"Of course, haven’t I mentioned the second method yet?"

Qin Yue said with a smile

"The second method, I will catch it for you directly."

In the live broadcast room.

The barrage immediately raised a question mark



"Master, you are good or bad, but I love you so much!"

"Master, I suspect you are playing tricks, and there is evidence"

"I feel like this victim’s heart was scared out of her chest just now!"

"Hahahahaha, can't you just say arrest me?"

In the live broadcast room.

The sailor who was videotaping with Qin Yue immediately patted his heart with his hand.

"Master, wouldn’t it be better if you just mentioned the second method?"

"When you mentioned the first method, I took it right in. I got goosebumps, all the hair on my body stood up, even my legs felt weak, and I felt the urge to urinate."

"I almost peed my pants!"

"No kidding, it scared me to death!"

His body trembled.

Qin Yue said:"The second method, I estimate that you need to swipe two treasure maps before I can take action, and you are scared now. Buy an exorcism charm for self-defense, or buy one from me. Spray a little of the Bianan perfume in T Bao store and you will be protected from evil in the future."

"This is not advertising! Depends on personal wishes"

"If you don’t want to spend money, the first option is fine."

Now that it's come to this, who doesn't want to spend money?

The sailor quickly said:"Master, I'm going to ask you to take action! There are two treasure maps, I’ll brush them now."

Then, two treasure maps were smashed down on the spot.

One treasure map cost 5,000, and two treasure maps cost 10,000.

This is nothing to his salary.

The main reason is that it is too scary.

Maybe other employees don't feel it.

But he is Chief engineer.

The other party was also a chief engineer.

Didn't this happen to be a collision?

He could imagine the scene. At night, someone called him"chief engineer". He and the old man with a white beard responded together, and then the other party looked at him sinisterly. He was looking at himself, and the next moment, something fell down and was smashed to death by him.

Who can bear this?

So why should I say, I have to take all these ten thousand yuan?

"Okay, tonight, you can get on the boat and send me a message, and I'll do it for you."

"OK, OK!"

"Look backstage, V signal is sent to you!"

"Thank you Master Qin, you are my reborn parents!"

The sailor is extremely grateful.

"Not to the point, not to the point of"

"That friend, if nothing happens, just hang up first."

"We'll contact you tonight"

"Okay, okay, thank you, Master Qin."

After thanking the sailor, he disconnected

"Now let me invite the next water friend."

Barrages suddenly floated across the live broadcast room.

"Please invite the next victim"

"Please invite the next victim ×99"

"The victim appears, why is he a man?"

Following Qin Yue's video connection, a young man appeared in the live broadcast room

"Hello Master Qin!"

"Hello water friends"

"Master Qin, please do the math for me first, and I will tell you a ghost story later on in the live broadcast room."

When Qin Yue heard this, he immediately couldn't laugh or cry.

"Good guy, the yin energy is a bit heavy today!"

Netizens in the live broadcast room also started to joke.

"Why are there so many ghost stories today?"

"I'm here to see the victim, not to hear ghost stories!"

"Uh-huh, the macho man was so scared that he cried"

"One punch and one moaning monster"

"Shit, you are all grown men, how come you encounter more ghosts than women."

Amidst the complaints from these people,

Qin Yue began to calculate.

The young man in front of him is also unique.

Qin Yue said:"This water friend was born in a well-off family, his parents are still alive, his grandparents live long, and three generations live together."

"I had a car accident when I was thirteen and my right leg was amputated."

"But you are strong-willed and your literary star shines brightly, reaching to the sky. Now you are studying for a Ph.D."

"You like traveling very much. During the winter and summer vacations, you have visited famous mountains and rivers all over the country."

"Judging from your appearance, you are in good luck with your love life now. You should have met a girl you like and are in love."

This person who has read thousands of mountains is the one with the highest academic qualifications among Qin Yue's water friends.

Moreover, he is also the most inspirational one. He had a car accident when he was thirteen years old and his right leg was amputated. However, he is physically disabled and has a strong will. He gave up studying.

His family also supported him very much. He studied all the way to get a doctorate.

And during holidays, he would also travel. Even though he was a disabled person, he climbed countless mountains.

If he was a healthy person, he might not have This idea.

Wanting to read thousands of mountains, it took too much time, money, and fatigue.

But he really did it and did it.

He is really a great young man.

Qin Yue likes this better People with positive energy will feel happy if they tell fortunes to such people.

