"Okay, I'll go find that parent and come back later!"


Soon, Tian Xuechan contacted the parent.

Hearing that Tian Xuechan actually knew Master Qin from Hangzhou City, the other party was also very surprised and said that he could come immediately. At three o'clock in the afternoon, Tian Xuechan also asked for leave, and went to Qin Yue with the child and his parents. Inside the divine calculation shop.

The three of them entered the shop without any obstruction.

Seeing Qin Yue, Tian Xuechan's eyes lit up.

Qin Yue's current changes were really unbelievable.

But at this time, she did not act like she had on WeChat. Start teasing like that.

Not only because there are children, but also because Qin Yue in reality has an extraordinary temperament and a vague sense of detachment.

It is blasphemous to say some teasing words.

"Master Qin, hello, this is my daughter’s birth date."


Qin Yue did not refuse and took the name from the other party's hand.

At this time, the little girl's eyes were still red. She had cried in the morning, but now her mood is much more stable.

"You Mingxi, what a great name!"

Qin Yue praised.

You Mingxi's mother also forced a smile and said nothing.

Qin Yue gently brushed You Mingxi's head.

You Mingxi's eyes involuntarily looked at Qin Yue.

There was fear in his eyes. , gradually dispersed.

Since he wanted to settle the matter, Qin Yue was not stingy with his words.

"Your daughter is eight years old this year. She is a popular one. Everyone in the family treats her like the apple of their eye. You also have a son who should be 13 years old this year!"

When You Mingxi's mother heard this, her eyes suddenly lit up.

Master Qin's calculations were very accurate.

However, it may also be these teachers who observed her life and told Master Qin.

So she is not too big. Qin Yue continued

:"The child was fine at first, but when he was four years old, something happened. The child's grandfather passed away!"

"When my grandfather was alive, he liked children very much"

"Before he died, he said he wanted to see his granddaughter, but in the end he never did. On the night of the ghost appearance, your daughter reminded you that you had to wake her up and send her grandpa off, but none of you took your child's words seriously."

After hearing this, You Mingxi's mother's expression finally changed.

She was very excited for a moment, her eyes were moist, and her voice was trembling.

"Master Qin, your calculation is too accurate."

Because she often tells fortunes, You Mingxi's mother is also well-informed.

In fact, most of the time, those fortune tellers cannot tell things accurately and need to ask questions.

But Qin Yue doesn't need it at all.

Just tell him He told the content.

Let You Mingxi's mother completely trust him.

Qin Yue didn't need to tell what happened next, but the mother began to talk.

"Master Qin, the old man has five sons. After the sons are born, they are still sons. My daughter is the only girl in the You family. My grandfather has liked her very much since she was a child."

"Four years ago, the child's grandfather passed away and said he wanted to see Xiaoxi, because he died of cancer. When he was dying, his appearance was really terrible. We were afraid of scaring the child, so we didn't let Xiaoxi come at all.."

You know, if the cancer is delayed to the later stages, the whole person will be nothing but skin and bones.

My grandpa, who used to be very tall, turned into a flat skeleton.

When he died in the end, he died with his eyes wide open.

Because he was too tall. It’s painful.

Naturally, You Mingxi’s mother doesn’t want her children to see

"After grandpa passed away, the spirit was suspended for three days. Xiaoxi had no one to take care of her and brought her here. The night before the spirit was to be released, Xiaoxi said that she would go up the mountain the next day and we would go together. She said that grandpa wanted to see her, but we didn't let her go. in heart"

"After all, she is only four years old, what does a child say?"

"Even if you understand, you won't let children participate in such things as ghosts!"

"She got up at four o'clock in the morning, carried the coffin, and took it to the mountain for burial. How could she let her child go? She was still a little girl."

"When we came back, Xiaoxi was crying hard and called her grandpa, saying she was wrong."

Speaking of this, You Mingxi's mother also choked up.

"The child's grandfather wanted to see the child, but he didn't see it in the end. He was obsessed with it after his death."Qin Yue said.

You Mingxi's mother also nodded:"Other masters also said the same thing. They also burned paper and made paper figures. Sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesn't work."

"Last year, the child encountered another problem when he was in first grade, and we were forced to transfer schools. At that time, we met a master who was very powerful, but he told us that it was too late. He could only help suppress it for three years, but the time was not up yet. , Xiaoxi met again. The most important thing is that I called the other party in the morning and found out that this master had passed away. By the way, this master was also very famous in Hangzhou. His surname was Liu. I don’t know if Master Qin recognized him."

Master from Hangzhou, surnamed Liu?

Who else could this be if he wasn't Liu Wuye?

Qin Yue couldn't laugh or cry either.

This Liu Wuye died because of him

"He was right, it was indeed a little late!"

"At that time, if you had sent your children up the mountain and worshiped them again, and the first seven days would be over, everything would be fine."

"But you didn't do that either. Instead, you stayed further and further away."

"The child’s grandfather feels that you are afraid of him and feels resentful."

"But he is the child's grandfather after all. He did not turn into a ghost and his soul was reincarnated, but his obsession remained and formed a pair of eyes that would appear from time to time."

If the soul is still there, many masters can seize the soul and beat the opponent's soul to pieces.

But now, the opponent's soul may have been reincarnated, or reincarnated. There is only a trace of obsession left. How to deal with this?

Don't think of obsession. It's easy to deal with, but this kind of thing is invisible.

When there is no attack, you can't touch it at all.

So Liu Wuye had no choice but to make a golden sword in the end to suppress the child's soul and keep evil spirits away.

For just this sword, he took 300,000 from You Mingxi’s mother.

It can be said that a year ago, this money was considered to have taken away all the savings of You Mingxi’s family.

At this time, You Mingxi’s mother, Also suddenly realized

"Is that really what happened? Master Liu, you didn’t tell me so much! Qin

Yue said with a smile:"There are too many people who know the magic of Xuanmen but don't know why. It's normal not to explain it.""

Maybe Liu Wuye knew what was going on, but found that he couldn't handle it, so he just made up an excuse.

As for why, the golden sword talisman that was originally said to be suppressed for three years is no longer easy to use?

Of course, it is because the ghost energy has revived!

The explosion of ghost energy doubled, resulting in an increase in strange power. You Mingxi was entangled in his grandfather's obsession. He was usually weak and easy to touch dirty things, so he activated the volcano hidden in the dark: the obsession of the deceased.

So, You Mingxi saw those eyes again.

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