When Xu Changchuan heard Qin Yue's words, he couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

Dry wells and well water restore the aura of heaven and earth.

He got it!

At this moment, his heart was burning.

It seems that I have seen a prosperous time.

However, it also comes with danger.

Maybe even world turmoil.

But he knew in his heart that compared with ancient times, the current society was stable and safe, but the human race was restricted. longevity.

As he kept thinking.

Wei Bin has already led people to handle the scene.

"Ju Chang, the snow demon has been sealed, we lost three people!"He looked a little numb.

People from the Special Bureau are considered experienced veterans, but facing the big monster, they are simply helpless. If it weren't for this group of people, they would all be in the hands of Master Qin this time. If you buy the talisman, you may die more

"I know, I will apply for pension!"

When he said this, he looked at the land and suddenly made a sound of doubt.

"The soil here seems to be different!"

"Seems to be!"

Wei Bin also vaguely felt it.

At this time, Xu Changchuan became interested and quickly called people from the research room to explore here.

Soon, these explorers exclaimed.

It turns out that this land is indeed different..

This place is covered by the snow girl's wind and snow, and even the soil is frozen. The soil contains aura, and at the same time, the insect eggs are frozen to death and converted into nutrients, so there will be no insect infestation.

What's more, it is impossible to detect the reason, here is constantly It exudes spiritual energy.

In short, this place has become a spiritual field.

"Okay, okay, okay!"

Xu Changchuan was very excited

"Hurry up and find Land Orange and ask about the ownership of this land. We can buy it directly and build the Special Bureau’s medicine field base here!"

"Okay, I'll do it right now!"

Wei Bin quickly contacted the people from Tutuju.

Although it was late at night, the Special Bureau had a special status and they quickly investigated clearly.

"Captain Wei, your land belongs to the development zone. Due to the urban area and greening issues, no buildings are allowed to be built. However, there is a person who signed a 70-year property rights contract and said that he wants agricultural land to plant fruit trees. Do you want to expropriate it?"

"Well, let’s collect it then!"

"Okay, but Captain Wei, the other party may not be willing. Do you know that there is a lavender manor next to this land? Now it has been renamed Longzhu Manor. The surrounding land all belongs to him and he has signed a 70-year agreement. I suspect it is to prevent random construction next to his manor!"

"Wait, who are you talking about?"

"The owner of Longzhu Manor, the profile says Qin Yue, he seems to be an Internet celebrity in our Hangzhou city!"

This is not an Internet celebrity, this is an ancestor!"

"I understand, no need to look for him, no need to collect money, just pretend I didn’t say anything about this, okay?"

"Ah, okay, okay!"

The other party responded. Although he didn't know where Wei Bin was acting, he just listened to what others said.

Wei Bin touched the sweat on his head, and then looked at Xu Changchuan with a wry smile.

"Ju Chang, this area has been contracted by Master Qin a long time ago."


Xu Changchuan's smile also froze.

"Wait, you said that this area has been contracted by him a long time ago. Did he expect all this?"

Thinking about it this way, it's scary to think about it.

But Wei Bin knows Qin Yue better,"Ju Chang, I think it's not Master Qin who knew that the Snow Demon would come and changed this place. It's probably because Master Qin himself has it. The method of changing the land, otherwise he would not be able to cultivate so many blood ginseng. I guess he just circled the surrounding land in advance for easy planting!"

When Xu Changchuan heard this, he also figured it out.

It's just that he got the treasure mountain for nothing and can't take it back!

"Go, ask someone to bring back a little soil, ahem, not much, just a few shovels, and then we'll evacuate!"

With a few shovels per person, he sent out two to three hundred people to bring back a few cubic meters of soil. It's not too much!

Go back and study whether you can plant something.

"Yes, but Ju Chang, I think we should do some research next time we catch monsters, or cure the snow monster."

"Makes sense!"

Xu Changchuan and Wei Bin began to study how to use monsters to make things.

On the other side,

Qin Yue returned to the villa and handed the foundation-building demon pill to Xiaoli.

Xiaoli jumped up and down, as happy as a dog playing ball

"The snow girl and I have the same origin. If you eat this, you can master the art of ice and snow, and even transform into a human being."

"Did you really give it to me?"

"Thank you Master!"

Xiao Li bit down the demon pill in one bite.

"Click, click, click!"

The demon pill was bitten into pieces, and then melted like ice cream and entered Xiaoli's belly.

Xiaoli immediately coiled up into a ball and absorbed the demon pill.

But in one night, Xiaoli's body changed from a little Pomeranian to a The size of a Samoyed.

In the morning, her body flashed and transformed into a human form.

Perhaps due to the influence of Qin Yue's other apprentices, it was clear that Xiaoli could transform into an adult, but she transformed into a 1.2 meter tall one. A white-haired little lolita.

Different from the numbness and coldness of the snow girl.

Xiaoli's expression is very smart, especially the two dark fox eyes, which are as big as grapes, dripping.

But she is also charming, with a skin full of snow.

Qin Yue was surprised to see her in the morning

"Good progress, he transformed into a human form overnight!"

Qin Yue said with a smile

"Master, Master, take me to the store too!"

Now that Xiaoli's strength has increased, her transformation belongs to bloodline evolution and does not require spiritual energy to maintain, so she can move around at will.

But in the past, Xiaoli had a Pomeranian form. Because it was too cute, it would definitely arouse other people's jealousy. Xiaoli After coming here for so many days, I also know that Pomeranian is called a dog, so naturally I don’t want others to think of her as a dog.

Now, she is also in human form, very curious, and wants to see the outside world

"Okay, let’s go!"

In the morning, after breakfast, Qin Yue got into the car with four little lolita.

The car drove out of the manor, got on the road, and passed a bridge.

This bridge was also the bridge on the river next to the manor.

And they just As soon as we went up, on both sides of the bridge, a man in his forties or fifties was walking. He instantly crossed the bridge railing and jumped off.


The cars on the bridge stopped when they saw this scene.

Qin Yue also braked quickly and opened the door

"Someone jumped into the river, someone jumped into the river!"

The enthusiastic citizens held the fence and looked down.

In fact, the bridge was only three meters away from the water.

In the river, a man wearing heavy clothes was still sinking.

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