At this moment, the camera shook, and a man appeared in front of the camera.

Obviously, this man is Die Luo's husband

"Hello Master Qin, I am your fan"

"Hello water friends"

"Master Qin, don’t listen to this woman’s nonsense. My paternity test is true. I specially took the child’s hair for a paternity test. This paternity test is true. I definitely didn’t lie."

"If she hadn't spent the whole day seeking death, I wouldn't have wanted to embarrass myself."

"Master Qin just happened to draw me today. Tell me, whose child this child belongs to!"

"Since I was drawn, I must be the victim, and I can afford it."

Qin Yue nodded.

This is also an ethical battle.

"Wait, let me do the math!"

"Okay, Master Qin!"

"Just look at the kids!"

Qin Yue said,"The camera is focused on the child."


Dieluo's husband pointed the camera at the twins and asked Qin Yue to look at the two children.

In an instant, the two children's lives, from the beginning of their conception, were all investigated by Qin Yue.

Yes, these two children are indeed It was the child of Dieluo and her husband.

Moreover, he had already seen Dieluo just now, and Dieluo had not cheated on her before or after this.

But, what does this DNA say?

Qin Yue thinks there is something fishy about this matter

"Water friends, look at yours again!"

Qin Yue said


Dieluo's husband turned the camera to himself again.

Qin Yue continued to investigate.

This time, he discovered a strange phenomenon.

One soul and two bodies!

Qin Yue became interested.

You know, one body and two souls, in fact It is very common that most schizophrenics will have such a situation.

But Qin Yue has never seen one soul and two bodies.

It is just like solving a crime, one step after another.

Soon, Qin Yue figured everything out

"Friends, your wife is not your fault for this matter, the problem lies with you!"

"On me?"Dieluo's husband was a little confused.

Qin Yue nodded.

"Friends, do you have twins in your family?

Dieluo's husband nodded,"My father and my uncle are twins!""

Qin Yue nodded.

"In fact, you are also a twin."

This time, Dieluo's husband retorted:"No, I'm not twins. My mother only gave birth to me!""

Qin Yue shook his head

"Friends, when you were a child, were you often weak and sick, but no matter how much you checked, you couldn't detect it?"


"Moreover, your lower body has darker skin, which looks very strange. You even joked that your lower body looks like your father, which is very rough, and your upper body looks like your mother, which makes you look very weak."

"Yes, yes, Master Qin, you are right!"

He turned the camera, then rolled up his sleeves and legs. Comparing the colors of the legs and arms, they were very different. However

, many people have darker arms and whiter legs, because the legs are not exposed to the sun..

However, because it is winter, neither of them is exposed, and the contrast is very starry.

"Moreover, you are extremely energetic, sometimes you even have splitting headaches, and you have symptoms of multiple personalities and insanity."

Die Luo's husband hesitated for a moment.

After all, what Qin Yue said was not a good thing.

He didn't want to admit that he was mentally ill.

But Die Luo said without hesitation:"Master Qin, you are right, he He is just a lunatic. He doubts this and that. Sometimes he gets very anxious and suddenly turns into a different person. He is a lunatic. Like this time, he insists on doubting that the child is not his, and accuses me of cheating! Wronged me!"

Dieluo's husband hurriedly drove him away impatiently:"Let's go aside, whether I am mentally ill or not has nothing to do with you cheating on me, you cuckold me and you are still polite?"

Qin Yue said in a deep voice:"Your wife, I really didn't cuckold you. Why did I just say that it was you?"

"Friends, have you heard of mosaicism? It can also be called chimerism. This rare disease has only 100 cases in the world."

"This disease actually occurs during pregnancy with twins!"

"To put it simply, one of the twins devours the other, but it cannot be called engulfing, but fusion!"

"This also leads to the fact that your cells have two or more chromosomes, and there will be no rejection reaction, and you even have two sets of immune systems."

"Moreover, people with this kind of symptoms sometimes change their blood type."

"To put it bluntly, you devour your twin brother or brother, and then when you and your wife have a child, it happens that another set of chromosome systems is excreted first, causing your wife to become pregnant!"

"From a genetic point of view, this child actually belongs to your twin brother or younger brother."

"But, you killed your twin brother or younger brother again"

"This gene belongs to you too!"

"From a human point of view, this child is yours!"

