Qin Yue has already spoken out that making fake products will shorten his life by 10 years.

This manufacturing is also quantitative.

Make one and it will take 10 years off.

Not to mention ten thousand!

This is unjustifiable even if he is not dead.

After Zhao Mingguang's death, the group was leaderless and the stock market plummeted. In the end, it had to delist or even go bankrupt.

Although there are many laid-off employees complaining, more people are thanking Qin Yue for making their lives convenient.

Memories on the Internet are very short.

Within a day, the hot searches had disappeared.

The days seemed to be back to normal.

Not only that, those counterfeiters, scammers, and scalpers have also disappeared.

Who made Qin Yue's curse too strong?

Even those who didn't see Qin Yue's V-Bo continued to be unlucky, which also delayed their continued mistakes.


Wei Bin came with something.

Last week, Qin Yue won the Snow Girl, and the Special Bureau specially promised him five spiritual grass seeds.

However, although the Special Bureau has many treasures, they must also undergo strict review and approval.

This time, because it was a temporary assignment, it took a week for approval before it was released.

"Master Qin, take a look, are you satisfied with these things?"


Qin Yue opened the first jade box.

Inside were three green seeds. As soon as they appeared, a fragrance wafted out.

"Bamboo rice! Wei

Bin nodded,"These are the seeds of three ascending bamboos. They are much better than dragon bamboos. Monks can take the bamboo shoots and eat them to gather righteousness and awe-inspiring energy. The bamboo body can be used to carve wooden charms, make weapons, etc.""

The premise is to plant it.

Bamboo rice is the seed of bamboo. Once the bamboo is born, it will die in pieces.

However, due to the end of the Dharma era, it is impossible for bamboo rice to grow into heavenly bamboo.

The monks need spiritual energy. , so the bamboo rice will be consumed soon.

What is left now is already a small amount.

Giving three to Qin Yue is already very generous of the Special Bureau.

As for whether Qin Yue can plant it, that is beyond their control. Got it


Qin Yue put away the bamboo rice and opened the second jade box.

This jade box was actually very heavy.

At least ten kilograms.

But it was only as big as a palm.

After opening it, there was a dark fruit core inside.

With just one glance, Qin Yue understood what it was.

After all, such heavy things are rare.

"It’s actually Shen Li’s seed!"

"Master Qin has a good eye."

Wei Bin introduced

"Shen Li is an ancient divine object. According to our mechanical testing, there is still a trace of spiritual energy in it, which can grow. After Shen Li grows up, taking it can increase your strength and make your manpower infinite. It is a must-have for physical cultivation."

This Shen plum is a kind of plum from ancient times.

But anything in ancient times has magical effects.

Wei Bin said this, feeling a little embarrassed

"Master Qin, our Special Bureau only has this one seed. If Master Qin really succeeds in planting it, can you sell a seed for us to keep?"

Qin Yue didn't refuse.

This matter is simple for him.

He just lacks seeds now, but he definitely doesn't lack finished products.

"Bamboo rice and Shen plum, I provide three for free!"

"Okay, thank you so much Master Qin!"

Then, Wei Bin took out the third jade box.

This time, it was still a fruit core.

But inside this fruit core, a very unique aura spread.

Qin Yue was also stunned.

"Panlong fruit?"

"This thing is amazing!"

"Your special bureau is a bit interesting."

Qin Yue seemed to be smiling but not smiling.

The effect of the Panlong Fruit is very unique. After it is conceived, there will be a golden dragon circling.

It takes five hundred years to bear fruit. After eating the Panlong Fruit, the body contains dragon energy.

And the very wonderful thing about the Panlong Fruit is that once The veins are passed alone.

Do not plant a second one in the same area, otherwise, the dragon energy will compete and there will be damage. Only after eating the last Panlong fruit can you get a new Panlong fruit core.

Plant it again, and then Five hundred years later, a new Panlong Fruit grew.

It is said that this kind of thing was cultivated by ancient immortal cultivators in order to control the mortal royal court. Some mediocre people spent their whole lives in exchange for Panlong Fruit, and finally became Of course , such mediocre people will eventually push their dynasties to destruction.

Dragon Qi body protection is certainly true, but it only means that you have sat in that position, but it does not mean that you can become a wise king.

This It's simply a symbol of power

"I won’t give you any seeds for this one!"

There is no way to give it.

Moreover, Qin Yue does not intend to sell it. Since ancient times, monks have not participated in the struggle for position in the court.

Otherwise, they will be tied up in the world and unable to save.

Wei Bin also nodded awkwardly:"Master Qin is willing to give us Zhumi and Shen Li already have a great friendship."

It's a matter of affection to give, but it's common sense not to give.

What's more, Qin Yue can't give this kind of seed that is passed down by a single line.

They can't cultivate it in the special bureau, and this thing is useless for the special bureau.

Then, the fourth A jade box was opened.


This is a magical medicine to stop bleeding due to trauma. It is useful for monks, let alone mortals.

Without further explanation, Qin Yue opened the fifth box.

This fifth item is It’s a bit unique.

It’s actually an egg!

"What's this?"

Even if Qin Yue receives the inheritance, it doesn't mean he can recognize everything. Plant seeds can be identified by color, smell, and smell. But for eggs, it's hard to tell.

Eggs are different from seeds. There is no incubation period and they won't hatch after a long time. There is a jade talisman under the egg to keep the egg alive.

Based on this speculation, the egg was born not as far back as ancient times. If it is a modern product, it may be a hybrid.

Wei Bin He quickly said:"Master Qin, this is an egg from the descendant of the ancient alien beast Taodu Tianchi. It was discovered a hundred years ago. At that time, the Special Bureau destroyed two chicken sperms and laid this egg. It should have been fertilized. It can be However, in so many years, our Special Bureau has never hatched one, and we have to change the talismans regularly for incubation."

So, it's time-consuming and laborious.

I plan to give Qin Yue a try.

"If Master Qin doesn’t like it, you can replace it with other seeds."

"It doesn't matter, this is fine too, I'm a little interested."

Qin Yue has naturally heard of the name of the Taodu Chicken.

This kind of strange beast can know the sun rises as soon as possible and then crow.

If you think that the rooster's crow is not normal?

That's a big mistake.

Because, When the Taodu Chicken crows, the sun rises and in the morning, evil spirits recede. Therefore, the Taodu Chicken also has the function of warding off evil spirits. When it crows, it brings with it the glow of the morning sun and weakens the combat effectiveness of ghosts.

It can be said to be a kind of special evil spirit. It's a strange beast.

Of course, it's a rooster.

If it's a hen that hatches, that's fine.

Qin Yue can eat eggs now!

Thinking about it this way, this baby is really good.

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