Of course, they are also curious, what kind of product does Qin Yue want to launch?

Soon, Qin Yue came up with his first product.

This is a gift box about forty centimeters long and more than ten centimeters wide. After unfolding, a small red peach wood sword is revealed inside.

"Peach wood sword!"

"Recently, special events have occurred frequently in various places. I have made some art and crafts, such as the peach wood sword. According to legend, it has the ability to kill ghosts."

"The price is 50,000!"

"Draw 10 and give them to everyone!"

Qin Yue said very"tactfully".

In the live broadcast room, there was an explosion.

You know, a 50,000 peach wood sword is more expensive than many of Qin Yue's talismans.

And it can be regarded as the most popular in Qin Yue's shop now. It’s an expensive product.

Later, Qin Yue directly put the purchase link in the live broadcast room.

The lottery was also held simultaneously. It took ten minutes to draw.

You are destined to get it.

Even if you get it, you can sell it if you don’t use it.

But , and many people questioned Qin Yue.

After all, a peach wood sword is worth 50,000?

Master Qin, is it so expensive ?

How about cutting leeks?

"Master Qin, did you make this peach wood sword yourself?"

"Yes, Master Qin, does this peach wood sword have any function?"

"Why is it so expensive!"

When Qin Yue saw these messages, he didn't hide anything and answered directly.

"I didn't make it myself, it was processed in a factory. If it doesn't have any functions, it's just a work of art. As for why it's so expensive, it's because the materials are difficult."

The netizens in the live broadcast room laughed again.

"Master Qin, you are too honest. If you say you didn’t do it yourself, you didn’t do it yourself!"

"If you don’t have money, you won’t be afraid of being cut off."

"Let me go, I just wanted to go to a certain treasure to see if there is really a fool who buys it? What did you and I see in the end? Originally limited to 3,000 pieces, now only 2,000 are left!"

"Damn, who is so fast?"

"Wait, why is there less than 200?"

You know, it's not just netizens who pay attention to Qin Yue.

There are also people from the special bureaus in various places.

What Qin Yue said, they enlarged it ten times to see it.

What modern handicrafts.

Just kidding, could what Master Qin brought out be a handicraft? It is definitely a good thing.

There is also a heated discussion in the Special Bureau.

"Although this peach wood sword was made in a factory, the material is different. It is probably the real peach wood that contains the spiritual energy of heaven and earth."

"Yes, although perfume is good, perfume can only defend yourself and cannot attack ghosts. If it is angered, it will still kill people!"

"Perfume is defense, and peach wood sword is attack equipment."

"Isn't this a spiritual weapon?"

"No matter what it is, buy it, everyone buys it, and the money is reimbursed!"

"Move quickly, don't be discovered by others, there are so many people in the officialdom, we won't be able to grab it in a while, don't rely on us if your hands are in danger of weapons!"

So within five minutes of the live broadcast, this peach wood sword was sold out.

Only some rich people in the live broadcast room bought it without hesitation.

Qin Yue also knew this situation, and then said:"Old rules, Don't buy or resell. After buying, remember to shed blood to identify the owner, so as to protect yourself. Wear it with you when you go out at night. If you feel uncomfortable at night, you can also press it under the pillow."

"Now, congratulations to these ten lucky viewers for drawing the Taomu Sword!"

Soon, ten lucky viewers were selected.

Some lucky people were so excited that they almost jumped.

Not to mention these peach wood swords, which are worth 50,000 yuan, let's just say that the ten people who were selected were also in Qin Yue's live broadcast room. , very active users.

Of course, some people here give Qin Yue a lot of money, and some people just follow Qin Yue and have limited financial strength. They only do daily tasks on the platform, or follow Qin Yue on V blog, etc.

In short , absolutely a die-hard fan, it doesn’t matter how much you spend.

"Let’s do it again, this time I will draw 30 pieces. It will make my disciple and grandson feel uncomfortable writing express delivery. Besides, the items are not expensive this time. If you want them, just buy them yourself!"

Qin Yue took out a small box as big as a palm.

Inside the box, a wooden sign appeared.

On the wooden sign, there were talismans carved like snakes and dragons.

Many ordinary people may not be familiar with this talisman.

They can't even tell them apart. It’s unclear what talisman is.

But people from the Special Bureau can see clearly.

This is an evil talisman.

Qin Yue said:"The evil talisman made of mahogany wood scraps sells for 1,000 yuan and lasts for one year. However, After starting, the service life is determined by consumption. If it cracks, it means it has no effect."

"Factory-carved, modern handicrafts, mainly because of the good materials!"

"I didn't write it myself!"

Qin Yue reminded him, and then continued the lottery.

He hung up the connection again.

"Master Qin, you are so honest, you just told me the scraps!"

"Didn't you forget that last time Master Qin drew jade scraps? Is that a scrap? Those are all good things"

"I was lucky enough to buy a paper talisman hand-painted by Master Qin from Master Qin. The price was 2,000. This one is cheaper, which proves that machine carving is not as good as handmade!"

"The materials are expensive, but machine carving, I understand!"

"Damn it, isn’t it listed for 10,000 yuan? Why did eight thousand disappear in the blink of an eye?"

"Haha, while you were trolling, I had already mobilized my whole family to buy it!"

"I have already bought it, but I can’t afford the Taomu Sword. Can’t I also afford the Taomu Brand?"

With the purchase of everyone and local special bureaus, the 10,000-yuan mahogany cards on the shelves were sold out in just ten minutes.

Then more people urged the store to launch new ones.

This is probably the fastest in the live broadcast industry..

Qin Yue also drew out 30 lucky viewers.

Then came the last product.

"Ten people will be selected for this product because the material is relatively precious and it is a life-changing medicinal material. Please do not blindly buy it. If you do not want to eat it, you can give it to those who need it, but try not to charge. No buying or selling"

"This item is called Climbing Heaven Cream!"

"After use, it can help people develop a second time and make them grow taller!"

"The cost is 100,000 yuan per box"

"It is also limited, you can only eat one box per month, and it is strictly forbidden to eat too much"

"If you want to continue to grow taller, keep buying!"

"But there are also human limits"

"Therefore, everyone consumes rationally"

"Start the draw now!"

This time, the barrage was even more lively than before.

It was like a tsunami.

Some netizens were so excited that they posted dozens of messages in a row.

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