These words made Jiutian Lanyue very depressed.

His wife didn't mean to hit him, but Jiutian Lanyue was at home and liked to study these food supplements and the like, making them not only delicious but also nourishing the body.

His wife eats these things every day and has a strong appreciation for them.

What's more, even he himself felt that this ginseng was just like that.

Later, he also figured out that although this thing might not be as good as Master Qin's blood ginseng liquid, digging it out gave him a sense of accomplishment.

After all, he dug up such a big ginseng.

That day, a reporter came to interview.

He took out the ginseng, took pictures, and took photos as a souvenir.

Then I plan to hype it up and sell it.

Although his ancestors were rich.

The child's career is also developing well now.

But even a few million dollars is not too little for him.

Unexpectedly, the person who found him was an old classmate.

That is, his classmate in college, who is now an executive of Ming Yi Tang

"You want to buy? Old classmates, I have to remind you that this stuff does have medicinal effects, and the price is very high, but more importantly, it has a hidden value. If you really want to take medicine, you'd better buy Master Qin's blood ginseng liquid directly."

"Haha, classmate, you are really telling me the truth. Don’t worry. I also have blood ginseng liquid here, but it’s not easy to purchase. I bought this ginseng as an advertisement for my group."

"If you say that, I will leave!"

"Nothing wrong!"

Soon, the two chose to trade, and it even made the news.

Now, during the Chinese New Year, more and more people went to Changbai Mountain to dig ginseng.

And this day started, it was the day when spiritual energy revived.

On the mountain, A large number of medicinal materials were growing crazily.

Many people actually dug up treasures.

At this time, their small village became popular, and many people even came to ask Jiutian Lanyue where he dug ginseng. Some people came to ask if it was Hype.

After all, there are more things, and the suspicion of hype is much greater.

In such a smoky environment, Jiutian Lanyue was really annoyed, and finally he took his wife and lived with his daughter.


Two more days passed.

The fifteenth day of the first lunar month has passed.

Divine fortune shops have also begun to reopen.

Qin Yue was sitting in the shop, but his mind was actually in the ghost world.

But at this time, Qin Yue's phone rang.

Qin Yue connected, and a calm voice sounded from the other side.

"Hello, Master Qin, I am Xu Changchuan, Director of the Hangzhou Special Forces Bureau. We have met before."

The meeting was also a few months ago, on the snow girl's case.

"Hello, Xu Juchang"

"Master Qin, I don’t go to the Three Treasures Hall for anything. There is something we want to ask you to do."

"oh? What is it?"

Xu Changchuan's deep voice sounded.

"It’s still about the Ten Thousand Monsters Cave. This time, a monster committed a crime and escaped. Our people from the Special Bureau hunted it down, but the whole army was destroyed, so I wanted to ask Master Qin to take action."

"The previous reward for arrest was 1 billion, but it was later withdrawn."

"Now, it is still 1 billion. Also, with the recent revival of spiritual energy, I believe Master Qin has felt it. The Special Bureau has received a lot of seeds or seedlings from all over the country, which can be sent to Master Qin. We promise, no less than 20!"

This time, the Special Bureau has become richer and richer.

The last ghost energy recovery, coupled with this spiritual energy recovery, has caused the flower growers to fully realize the seriousness of the problem. The upper management has begun to transfer investment projects and invest the treasury in the Special Bureau..

With confidence and the power of the country, once the seeds are not out of print, of course you can pick them at will.

Qin Yue also became interested.

"You can give it a try!"

"Great, Master Qin, I will send Wei Bin to explain this case to you!"

"OK, let him come to my store!"


In less than three minutes, Wei Bin came to the door.

It seems that Wei Bin has been waiting outside the store for a long time.

However, Qin Yue is too strong now. If he wants to ask Qin Yue to take action, whether it is Wei Bin, The entire Special Bureau felt that only Wei Bin was not taken seriously enough.

So there was a situation where Xu Changchuan called and Wei Bin came to the door.

Qin Yue did not expose it.

Wei Bin was already familiar with the road. After sitting down, Fang Mingxu served tea and Wei Bin Bin also took it

"Thank you, Master Fang!"

Wei Bin quickly lowered his head and took it.

"You're welcome. Is there another case?"

"That's right, 35 monsters escaped from the Ten Thousand Monster Cave last time, and there are still 32 left active outside. The monster that committed the crime this time is the most powerful Spider King in the Ten Thousand Monster Cave!"

"From Ten Thousand Demon Cave? Let me see!"

Xiao Li came over and checked the information.

This information is not just about the Spider King.

There is also information about other monsters.

Last time, these thirty-five monsters were all tracked after they left the Ten Thousand Monster Cave.

Even, During the contact with the Special Bureau, I also persuaded some fairies.

I told them that now is the end of the Dharma era, there are no resources everywhere, and living is already very difficult.

Humans and monsters are not as difficult to get along with each other as they were in ancient times.

As long as You can survive in human society without committing any crime.

The most basic thing is that the rules the monsters abide by is that they cannot harm humans.

Some monsters are really recruited

"This stupid cow is actually moving bricks?"

Xiao Li chuckled when she saw the information above.

This is a bull demon. It is simple and honest by nature, and does not have much rejection of people from the Special Bureau. After applying for a monster residence permit from the Special Bureau, he began to make his way into society..

He didn’t want people from the Special Bureau to help, so he found a job by himself.

So, he became a civil servant. He worked hard at the construction site every day, moving bricks and dusting, and felt that such a life was very comfortable.

Of course. , in addition to him, there are also some fairies who have gradually integrated into the human world.

Among them, the process of the Spider Queen entering society is also very bizarre.

After she escaped, she went straight to the south, and finally entered the tropical city, Nan Province.

Observed After becoming a human, the Spider Emperor also changed his appearance. After careful contact with the Special Bureau, the Spider Emperor let down his guard and lived in the city.

Moreover, in order to stabilize these monsters, the Spider Emperor obtained the right to use a house. , and a sum of money.

Not much, only thirty thousand yuan.

With this money, Spider Emperor began to get familiar with her current life. Not only that, she actually found a boyfriend quickly.

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