Hearing the cry of the eight-gold grandma, the water friends in the live broadcast room suddenly became energetic.

"Come, come, victim"

"Victim, if you have anything unhappy, tell me and it will make me happy!"

"What sin? My husband cheated on me, or my son and his wife ran away?"

"Selling peanut butter and drinking mineral water, I moved a small bench and waited to start listening!"

"My little gossipy ears pricked up!"

"You tell me I’m not sleepy anymore!"

Under everyone's warm welcome,

Qin Yue said:"This destined person, don't cry in a hurry. According to the rules of the live broadcast room, I need to tell your fortune first."

"What's more, if I'm not accurate, you won't do anything I say."

"So, let’s do the math first, do you think it’s okay?"

When Grandma Bajin heard this, she also nodded.

"OK, OK!"

Qin Yue looked at the eight-gold grandma, then opened the Secret Code of Stealing Heaven and traced back to the past.

This time, it was very exciting.

This person has a taboo.

What is taboo is that trouble comes from the mouth. He always says bad things. , learn bad words, which leads to conflicts.

Qin Yue thought for a while and said:"This destined person is 56 years old. He was born in poverty. His parents have passed away now. He has four brothers and sisters, but the relationship is not good."

"The reason why the relationship is not good is actually because of you. You always thought that your parents favored the eldest and second sisters, and also cared about the fourth and fifth brothers. You were caught in the middle and did not receive any attention."

"So you cry a lot, grab food when you are a child, and beg for money when you grow up."

When Qin Yue said this, the eight-gold grandma was naturally not happy.

"Originally, my mother and father were biased. They gave my eldest sister and second sister a sewing machine in their dowries. When they came to my place, the prices have gone up. I asked for a TV, but he wouldn’t buy it for me. What do you mean, if this isn’t bias? Qin

Yue smiled:"Although your eldest and second sister also brought dowry, the men gave them gifts. You married a gangster, and you didn't get a penny in gifts, and you also asked for a TV.""

Grandma Bajin said,"It's just because my husband doesn't have a bride price, so he needs subsidies from his parents' family. Otherwise, how can we get married? Let us live on the street?"

This woman is really out of touch with her parents' family, and she is very considerate to her husband.

As the saying goes, it's not like a family doesn't belong to the same family.

Qin Yue smiled and said:"Then let's get on with it!"

"You and your husband are a perfect match, and you are blessed with wealth. A year after you got married, you gave birth to a daughter. Not only that, but on the tenth year, your village was relocated, and 1.8 million was given to her in one go, and three properties were divided among them."

Having said this, the eight-gold grandma slapped her thigh.

"Master Qin’s calculation is really accurate, that’s right."

This is a good thing after all, and Grandma Bajin also likes to hear it.

Qin Yue said again:"But your husband is a bad gambler. In the end, he lost a million of this money. Fortunately, you are also fierce and guarded three sets. After raising your daughter with the house and the remaining money, she was also given a house to get married. Three years ago, your grandson was born, weighing eight pounds at birth, so you changed your social media to"Grandma Eight Gold!""

Grandma Ba Jin nodded immediately.

"Master Qin, you are really amazing."

"We are all!"

"That's right."

Qin Yue waited until she finished speaking, and then said:"You are now seriously ill, with signs of cancer, and the focus is in your stomach!"

Hearing this, Grandma Bajin's originally happy expression suddenly faded away and she almost cried.

"Master, you are so accurate! So accurate! I just have cancer!"

"I'm going to have an operation soon, and I'm afraid I won't be able to get out!"

"Master Qin, please do the math for me, can I still be okay?"

"Over the years, I have been doing good deeds and have never done anything bad!"

Qin Yue almost rolled his eyes when he heard this.

"This Destined Master, are you doing good deeds? I see you have done a lot of evil. When you talk about accumulating virtue and doing good deeds, you mean releasing fish roe, right?"

Grandma Ba Jin nodded immediately.

"yes! Once the roe is released, there are tens of thousands of them. Wouldn’t that save a lot of lives?"

"If I do good deeds, I will save tens of thousands of people. Of course, I am doing good deeds and doing good deeds!"

"How could I have done something wrong?"

Qin Yue shook his head helplessly.

"First, not all roes can hatch into fish, and some are not even fertilized."

"Secondly, now merchants will not sell you fish roes individually, so how do you get fish roes?"

"You buy a fish, kill the fish, keep the roe, and eat the fish!"

"Are you releasing animals to do good deeds, or are these fish roes killing their mothers?"

"Secondly, you can release them as long as you want, but regardless of the species, no matter whether they are good or bad, some fish will be a disaster if they are released into some rivers and grow up!"

"For example, the big black fish can eat food larger than itself in a week. Such existence, in certain rivers, is a creature that destroys the environment, disrupts the ecological balance, and leads to the extinction of species."

"Just for this alone, you may have accumulated a lot of sins!"

Grandma Bajin didn't expect that she would actually do bad things with good intentions.

"Oh, Master Qin, I don’t know. I didn’t think so much. I want to do good deeds and do good deeds. Those who don’t know are not guilty!"

Grandma Bajin immediately dumped the blame.

Qin Yue did not expose the other party.

Why did Grandma Bajin choose this method to accumulate virtue and do good deeds?

Instead of helping people who really need help?

It's not because this method is cheap and hassle-free.

But being poor means being alone, and Qin Yue also understands this truth.

If you don’t have money, you can’t take care of yourself, so how can you spend money to take care of others.

Take care of it once, what if you have to take care of it all the time?

That is a responsibility and a burden.

Although Grandma Eight Gold I have savings in my hand, but after 20 years, the 800,000 has been almost spent for a long time. The whole family has their mouths open to eat, and there is a husband who is a bad gambler. I must hold on to this money tightly, and I will not For anyone.

Qin Yue also understands this

"So friends, that’s all for now. Now, do you have any questions that need to be answered, or do you want to do something else?"

Qin Yue asked.

When the eight-gold grandma heard this, she quickly said:"Master Qin, I still say the same thing. Please help me see if I can cure it. Is the operation dangerous?"

When Qin Yue heard this, he saw the face of the eight-gold grandma. He was about to die.

He did not remind him tactfully, but bluntly.

"A narrow escape from death!"

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