See the reaction in the live broadcast room.

Qin Yue also smiled.

In fact, unless they are frightened, children will not have much impact when they see these things.

"Don’t be afraid, water friends, it’s actually nothing serious."

"However, don’t take your children out after 9 p.m."

"If you go out, remember to cover your eyes with a gauze or something like that"

"cover children's eyes"

"Also, when inside the house, remember to draw the curtains"

"If you go out at night and it rains, bring an umbrella back with you. Put the umbrella outside, not inside the house."

Blue Blinds nodded repeatedly.

But she also had doubts.

"Master, why don't you put the umbrella inside the house?"

Qin Yue said:"The first one is a scientific explanation. Umbrellas are wet and cold."

"Of course, you said that when you wash clothes and hang them, there is moisture and moisture."

"However, from the perspective of occultism, there are two points under the umbrella that can hide people"

"Generally, if you open an umbrella indoors, you will attract dirt and hide it underneath."

"It's fine during the day, I don't dare to act rashly"

"At night, if this umbrella is not closed, something will happen!"

"Therefore, the older generation must have reprimanded the young people for holding an umbrella in the house in broad daylight. This is probably the reason."

After Qin Yue finished speaking, netizens in the live broadcast room also suddenly realized

"Not to mention, my grandma actually told me before, asking me not to hold an umbrella or play with it indoors."

"I thought my mother used to tell me to put away the umbrella I was drying because I was sloppy and that umbrella was in the way!"

"So that's what happened"

"Useful knowledge added!"

At this time.

Blue Blinds also nodded.

"Master, I’ll be more careful in the future!"

"By the way, Master, I also want to ask for a talisman. I hope that the baby can be healthy, so just ask for a health talisman!

Qin Yue nodded:"Children do need it. It can reduce a lot of colds and fevers. There are also wisdom charms, which can be used by children under ten years old to make them smarter.""

As soon as he said this, the blue blinds nodded quickly.

"Okay, everyone, take them all!"

"Well, what about yourself? Do you want a diligent training talisman and a beauty talisman?

But after saying this, Blue Blinds shook his head,"I don't need it. With the money, I can just take the children out to play and buy a few more clothes.""

But when she said this, there was a ding-dong sound in WeChat.

Several messages appeared in succession.

The blue blinds also looked at it.

At this time, in the live broadcast room.

There was even a netizen who tipped A big rocket

"I am the husband of Blue Blinds. Master Qin bought this talisman and I paid for it!"

Blue Blinds also saw the news

"Master, my husband said that he also bought these two talismans. Although the family is in difficulty now, the money will be used to buy cosmetics for me!"

"To be honest, I didn’t want to be a housewife in the past three years."

"My father and mother both have chronic diseases. My father-in-law got rectal cancer in the first year of his life and did not survive. My mother-in-law was diagnosed with gastric cancer this year. In fact, it has a lot to do with my father’s diet."

"In the past three years, I have given birth to children and taken care of the family, and I have not been able to take care of myself!"

"This year my child is a little older, so I took the teacher qualification certificate exam and applied to be a teacher in the best kindergarten in our city. The salary is indeed not high, but my child can enter the kindergarten."

"I'm not as miserable as you say."

The blue blinds are also in response to those netizens who said she was useless if she stayed at home.

Qin Yue understands that not everyone can respond calmly to the comments on the Internet.

How much did the mistress scold her that time? The other party's expression didn't change at all.

But Blue Blinds couldn't bear the feeling of being pointed out by thousands of people.

One word made her feel tight and panicked.

"Water friends, don’t care about other people’s opinions. In my opinion, you have a gentle personality and a sense of responsibility. Although you are not rich, you are very diligent in raising children and will be happy in your later years."

"Borrowing the auspicious words from the master"

"Water friends, let’s stop here first!"

"Good Master Qin."

The blue blinds nodded.

The two said, cutting off the video connection.

