These three people suddenly became energetic.

Then, one person took the video while the other two walked in front.

The goblin ran away and asked,"Master Qin, we have opened our eyes, and there seems to be no difference!"

"Yes, Master Qin, if we look at it this way, how can we prove that what we see is a ghost or a human?"

Qin Yue said:"There are several types of ghosts."

"One type is a kind ghost who has never done any bad things during his lifetime. He has obsessions in his heart and cannot let go of certain things, so he stays in the world. Most of these ghosts don't know that they are dead. A small number of ghosts know that they will leave when their obsessions are over."

"One is a wandering soul, who knows he is dead, becomes confused, and ends up not knowing where he went."

"The last one is the evil ghost. It is very obvious that he is covered in black gas. He is coming. Look ahead!"

This sound really frightened several people.

They quickly looked forward, and then saw a figure with black air all over his body.

This man had a sinister look in his eyes, was wearing a hospital gown, and had a broken knife on his head. Beer bottle.

It looked like a ghost at first glance.

The three people were frightened and stopped moving.

The evil ghost seemed to have seen the sight of the three people, so he also looked at them fiercely.

But after getting a little closer , his nose shrugged and his brows furrowed, as if he was very unhappy with the smell.

Then, he walked away.

This made several people heave a big sigh of relief.

"Damn, luckily I wear strong perfume!"

"Master Qin, if we sprayed Bianan perfume before, these ghosts can't get close!"

"Yeah yeah!

Qin Yue replied,"Perfume cannot restrain all monsters. If the resentment is too deep, it will not work.""

"Another point is that most ghosts won’t attack if you don’t provoke them. Some ghosts that look very real depend on their actions and shadows!"

"If there is no shadow, it is a ghost"

"Hungui wandering spirits generally cannot control themselves and do not have much lethality. Such ghosts have their feet three feet above the ground, which is one meter, and are very easy to spot."

Just as he was talking, he saw an old man in front of him who was obviously different in height. He was covering his chest with a dull expression and floating out.


"It hurts!"

His lips are all purple.

At this time, the water friends in the live broadcast room have gone crazy.

"Ahhhhhhhh, it’s so scary that I’m all alone!"

"Damn, damn, damn, this is something I can see in this world?"

"Oh my god!!!"

"Oh my god, what kind of special effects does this anchor have? Is it so real?"

"Is ghost catching live streaming becoming popular now? Exciting!"

"We are taking in frightened little girls. They are required to be 16-18 years old and weigh no more than 90 kilograms. Boys are also allowed. I will punch you twice when you come, you useless thing."

"To be honest, from your perspective, with so much light, ghosts are not as scary as ghost movies, so what is there to be afraid of?"

"For those who have watched ghost movies all year round, this is all child’s play, right?"

"Not scary at all."

Netizens are all kinds of weird.

Some have been scared to tears.

Some are not scared at all.

There are also some newcomers who don't know what's going on.

Qin Yue also agrees with some of these people's views:"Theoretically speaking, the reason why ghost movies are It’s scary because of the lighting, pictures, music, etc. shooting angles, but our kind is real, so it’s not that scary."

"The unknown is scary, because you can’t see it, so you can’t prevent it!"

"But now, it has unveiled a mysterious veil to you. After you understand the other person, will you still feel scared?"

"To tell a more real thing, most people whose parents have passed away will always dream about their parents, but they will never be afraid. However, their grandparents will find it scary, and the less familiar they are, the more so."

"If your grandparents raised you since you were a child, they won’t either."

As soon as these words came out, they were naturally recognized by many people.

Although most of the fans who watched Qin Yue's live broadcast were young people, there were indeed parents who passed away due to some reasons.

"My father passed away when I was 26 years old. It has been six years now. I often dream about him. In the dream, he lived with me at the beginning. Later, I found out that he passed away. I once asked online However, what I’m talking about is that when I was about to wake up, my subconscious told me that my father had passed away, which led to the direction of the dream that he had passed away. However, I was not afraid at all. Instead, I dreamed that I was saving him many times."

"My mother died in a car accident when I was 18 years old. It has been 10 years now. I often can’t accept it. And every time I feel stressed, I dream about my mother. She encourages me, cooks for me, and waits until I wake up from the dream. , I feel motivated again, and I always feel like my mother is still with me!"

"I was raised by my grandma. I was in the hospital at the time, and my grandma finally left. I went over and kissed her forehead. I missed her so much!"

"Damn it, you made me cry when I saw what you said!"

Relatives are often not afraid of each other, because subconsciously, the death of a relative will not harm themselves.

But everyone tells everyone, but they still ask where the goblin is.

"Master Qin, where are we going now?"

"The tenth floor!"


The two got in the elevator.

At eight o'clock in the evening, the inpatient department was no longer so busy. The patients had all had dinner and the visitors had left.

So, counting the three of them, there were only six people on the elevator.

Among them One was still sitting in a wheelchair.

Several people gave way to that side.

But soon, they discovered that something was wrong.

The person in the wheelchair was covered in black gas.

A resentful ghost.

Strange to say, the remaining two people also They are both normal people.

The two of them should not be able to see the evil ghost, but in such a big elevator, they are close to the elevator station.

No one comes near the back.

Humans are actually existences that seek good luck and avoid evil.

They are not animals. Only with instinct.

Soon, the elevator reached the 10th floor.

The three people got off the elevator.

Looking back, the wheelchair ghost had not come out yet, but he showed an evil smile.

When the elevator slowly closed, the three people only felt numb scalp

"I'm going, I'm going, I'm going, I didn't take the picture just now, Master Qin, I feel like that wheelchair ghost just now, smiled at me, it's so scary!"

"He won't find us!"

"When I went, I was so scared that I wanted to go to the toilet, but I didn't dare to go."

These three people finally felt scared!

(Redefine 1-2 hours, damn, they have been fishing until now!)

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