In the car, Lin Tao's innocent soul huddled in the corner, shivering.

When she became a wronged spirit, she felt very powerful and it seemed easy to kill ordinary people.

But now, huddled in the car, I dare not make any mistakes.

Of the four little girls, I'm afraid only the one in purple is less powerful, and the rest are more fierce than the others.

However, the little girl in purple clothes has no soul and is completely immune to soul attacks.

Lin Tao, who had just become an injustice, felt aggrieved and resented even more.

Fang Mingxu drove and arrived at the community according to Qin Yue's address.

Even though it's one o'clock in the evening.

But the users on the 16th floor have not turned off the lights yet.

He was drinking and eating peanuts.

I was trembling all over.

It can be said that after calming down from committing crimes and killings, there is only fear.

His mind was a mess.

The eyes are all red.

Some regrets.

But what I regret even more is that I ran away so easily.

"Go tomorrow, bring some sandbags and bury her"

"Don't let anyone discover it!"

"Damn herWhy are you resisting? It's just a show anyway. It just makes me feel good. Isn't that the end of it?"

He didn't admit his mistake at all.

On the contrary, it was Lin Tao who had resisted.

At this moment, the lights in the house flickered a few times and then went out.

A cold wind blew over.

They were all turned off in winter. The window was closed and the air conditioner was turned on.

The sudden coldness made Yuan Huakang shiver.

His whole body shivered.


A woman with disheveled hair suddenly appeared behind him.

A cold blowing sound appeared in his ears.

He turned his head suddenly.

But he saw nothing.

Because at this time, this woman had already bitten the On his neck.

Unlike the taxi driver, this man did not have the other shore perfume.

So his whole body suddenly stiffened.

There was frost on his eyebrows.

His body was frozen, and the yang energy was continuously absorbed.

His body quickly Just stiff

"Die with me!"

"Why do you want to kill me?"

"Is it a cheap hand?"

"Then cut your hands off!"

In the kitchen, a kitchen knife flew up.

Yuan Huakang's hands were placed stiffly on the table.

His fingers were spread out.

Then, the kitchen knife flew into the air and slashed downwards.


The kitchen knife cut on his finger.

A sharp pain came.


Ten fingers connected to the heart.

His fingers were actually chopped off.

Not only that, this is just the beginning.



"Boom, boom, boom!"

"Boom, boom, boom!"

Lin Tao's soul grinned, very excited.

What's more, what's weird is that although Yuan Huakang's fingers were chopped off, there was no trace of blood flowing out.

It was more like frozen pork.

The texture distinct

"I was wrong, don't kill me, don't kill me! Lin

Tao grinned.

His mouth was filled with darkness.

"If you kill me, I'll kill you too, that's fair!"

"Die, die!"

"Let's die together!"

"No, don’t kill me, I will surrender, I will surrender!"Yuan Huakang shouted.

After surrendering, he may be sentenced to death, or he may be given a reprieve. After the reprieve, there will be no time limit. After the time limit, he will be released directly from prison in more than ten or twenty years.

It is better to die than to live. He does not want to die.

But , Lin Tao obviously wouldn't listen to this.

Controlling Yuan Huakang's body, he walked to the balcony


The window of the balcony was opened.

Then Yuan Huakang rushed down and jumped down.

This is the 16th floor.

He will definitely die.


Yuan Huakang fell to the ground and let out a muffled cry.

Then, a confused soul emerged.

Lin Tao rushed forward, tore the soul into pieces and bit it into her body.

Her resentment increased greatly, and her strength also increased. Going to the next level.

The ghostly aura was even more terrifying.

But the next moment, there was an invisible force that enveloped her.

She only saw a green door, opening to her and sucking her away.

Qin Yue wanted to do Yes, it was just to suppress Lin Tao's soul and prevent her from hurting others.

As for the body, it was none of his business.

"Okay, the rest is up to you, Officer Li!"

Li Hongze now understands that Qin Yue called him here just to wash the floor.

But this really makes him embarrassed.

After all, this Lin Tao, not only killed the other party, but also cut off ten of the other party's fingers.

This Can it still be considered a suicide?

How can he explain this?

This will definitely become an unsolved case!

"If it's not easy to solve, I'll ask someone from the Special Bureau to tell me my name!"

"All right!"

Li Hongze nodded helplessly.

After Qin Yue left, Li Hongze also called a member of the Special Bureau.

The treatment of the Special Bureau among flower growers is not high, and many people even think that the Special Bureau is a scapegoat.

Even , once something cannot be explained clearly, go to the relevant department to solve it.

This relevant department is the Special Bureau.

Before, Li Hongze always believed that the Special Bureau was a group of pretenders. It was not until he met Qin Yue that he completely believed it. There are capable people and strangers in the world.

Then policeman Tachibana and people from the Special Bureau came.

"Consultant Gu Nan, I’m going to trouble you again!"

"It doesn't matter, Master Qin's business is my business, no trouble!"

Gu Nan said with a smile.

His strength has increased a lot recently, all because Qin Yue opened the blood ginseng liquid, and he found people to keep buying it, and he only gained his current strength.

What's more, the last time Qin Yue arrested Xue Nu, he also It surprised them.

Now they respect and fear Qin Yue.

They dare not provoke him.

However, ordinary people don't know all this.

"Captain, has this matter been directly handed over to the Special Bureau? We haven't investigated clearly yet. All the fingers of the deceased were cut off. It was not a suicide at all!"Beside Li Hongze, a pretty girl said unwillingly.

Li Hongze naturally knew that the deceased did not commit suicide.

This was a ghost killing!

He even doubted whether Qin Yue did it, even if Qin Yue was in the car with him at the time.

But with the opponent's unpredictable strength, there was no guarantee that he could do it.

But he didn't dare to think so, and he didn't want to think so.

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