After saying this, Zheng Long's eyelids also jumped wildly.

Then, he knelt on the ground and kowtowed.

"Wife, wife, I was wrong, I was obsessed, I was really wrong"

"Forgive me, please forgive me!"

"For the sake of our relationship as a couple!"

It's just that when the people in the live broadcast room heard this, they wanted to take a sip.

"For the sake of your husband and wife, why should you kill her?"

"If you don’t like it anymore, the worst possible outcome is divorce!"

"Doesn’t divorce mean dividing property? All the property of the direct widow is left behind!"

"It's terrible, such a man is terrible!"

At this time, it was finally Qin Yue's turn.

"In this matter, the three people present are all murderers."

"Among them, Zheng Long has always wanted to murder his wife. Ever since he cheated, he has always wanted to kill his wife."

"He replaced his wife's vitamin tablets, which were specially made by him, which is not difficult for doctors"

"Later, because she often took this medicine, Liu Zhi gradually developed heart problems."

"And nurses are very busy and often stay up late on night shifts"

"He often felt flustered, so Zheng Long persuaded Liu Zhi not to continue working, but to resign and go home to take care of the family."

"In this case, the matter between him and Zhao Yuanyuan will not be discovered, and he can still enjoy the blessings of being together, but of course Liu Zhi is not willing to"

"He could only hint to others when talking to others that Liu Zhi's heart was not very good and she was very busy and worked hard to prepare for the eventual outbreak of her illness."

"But before he could kill Liu Zhi at home, Zhao Yuanyuan and Qian Xiaojia started killing Liu Zhi at the same time in the hospital."

"It just so happened that Qian Xiaojia was defeated when she competed with Liu Zhi for the position of head nurse. The two had a grudge behind their backs, but on the surface they were harmonious. What's more, Liu Zhi didn't expect that Qian Xiaojia would be so bold. , really drugged"

"Qian Xiaojia didn't think about the other party's death, but after hearing Zheng Long's foreshadowing, she thought that if Liu Zhi had a heart problem, the position of head nurse would naturally be vacant after the break, and she should be fine with some medicine."

"Zhao Yuanyuan thought so too"

"No one expected that Liu Zhi would die on the spot at work."

"Subsequently, the body was sent to the funeral home without any examination. Sparks"

"It's just that they don't know that although the body is gone, the resentful spirit remains."

"Now, knowing all the resentful spirits, they are very dangerous things"

"Water friends, stay away and don’t get close!"

At this time, needless to say Qin Yue, wherever the goblin ran, there was another water friend hiding in the corner, shivering. The door could not be opened.

But the black air on the ground above his head had permeated the entire room. Inside.

After Zheng Long knelt down to beg for mercy, Liu Zhi had come out of the state of being possessed by Zhao Yuanyuan.

Now, all three people could see her.

After all, the ghost spirit here is too strong.

And Liu Zhi's resentment , too big.

When she didn’t know the truth, Liu Zhi just felt unwilling to die, and the recovery of ghost energy allowed her to gather strength little by little.

And resentment is naturally the greatest power.

The reason why weirdness is called weird is, It is because this thing does not exist based on the conservation of energy.

The greater the resentment, the greater the ghost power.

Therefore, without any training, she actually broke through the third level of Qi refining in a short time.

It is definitely a proper fierce ghost level.

"die! Die to me!"

She roared and rushed directly towards Zheng Long's body.

Zheng Long's face was distorted, his eyes turned white, and his body actually floated in the air, three feet above the ground. The surrounding black mist quickly integrated into Zheng Long's body.

At this moment, Zheng Long's eyes turned completely black. It was very strange.

He even showed a ferocious smile. He seemed to be doing something evil.

The next moment, he suddenly threw himself next to Zhao Yuanyuan and hugged Zhao Yuanyuan directly..

Swinging and flying


The sound of broken glass sounded.

Zhao Yuanyuan was thrown directly out of the window.


The screams that gradually faded away had not stopped yet, Zheng Long pulled Qian Xiaojia up again

"No! No!!!!"

Qian Xiaojia struggled fiercely, but Zheng Long's strength was terrifying and he threw Qian Xiaojia out.



A muffled sound came from the window.

It was the sound of Zhao Yuanyuan landing before


Qian Xiaojia also landed.

The next moment, Zheng Long jumped up and rushed out of the building.

There was no scream.

But after a muffled cry, the entire office was in a mess, but extremely quiet.

Only the cold winter came from outside. The cold wind made people shiver.

The goblin ran away, tremblingly, close to the window and looked down.

His mobile phone shined outside.

Under the streetlight, he saw three twisted figures lying on the ground, dark red The blood spurted everywhere, and not only that, there was a woman standing next to her.

This woman was dressed in black, and strangely, she looked like a nurse's uniform.

The next moment, this woman in black nurse uniform, Turned into ashes.

It looked like it had dissipated.

At this moment, countless netizens only felt horrified

"Ahhhhh, it’s so scary!"

"Artificial Marseille!"

"Barrage protection!!!!"

"Dead, all dead!"

"Oh my God, if you haven’t run away yet, what are you still doing there? Why don't you go to the head nurse to find you?"

"Is that woman in black just the head nurse?"

"Why, the white nurse uniform turned gray and black!"

"Has she become a vicious spirit?"

Qin Yue saw the question in the live broadcast room.

He also sighed.

"How cruel!"

"This nurse has now become a ghost king!"

"A sign of great evil"

"But water friends don’t need to worryYou have no grudges with her, so of course she won’t hurt you!"

Wherever the goblin ran, he was still sweating profusely and had a chill down his spine.

"Master Qin, to be honest, I'm a little soft, really soft. I didn't expect it to be so scary!"

He never expected to see three people jumping off the building with his own eyes.

And the last female ghost in black.

He didn't dare to look at it a second time.

Now he has taken back his mobile phone and left the office quickly.

And downstairs, there was already There was a lot of noise.

Someone had already discovered the person who jumped from the building.

The goblin planned to evacuate quickly.

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