It’s fate!

"Master Qin is so accurate!"

After reading Qianshan, he nodded quickly.

Then, he moved the camera downwards and took a picture of his own legs.

It was a mechanical leg.

But there was no inconvenience for him to move.

He pulled the video back again and filmed himself

"Master Qin, mainly my girlfriend, likes to watch your live broadcast. Then a week ago, you bought me blood ginseng liquid. After drinking it, the pain in my legs from walking every day disappeared. It’s great. Done!"

With that said, he pulled up the video again and captured his girlfriend. She was actually next to him.

But her girlfriend quickly covered her face with one hand and said hello with the other.

"My girlfriend is shy and doesn’t want to appear in the spotlight for fear of being hurt by netizens."

Netizens are also really hurting

"Water friends, what are you afraid of? Consider it your marriage!"

"Yes, don’t be a coward!"

"I am like a dog walking on the road. Suddenly I was kicked. I ask you, should I bark? Not only did I bark, I also wanted to bite!"

"Did I come here to read a ghost story? I came to see if your head is green!"

Qin Yue naturally saw the water friends' booing.

He shook his head helplessly.

"Can't you think of something good?"

"Friends, don’t listen to what others say. It’s normal for your girlfriend not to want to be in the spotlight. Some people don’t like to be famous!"

"But you are her first love, and both of them are righteous peach blossoms and can achieve righteousness."

"I won’t say any more, just understand it yourself."

After reading Qianshan, I immediately smiled proudly.

"Master Qin, I understand, I understand!"

"My girlfriend is my junior high school girl, she is only a sophomore now"

"More introverted."

Netizens suddenly felt sour when they savored this sentence carefully.

"Damn, I’m jealous!"

"Still first love!"

"In fact, they match each other very well! Junior girls and seniors, seniors are so good"

"And the looks are on top, even if the senior has an injury on his leg, the girl doesn’t mind!"

"First love is still green, why is it green? You guys want to watch the fun every day"

"Wish you 99!"

"Wish you 99!"

Everyone gave their blessings and stopped teasing.

Qin Yue also said:"Okay, now let Yue Qianshan tell us a ghost story!"

After reading thousands of mountains, I suddenly became serious.

"Master Qin, three months ago, my girlfriend and I moved out to live off campus and rented a relatively large community. The property in the community is also good, the environment is beautiful, and it is close to the school."

"Originally we thought it was pretty good, but we like to go out to eat at night"

"One night, around 10 o'clock, I went out and saw a woman squatting in a green belt in front of me, not knowing what she was doing."

"Anyway, he was wearing a white suit, squatting and not moving!"

"We both felt so panicked that we ran away quickly!"

"Then about two and a half months ago, her friend came to play with her. It was also at night and she saw a woman in white clothes squatting there."

"Her friends are so scared that they dare not go to the toilet at night"

"But I didn’t think much about it at the time. I’m an atheist."

"We often go out to eat at a barbecue restaurant just outside our community. Gradually, we became familiar with the owner of the barbecue restaurant. The owner is also from our community. When chatting with us, he mentioned our building."

"There used to be a girl who was raped and then killed when she was running home at night. Finally, her body was thrown on the lawn. But it was not a lawn before. It was said that there were shrubs. Later, the property was bulldozed!"

"It is said that it is also because there is always a white shadow squatting over there"

"In the past few days, neither of us dared to go out at night, especially when we heard the news while having barbecue that day, she didn't dare to go home at all, and we even stayed in a hotel for one night."

"Master, do you think this is dirty? This is too evil!"

"But Master, I'm afraid, I can't get 10,000 yuan, so please arrest her."

It's very practical to have read thousands of mountains. I'm studying for a Ph.D. and I don't have a job. Although I have a scholarship, I also work with the professor.

But now, he has to save money to get married, and he is a little reluctant to take 10,000.

Qin Yue also expressed understanding

"Your situation is different from that of previous water friends!"

"He has to work in that specific place, so it has to be solved. You don't need to. Even if I don't solve this matter, you just need to move away!"

"If you want to solve the problem, it’s either you who pays for it, or the users in this house all pay for it, or the property management company pays for it."

"Of course, if you are afraid, you will naturally have a solution"

"First, don’t go out at night."

Yu Jin Qianshan immediately laughed and interjected:"The second is to buy perfume and charms.

Qin Yue suddenly smiled and said:"Friend Shui, you can answer it quickly!""

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