Wang Haibo only felt creepy

"Master Qin, what did you say? I'm going, don't scare me!"

"You said there was someone there just now?"

"Just sit on the couch?"

He just felt a chill running down his spine. He didn't dare to face the sofa anymore, and quickly moved in another direction.

His back was to the balcony.

There were two curtains on the balcony. At this time, there was a figure, half of his head stretched out, looking at in the live broadcast room.

For a moment, the barrage in the live broadcast room exploded again

"Behind the curtain!"


"Damn it, curtains!"

In an instant, these two words floated densely in the live broadcast room.

Wang Haibo turned his head suddenly and looked at the curtains.

But there was nothing at the curtains.

He turned back and looked into the live broadcast room. He said almost in a crying tone ,"Brothers, don't scare me!"

Qin Yue said:"They really didn't scare you!"

"Master Qin, Master Qin, help me, stop scaring me, I'm going to pee."

Wang Haibo really needs to pee, but in this situation, he doesn't dare to go to the toilet.

Because the toilet has always been a place where yin gathers.

What if an accident happens!

But you said to let him take it with you He was too embarrassed to use his cell phone or go to the toilet in front of more than 70,000 people!

In this case, he could only ask Qin Yue for help!

"Master Qin, please help me. I remember you can catch ghosts. Can you help me catch this ghost?"

Qin Yue nodded.

"No problem, this evil spirit keeps showing up, I can catch it now, I don’t have to wait until night!"

Generally speaking, many ghosts have to be captured at a specific time.

For example, the time of death.

However, this room belongs to this evil spirit.

To put it bluntly, this is his ghost domain.

Plus He also died during the day.

As for saying that ghosts can only appear at night, this is obviously wrong.

As long as the ghost energy is sufficient, it can happen at any time.

And now, the whole world is recovering little by little, so this ghost only appears during the day. You can survive by hiding in the shadows

"You can just reward two treasure maps."

"Okay, okay, thank you Master Qin!"

"Bloomberg real estate salesperson Wang Haibo rewarded the anchor Master Qin’s treasure map × 1."

"Bloomberg real estate salesperson Wang Haibo rewarded the anchor Master Qin’s treasure map x 1."

Two treasure maps were presented instantly.

After the reward, he felt a little sick, and then said:"Can the bank help me? This part is reimbursed, after all, I am buying a house for them! Master Qin, when you catch ghosts, you'd better leave me some evidence so that I can find someone to reimburse you."

"The live broadcast room has a screen recording function. It is estimated that many people are also recording the screen. You can watch it yourself later, but you can’t see it."

"But if you go to the bank for reimbursement, remember to pay the fortune teller. After all, you are the one who is destined to have your fortune told."

"If someone else paid for the treasure map, it has nothing to do with you."

"Paying money for fortune-telling is also to avoid disasters for you. If you don't pay a penny, you will easily get into trouble!"

Wang Haibo nodded immediately

"Master Qin, don’t worry, I understand, I will reward you with a big rocket!"

Soon, he rewarded a big rocket

"That’s it!"

Then, Qin Yue closed his eyes.

At this moment, the secret of heaven covered his face, filling the live broadcast room with misty mist.

However, in another part of the live broadcast room, Wang Haibo's house, a strong wind began to blow.

You know , it is January, very cold. It has snowed where Wang Haibo is, and the windows are closed. How can there be wind? Not only that , the sky outside has also become dark, as if there are dark clouds. The wind is strong.

In the middle, the curtains were blown open, and a vague figure appeared on the edge of the wall.


Wang Haibo screamed and ran away!

Only two mobile phones were left, placed on the same spot.

There was nothing strange about the mobile phone that was doing the live broadcast just now.

On the contrary, it was Wang Haibo's mobile phone that was connected to Qin Yue, so he saw the dirty things.

Now, the ghost energy is sufficient, and both live broadcast rooms can be clearly seen.

There were only more than 1,000 people in the live broadcast room, and they were all curious and paying attention to the house. At this time, they all exploded

"There are ghosts, there really are ghosts!"

"And he said it wasn’t a haunted house!"

"Who dares to buy this!"

"Hey, I'm glad I didn't buy it. It's a million cheaper, but I still have a life to live in!"

Under the strong wind, this blurry figure walked over step by step, holding a medicine bottle and water in his hand.

He sat down on the sofa, still taking medicine.

He was repeating the process of death.

At this time.

In Qin Yue's live broadcast room, Qin Yue stretched out his hand and took out the imperial green jade card.

Tap it gently.

In Wang Haibo's camera, a huge door suddenly appeared in the direction of the balcony.

This door was green in color, and the doorway It was wide open, and the interior was dark.

Then, the wind howled, and the ghost sitting on the sofa was sucked up. Although he was very reluctant, he was still sucked into the green door.


The ghost disappeared.

The strong wind stopped.

The green door began to close and disappear.

The dark sky outside also became brighter.

The sun shone.

Inexplicably, the room became warm and bright.

Pictures in the two live broadcast rooms , returned to normal.

There was no wind. It was very calm.

Wang Haibo came over tremblingly and clamped his legs.

Just now, he also saw dirty things with his own eyes.

The strange presence in the room, the strong wind, and the green door. When he thought about being in the same room with Li Gui for two days, he was really scared to death.

"Master Qin, you are my reborn parents!"Wang Haibo started to cry.

Qin Yue couldn't laugh or cry.

"Can't afford it, can't afford it"

"Has the ghost really been captured? Wang Haibo asked worriedly

"Haven't you seen it all?"

"Great, great!"

He almost cried with joy

"Scared me!"

This job is too dangerous for the rest of my life.

However, if I can solve this matter, I believe the house can be sold.

He is very embarrassed now. After all, he peed his pants, but there is one more thing he can't figure out.

"Master Qin, this was indeed a haunted house before, but why, I was fine before, but why do you want to kill me today?"

Isn't this simple?

"If you own a house and someone comes with a camera to film and stay for a few days, will you cause trouble?"

"On the first day, you thought he would leave immediately. On the second day, you tolerated it as long as you could. On the third day, you got tired of it."

"What's more, my live broadcast room is different!"

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