Just at this time.

From a distance, a middle-aged woman came running while crying.

"Wuwuwuwu, grandson, my grandson."

This person is the child's grandmother.

Just when the child crawled out, others were also calling for neighbors. Everyone around the old community knew them. Sure enough, there was a neighbor who called the old lady.

Qin Yue saw this middle-aged man The woman, in an instant, saw the cause and effect.

Originally, the child was going to die here today.

But with his intervention, he survived

"Don’t be so careless in the future. You can’t leave your children at home even when you go out to buy groceries!"

Qin Yue scolded.

The woman didn't know whether to listen or not, and Qin Yue didn't want to pay attention. Just save one life.

After handing the child to the other party, Qin Yue turned around and left.

There were many people, I filmed his back as he left.

Until he got into his car.

The person who filmed him immediately let out a cry.

"Damn it, Cullinan!"

What a luxury car!

Then, he immediately sent the video to his WeChat Moments

【The owner of a luxury car rescued a boy who fell from a building. 】

Subsequently, this video quickly spread, and was uploaded to D-notes, V-blogs, etc.

This time, the news went crazy.

In the evening, this circle of friends was directly included in today’s Hangzhou news.

"This afternoon, in a certain community, a three-year-old child climbed out of the window on the sixth floor."

"It turned out that it was because the grandma was the only one taking care of the children at home and it was time to cook dinner in the evening. When the grandma saw that her grandson was still sleeping, she went out to buy groceries and left the children alone at home."

"Unexpectedly, after the child woke up, he climbed along the tatami at home and out of the window. Because the gap in the protective window was too big, he fell out."

"The child is stuck in mid-air, teetering on the edge of falling!"

"Fortunately, a kind man climbed up to the sixth floor with his bare hands and rescued the child."

Subsequently, the news showed the scene of Qin Yue rescuing people.

"After the good Samaritan saved the child, he left immediately"

"The child's grandmother was so depressed that she didn't have time to thank this kind person."

"Parents also hope that they can express their gratitude in person."

In the news, there was another message about the parents' gratitude and the grandmother's gratitude.

Qin Yue watched it happily and didn't think it was a big deal.

However, this news quickly became a hot search on the Internet..You know, this is not the first time Qin Yue has been on the hot search.

Before, there were funny scenes of fighting and fortune telling, but this is the first time he saves people.

"This kind person's movements were so smooth. It took 30 seconds to make him kneel."

"I can’t explain the fact that flower growers are all good at it."

"If you do good deeds without leaving a name, you deserve to be opened to Cullinan!"

"Let me go, is he so rich?"

"Holy shit, isn’t this me, Master Qin? Master Qin, are you secretly saving the world behind our backs? @神 calculated by Master Qin"

"I thought he was an artist, someone who played parkour, and had long hair on purpose, but I didn’t expect him to be a fortune teller or a Taoist priest?"

"Are fortune-telling circles so involved now? This skill is too terrifying"

"The real masters in the circle all have kung fu, and it is not the kind of ancient martial arts, but the cultivation technique that can lead to immortality."

"Good guy, I'm really blown away by you!"

"This little brother has such a handsome face. Oh my god, this is an idol, this is worth following. I will be Master Qin’s little fan girl from now on!"

At this time, Qin Yue's fans also began to increase dramatically.

From 1.6 million to 3 million.

Of course, there is still a lot of moisture among this group of fans.

They all come to pay attention to the popularity.

However, retention There is still a chance.

In fact, these people seem to have found a treasure.

Looking at Qin Yue’s previous videos, there are some news

"Um? Are you actually selling kidney nourishing charms? Buy one for my husband!"

"There is actually a beauty charm, and the effect is so good?"

"Come on, this Master Qin actually gave fans glass to grow jade? This kind of thing is extremely valuable!"

"It’s so sour, he is such a big fan!"

"Wisdom charm? 20,000 each? Does it really work? I also want to buy it for my child. The gap between him and the first place in the class is not very big."

"I want to ask Master Qin to tell my fortune, is that okay?"

The originally calm Internet became lively again because of this incident.

But this is nothing to Qin Yue.

On the Internet, you can only sell talismans by posting photos and looking at your face. This is not true sincerity. It is very necessary. If so, Qin Yue would not take action.

The TV station actually wanted to interview Qin Yue very much.

He even brought the child's parents and grandmother to visit him, hoping to make the child recognize Qin Yue as his godfather.

This kind of thing is very common, after all, there is no Qin Yue Yue, this child is also dead.

The act of recognizing the godfather actually means that he is the child's reborn parent.

However, after Qin Yue took a look at the family from a distance, he turned cold and ignored him.

