work pressure!"

"As soon as you get along with this leader, you will feel stressed and uncomfortable, which will cause stomachache!"

"If you think about it carefully, does it mean that sometimes when you can't see this leader, your stomach doesn't hurt?"

"So this is a problem in your mind."

After Qin Yue said this, Qianzhongshan suddenly realized.

Indeed, every time he saw this new leader, he felt a lot of pressure and complained countless times in his heart.

Thinking about it this way, it is true that every time he saw this new leader, A leader, he felt uncomfortable.

And disgusted.

Then he had a stomachache.

This is really weird.

"No wonder, I always go to the hospital for check-ups and there is nothing wrong with me. One doctor even told me that I should go see a psychiatrist."

"I didn't take it seriously. I had a stomachache. What does it have to do with psychology?"

"It seems that I have wronged this doctor!"

"I will change the leader tomorrow."

The water friends were filled with admiration when they heard this.

"666. Change whenever the leader says. Is this the confidence to earn an annual salary of one million?"

"Hahaha, just change the leader!"

"I don’t know if the leader will watch Master Qin’s live broadcast or not, and what will he think after watching it!"

"Let me tell you, I also had an allergic reaction when I was a child. I didn’t fall in love with math class. As soon as I started math class, my eyes would swell and I would shed tears. Later, my teacher came and so did the doctor. In the end, my mother couldn’t help it. I majored in art and learned painting. I just need to get through junior high school."

"I've never seen this kind of allergic reaction upstairs, so it's great that I don't have to study math!"

"Hahaha, that’s a good reason for not going to work! Seeing what the water friends said, Qin Yue also smiled and said:"Okay, water friends, do you have any questions?""

"Yes, yes, buy the talisman!"

The last brother is obviously a fake fan. He doesn't know Qin Yue's true identity.

He is a loyal fan, so he will naturally not miss the opportunity to buy a talisman.

Without further ado, let's get a million jade talisman first.

"Just bring peace, health and ward off evil spirits!"

"Then I bought two paper peace talismans, evil evil talismans, and health talismans for my parents. Although I also wanted to buy jade talismans, my wallet couldn't hold it. This is the down payment for my house, but now The world is not so good, but I still feel that life is important!"

Houses and other things are secondary.

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