"Master Qin, even if you want to solve it, you have to wait until night. The ghost king in this village is a ghost city god, a regular ghost that will only appear at 12 o'clock in the evening!"

Rule-type ghosts are existences that abide by certain rules.

They will appear at a certain point in time.

At other times, no matter how hard you look for them, they will not appear.

So Qin Yue wants to solve it now. It is useless if the other party does not come out.

Listen. At this point, Qin Yue was no longer anxious.

Seeing that several people were very tired, Qin Yue said:"I can open a special passage to let you leave, will you leave?"

"No, let's be there to assist Master Qin!"


"Master Qin, we still have some information that we can tell you."

These members of the Special Bureau talked about what happened.

It turned out that Gao Huanglong bulldozed the City God's Temple, which made the City God furious, and then killed Gao Huanglong in anger.

However, this era is the age of the end of law. , after the City God killed Gao Huanglong, his remaining thoughts disappeared completely.

The village can no longer be guarded.

This leads to the invasion of evil spirits and the accumulation of Yin energy.

Gao Huanglong's soul absorbed a large amount of Yin energy and turned into a fierce ghost.

Naturally, he hated the City God, but as a result, the City God was defeated.

He did not completely occupy the City God's Temple during his lifetime, but after his death he proclaimed himself the City God.

The original city god protected the villagers.

Then he just wants to bully the villagers.

At twelve o'clock in the evening, Gao Huanglong would appear, beating gongs and drums, and all the villagers, as if they had been blinded, walked to the City God's Temple.

Later, Gao Huanglong will select villagers to eat.

On the first day, everyone Gao Huanglong disliked was massacred by him.

These people were all the people who were unwilling to pay when Gao Huanglong collected money under the pretext of improving the City God's Temple.

There were also people who directly mocked Gao Huanglong.

There are also some people who have not offended Gao Huanglong, but whose family background is particularly good, and Gao Huanglong does not like them.

There are even women who were defiled by Gao Huanglong, even though he has turned into a ghost now.

The defiled woman dies the most miserable death

"Now, the open space of the City God's Temple was full of corpses. Gao Huanglong swallowed all these people, and he himself became very scary."

How terrible it was, he didn't describe it. He only told Qin Yue that he would know it when he saw it.

Later, these people also asked Qin Yue about his practice problems. The special bureau also has its own practice techniques.

Some of these people They are talented people discovered by the people, and some are warriors. They are selected through unified screening. They will choose exercises based on different talents and tendencies.

In the special bureau, there are hundreds of exercises accumulated..

However, apart from the popular ones, many skills have to be figured out by oneself.

As for cultivation, you rely too much on the master.

Without the guidance of the master, if you can’t learn it, you just can’t learn it.

Now they met Qin Yue, these people took the opportunity to ask, Qin Yue also gave some guidance, making them feel like they had found a treasure.

Not only that, Qin Yue also provided these people with a dinner.

Meeting is fate.

Qin Yue doesn't mind a meal.

Even his meals are all made by Lingzhi.Eating a meal is probably worth a drop of blood ginseng liquid.

After eating, because it is too tonic.

The people in these five special bureaus all had nosebleeds. They practiced their own skills crazily to consume their own energy.

In this way , time passed unconsciously.

At 12 o'clock in the evening, a gong and drum sounded.

"Dang Dang Dang Dang!"

Ghost energy surged in the sky over the entire village.

People inhaled the ghost energy while breathing.

Then they turned into walking zombies.

They became confused and moved forward with hands and feet.

This black energy also invaded the people of the Special Bureau.

Even these people from the Special Bureau couldn't resist, so they got up and walked away.

Qin Yue opened his eyes.

A wisp of black energy lingered around him, but Qin Yue's magical power protects his body and is immune to all evil spirits, so naturally this black energy cannot enter..

As Qin Yue's eyes fell on the black energy, the black energy could no longer support it and collapsed.

Beside him, Xiao Zi was invaded by the black energy and did not react for a long time.

Xiaoni was also penetrated by the black energy. Inside her nose, she sneezed, and a stream of black air was sprayed out and dissipated.

"It seems that Gao Huanglong has come out!"

Qin Yue followed a few people from the Special Bureau.

He followed the road to the village and walked to the location of the former City God's Temple.

At this time, in front of the ruins of the City God's Temple.

A meat mountain sat on a throne formed of skeletons.

Beside him, Various corpses were piled up.

Countless ants, flies, and even maggots were gnawing on the remaining flesh and blood.

The stench was overwhelming.

But this mountain of meat could not be smelled at all.

On the contrary, it was very adapted to such a life.

And this meat mountain The mountain is Gao Huanglong.

Qin Yue frowned when he saw this ghost king level existence.

Disgust flashed in his eyes.

This Gao Huanglong was five meters tall. Even when he sat down, he was still three meters tall..The head is very huge and the body is swollen.

"Are they all here? Let’s see today, who should we eat?"

As this sound appeared, all the villagers woke up.

Seeing the surrounding environment, they naturally knew that the nightmare of a new day had begun.

The person at the front of the crowd turned pale at this time, and his body Trembling, he finally knelt down with a thud.

"Don't eat me, Lord City God. I will definitely make money to buy you offerings in the future."

"Don't squeeze me! Let me out!"


These people are extremely scared.

Seeing them in such panic, Gao Huanglong was very happy

"Hahahaha, now let me ask, do you still have that disgusting smell on your body?"


Hearing this, the villagers were extremely desperate.

The disgusting smell naturally refers to the perfume from the other side.

But with the perfume from the other side, they saved their lives.

Now, without the perfume, they will die.

These villagers are extremely desperate, They were all retreating.

However, when they retreated to the edge, a gray mist blocked them, as if there was an invisible wall, and they could no longer retreat.

However, as they retreated, the only one who did not The person who retreated stood up.

That was Qin Yue.

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