He was in this family , I saw greed.

Also, those who lived in the old community were from poor families, otherwise they would have moved away long ago.

Seeing that Qin Yue drove a Rolls-Royce and was a famous master around, they naturally I have other ideas.

If you recognize your godfather, why don’t you give your godson some gifts?

Some talismans and the like are said to be very expensive, so why would you give some to them!

I am the child’s biological parents, and I know how to give gifts to each other. Give some away!

In short, after Qin Yue saw this, he was naturally disgusted.

So he didn't go out.

Of course, if these people refused to leave outside, Qin Yue would naturally have other methods

"Xiao Zi, go out and tell them that they don’t need to recognize their relatives. If you are really grateful, donate 10,000 yuan to an orphanage in Hangzhou."

"Good boss!"

Soon, Xiao Zi walked out of the store.

Familiar people immediately recognized Xiao Zi's identity

"This is Master Qin’s little boy"

"This kid is so good. He delivers food to Master Qin every day and even drives a small BMW."

"Hahaha, is it just that little BMW? Children's car?"

Xiao Zi came out and gave a fist-cup salute first, looking well-behaved.

Others were secretly surprised.

After all, Xiao Zi's appearance looked like she was only five or six years old. She might be in elementary school!

Her courtesy made people around her People exclaimed how cute it is.

They even took out their mobile phones and took videos

"Children, are you Master Qin’s child? Can you take us to meet Master Qin? We want to do an interview."

The reporter squatted down and asked.

Xiao Zi shook his head,"My master doesn't like noisy, so there's no need for interviews."

"He doesn't seek fame or fortune, saving people is a simple matter of effort"

"And if you can't come in, it means you have no connection with Master. Naturally , the reporter didn’t want to miss the opportunity and quickly said,"But the child’s family would like to thank him personally."

"Yes, we would like to personally thank Master Qin"

"Yes, this is a life-saving grace!"

"We also want our children to recognize Master Qin as their godfather, and he will be our children’s reborn parents from now on!"

Xiao Zi smiled

"Forget it about recognizing your godfather. My master is a cultivator and he does not engage in worldly things."

"If you insist on being grateful, my master said, just donate 10,000 yuan to the Hangzhou Welfare Institute!"

"Just supervise the reporter sister. When the report comes out later, we will see it!"

She also looked at the reporter specifically, very seriously.

When the reporter heard this, he looked at the parents of the child again.

"Parents, do you agree?"

At this time, the smiles of these three parents could no longer be maintained.

Although they also prepared some money and wanted to thank Qin Yue, they thought that Qin Yue was very rich and would not care about their money..

Unexpectedly, Qin Yue actually asked them to donate money.

At this time, they were suddenly in a dilemma.

The most important thing is that they still want to save face.

The male owner of the family gritted his teeth and nodded.


"Master Qin is right!"

"This is also a way to accumulate virtue and do good deeds!"

However, the face of the hostess was very ugly. As for the middle-aged woman, she even pursed her lips. If you look closely, you can see that she has a sinister face. She is usually very carefree and takes advantage, and is not easy to get along with.

Xiao Zi stepped forward and held her hand. reporter's hand

"Sister, you must record it, go today!"

The reporter was slightly startled.

Looking at Xiao Zi's eyes, he nodded immediately.

"Okay, I'll go right away."

Then, led by reporters, these people went straight to the Hangzhou Orphanage.

However, after arriving, the family only donated 1,000 yuan, and finally asked the reporter to drive them back to the orphanage. The community where they lived.

After all, it was expensive to take a taxi back, and it took a long time to take the bus.

Moreover, my face smelled bad during the whole journey. At this time, the reporter also felt the problem.

"What a bunch of white-eyed wolves."

That night, the TV station also made a follow-up report.

They played what Xiao Zi said and then made a follow-up report.

"Under the leadership of reporters, the rescued childrenHome, at the Hangzhou Welfare Institute, the donation was completed!"

The camera turned and recorded the donation number on the computer of the welfare home.

1,000 yuan.

This picture flashed by.

However, it was still discovered by sharp-eyed netizens.

Immediately, netizens criticized each other.

"Let me go, this family is desperate. Your child was saved. Isn’t it worth 10,000 yuan?"

"Haha, everyone knows the formations outside Master Qin’s shop, no luck!"

"This family was very uncomfortable before. Master Qin saved the child, but his grandmother didn't even say a word of thanks."

"It really chills the hearts of kind-hearted people. You can donate five thousand. It can be said that the family is in trouble and has no savings."

"Haha, I still look unhappy with this 1,000 yuan!"

"What a white-eyed wolf!"

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