Dengtian Bamboo was also a very famous spiritual creature before.

Legend has it that there is a giant village, and the villagers in the village are all two-meter-tall giants.

Next to their village, there is a climbing bamboo. The villagers eat bamboo shoots every year, so they grow taller and taller. Coupled with the inheritance of future generations, everyone is a giant.

However, the Ascendant Bamboo will bloom and bear fruit within a hundred years, and bamboo rice will appear.

The villagers didn't know how valuable the bamboo was, so they ate the rice and didn't use the rice to grow new bamboo.

They believe that bamboos grow from bamboo shoots. Secondly, the spiritual energy is getting thinner and thinner, making it impossible to grow Ascension Bamboo.

Despite this, this gene will be passed on.

Inside the divine calculation shop.

Although Huang Duoyu didn't know what Qin Yue was going to do.

But he had many, many pictures in his mind.

For example, let’s eat first and then transfer the exercises later.

Maybe give yourself a medicinal bath to stimulate bone growth and so on.

When I was having random thoughts.

He was attracted by the food brought by Xiao Zi.

So fragrant.

What is all this?

Even the rice is fragrant.

There are also some lotus roots, mushrooms, etc.

Although they are all vegetarian.

But it made him move his index finger.

Not only that, there was also a plate of fried bamboo shoots placed in front of him

"This is for you, eat more!"

"Okay, okay, thank you Master Qin."

Huang Duoyu nodded repeatedly and ate hard.

In one meal, he ate three large bowls.

Huang Duoyu ate all the bamboo shoots on the plate.

However, he didn't feel full.

On the contrary, he only felt He 's getting hungrier.

His masseter muscles are sore.

"Something's wrong! Master Qin, why do I get hungrier the more I eat?

Qin Yue smiled:"When you grow taller, of course you will get hungrier as you eat more.""

Then he took out the blood ginseng liquid and gave it to the other party.

"Drink it!"

Although it was introduced by an acquaintance.

But he only heard that Qin Yue was famous, but he didn't know about Qin Yue's products.

He didn't hesitate and drank the blood ginseng liquid directly.

The next moment, heat spread throughout his limbs and bones.

Originally , he drank the blood ginseng liquid. Not only was he hungry, he even felt a little cramped in his calves.

He didn't know what was going on.

But now, after drinking the blood ginseng liquid, he felt that his bones were numb and itchy. He was no longer hungry and cramped. The feeling is also getting better.

Wait until an hour later

"Have another drink!"

Huang Duoyu continued to drink a tube of blood ginseng liquid.

The heat came again.

This time, his muscles began to stretch and shape.

He understood.

"Master Qin, am I growing taller now?"

He asked almost incredulously.

Although he didn't know how much he had grown.

However, he clearly felt that his pants were a bit too small and tight.

His top also became tight.

He was simply incredible.

"What's the matter? Master Qin, when did you let me grow taller?"

"The plate of bamboo shoots from before has the function of increasing your height, but it requires a lot of energy to prevent you from jumping too high. Just wait another three hours!"

"OK OK!"

Huang Duoyu was very excited.

He even walked back and forth, unable to take any time off, wondering what his current height was.

Fang Mingxu went out and borrowed a tape measure to help Huang Duoyu measure his height.

Over the course of a few hours, Huang Duoyu continued to grow taller.

Here he is. It was 12 o'clock in the evening.

He had grown to 175 centimeters.

Although this height was not considered tall, it was not considered short either. This made him more confident.

Not only that. He found that he had a slightly fat body before.

He became much more symmetrical.

Thin muscles appeared in his abdomen.

Even his skin was healed.

This was also the reason why he had eaten the spiritual energy ingredients.

In an instant, he felt that his life was different.

The 5 million was worth it.

"It may grow one or two centimeters later. Eat more good food, and you can also buy blood ginseng liquid. However, you can’t drink too much this time. The blood ginseng liquid has too much energy and can easily break blood vessels. Remember!"

"Okay, okay, how much does this cost?"

"100 yuan"

"Ah, just 100?"

"Well, you can buy it online in the future, it’s also 100, with free shipping."

"Master Qin, you are such a conscientious person!"

This blood ginseng liquid is so effective that it only sells for 100.

If Qin Yue hadn't only been willing to sell 10 boxes, he would have bought 100 boxes at once and distributed them to all his relatives and friends.

Anyway, you can also buy them online. When he gets back, he plans to find someone to place an order and arrange everything.

"Okay, let's go back and drive carefully at night!"

"OK OK!"

"We're off work too!"

Today is overtime work, and it's already past 12 o'clock.

Qin Yue and others came out of the shop together, and the surrounding shops were naturally closed.

In the cold wind, the antique street also looked very depressed.

Especially the antique street did not look like a There are some neon lights in the commercial street.

There is even an antique shop with red lanterns, which looks weird.

But at this time, a taxi stopped in the antique street.

A driver , ran towards the antique street with some panic.

When he saw Qin Yue and others coming towards him, he was immediately overjoyed.

"Master Qin, is this Master Qin?"

Qin Yue's eyes suddenly froze when he saw the other party.

Not only him, but also Fang Mingxu, Xiao Yan and others also looked at him.

His eyes were strange.

This made the driver feel chills running down his spine and sweating profusely on his head.

"I am, this master, don’t worry."

Qin Yue approached.

Then, he waved his hand.

The next moment, the driver felt that the coldness before had disappeared.

The driver could not see.

Just now, there was an innocent soul with blood on his shoulder lying on his shoulder..Still absorbing his yang energy.

So he is cold and cold

"Master Qin, I am your biggest fan. I usually watch your live broadcast. If I can’t catch up, I will watch the video."

"I feel like I've hit a ghost. The car was the closest to you just now. I planned to come to your store to hide for a while, but I didn't expect you didn't leave. Great, Master Qin, please save me."

You see, this is fate.

If it were any other time, Qin Yue would have closed the shop long ago.

By then, the driver would probably have to spend eight hours in front of the divine calculation shop to get to Qin Yue's work.

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