So, netizens were also shocked.

"Useless knowledge has increased!"

"I quickly searched for this keyword, and there really was such a case!"

"I studied veterinary medicine, and chimeras are not uncommon among animals!"

"So here comes the question, is this child the boy’s water buddy or the boy’s brother?"

"Brother, you are very strong. Eat your twin brothers alive."

"I'll go, see you soon!"

Netizens think this thing is too weird.

This male water friend is also confused. He didn't expect it to be like this.

He does feel that his upper and lower body don't look like the same person at all, but he is in good health. Mentally, he didn't think he had any problem.

And mentally, it was a bit taboo.

Moreover, even if he went to see him, he did many, many, many examinations. How experienced a doctor could be to detect this problem for him. ?

After all, there are only 100 cases in the country!

So, he could only ask stupidly:"So, Master Qin, my wife didn't cheat?"

"Your wife has never cheated on you."

Qin Yue said:"On the contrary, you, Shuiyou, after getting married, you went to find a girlfriend who paid 300 yuan, and after you were caught, you even lied to your wife to go on a business trip!"

In the live broadcast room, it exploded directly


"Water friend, you cheated!"

"Water friends, it turns out you even went to scoop it up!"

"Damn it, friends, my little life is getting more and more decisive!"

"Are you laughing so hard, blowing up the truck?"

"Shuiyou, do you really think that Master Qin has given you face? I have already said that those who have committed crimes should not come to Master Qin!"

At this moment, Dieluo's husband was shocked.

"Master Qin, I am your fan, why do you still cheat your fans?"

In the barrage, there was a dense response immediately.

"Fans -1!"

"Fans -1!"

"Fans -1!"

Qin Yue smiled,"I just like to tell the truth!"

At this time, Dieluo was also furious.

"What a 300-yuan girlfriend!"

"Right? What he said is so reasonable."

"You were caught and lied to me about a business trip, right? It was when I was six months pregnant"

"You are simply not human! No sense of responsibility at all"

"Why did I blindly find someone like you?"

Dieluo's husband was not to be outdone.

"What's wrong with me? Don't you want to divorce me? No matter what you do, just divorce. I don’t see who wants you if you are married for the second time and have two children!"

"This is your family's seed. Why should I raise it? You can raise it yourself! I quit!"

With that said, Die Luo snatched the phone away.

The next moment, the video across the live broadcast room went dark.

Everyone in the live broadcast room was also shocked.

"Just for this drama, it’s worth 10 pieces of cat food!"

"6 Ah, it’s really excellent!"

"Let me go, my child is really unlucky for eight lifetimes if he lives in such a family."

"These are twins. If you don’t want them, give them to me. I’ll keep them."

Under such crazy complaints, another rocket appeared in the live broadcast room.

It was Dieluo

"Thank you Master Qin for clearing my name."

Die Luo was very grateful.

Qin Yue naturally saw it too!

"Have you left home now?"

"Yes, Master Qin, I ran out!"

"Well, be careful on your way back"

"Thank you Master Qin"

"By the way, don’t get in the first taxi!"

"OK, I remember."

Die Luo exited the live broadcast room.

At this time, her face was full of tears, and she ran out while crying. Finally she left the community and was waiting for a taxi on the roadside.

She kept crying and looked very embarrassed.

At this time, a taxi stopped. Beside her,

Dieluo's tears blurred

"Girl, would you like to take a car?"

Of course she wanted to take the car back to her parents' home.

But when she thought of Master Qin's words, she stopped and failed to catch up with the car.

Instead, she shook her head and walked back.

At this time, another car happened to drive over..

Die Luo waved, and the driver stopped and took Die Luo into the car.

When the taxi driver in front saw this, he immediately cursed and was very unhappy.

He stopped the car specially, but the other person did not get in the car, but got into someone else's car. So he was very unconvinced and started the car at the same time.

He quickly drove in front of Dieluo's car, then stepped on the brakes, forcing the driver to slow down. After deliberately doing so two or three times, he was having fun. Just at the four-way intersection , he only looked at the rearview mirror and didn't even look at the red light, so he didn't even know he ran the red light.

At this moment, a luxury car drove up, and the driver, who didn't look at the road, suddenly hit the taxi.


I have to say that luxury cars are very strong.

In this taxi, the co-pilot was crushed and deformed.

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