Next, there is the last person.

Time is running out.

This name is really unlucky.

Qin Yue clicked on the other party to connect to the video.

Soon, a thin A young man appeared in the video.

In the video, he looked very pale and even lying on the hospital bed, looking very haggard.

"Hello, Master Qin"

"Hello, water friends.

The other party smiled and said:"

Master Qin, it is said that the more you calculate your fate, the thinner it is. If I ask you to calculate it now, will you die immediately?""

Qin Yue looked at the other party's face and already knew the situation.

However, this person is the kind of person who can calculate.

After all, what Qin Yue likes to do most is to change his destiny against the will of heaven.

"Don't say any depressing words, friend, as long as I am here, even if you want to die, it will be very difficult for you!"

Time is running out and he smiled again.

His smile was bitter and helpless. He was obviously a person who had no hope for life.

Qin Yue said:"Friend Shui, you were born into a wealthy family, but the time has not passed. But you were born prematurely!"

Time is running out and he nodded.

"He has an underdeveloped heart and has been frail and sickly since he was a child. He faces life and death situations every year."

Time is running out" and said with a wry smile:"The doctors say it's a miracle that I can live to be 18 years old!""

When netizens heard this, they suddenly understood.

This time is running out, and he is actually an 18-year-old heart disease patient.

Moreover, it is the kind of congenital heart disease.

It is estimated that it will be difficult to treat, otherwise, the wealthy family will , should not be short of money.

Time is running out and he said:"Master Qin, to be honest, I feel so tired of living."

"My heart beats violently every time, and my heart hurts"

"Every time it seems like I can't hold on anymore"

"Especially recently, I feel like every time I open my eyes, I feel like, great, I can live one more day."

"The doctor said that with the growth of my body, my heart not only became bad, but also became unbearable due to the increase in height and weight."

"I've grown too big!"

"It's not good to grow up"

"Master Qin, I only came across you recently. I feel like you are omnipotent. Can you see if I can still be saved? Can I buy those health charms and the like? What will happen to me after I buy it?"

This boy is very precocious because he has been sick all year round.

However, he inherited the strong genes from his parents. When he was growing up, his body quickly grew taller, but his heart could not bear the load.

Obviously growing taller is a good thing, but for today's times To say the least, it’s a bad thing.

Qin Yue didn’t panic when he saw this.

"This water friend, you have now encountered a hurdle in life."

"But don’t panic. At this time, you will have someone to help you."

"As for who the noble person is?"

"If you are not talented, you are just below."

As soon as Qin Yue said this, netizens burst into laughter.

"The master has gone around in a big circle, and in the end the noble one is himself"

"Summary: can be cured"

"Brother, hold on, life is still very long, and it has just begun at the age of 18!"

"Master Qin said you can live!"

"Let me live."

Time was running out and I was stunned for a moment, then smiled slightly.

"Master Qin, thank you, can I add you on WeChat? I'll transfer the money to you later!"

Qin Yue naturally agreed.

Then he said:"In your current situation, the Health Talisman is no longer useful, and you still need the Rejuvenation Talisman. However, the Rejuvenation Talisman has 100,000 pieces and can only last for one year. In just one year, you Your health should be better too!"

"There is also this, I will sell you a box, the price is 99.8, the medicine can cure your illness."

Qin Yue took out a golden packaging box.

On the box, there were five big words written on it.

Blood ginseng seed liquid.

Simple and clear.

Because it is for ordinary people to eat, Qin Yue's drop of blood ginseng was finally diluted into 1 million servings.

Soldiers from the Special Bureau, after many exercises, can strengthen their bodies by absorbing blood ginseng seed liquid diluted 100,000 times.

So Qin Yue, diluted 100 times, can also be accepted by ordinary people.

But he doesn't have one even if he has a box..

On the contrary, it is a box of four.

One pill a week, a month’s supply.

This is equivalent to the final product of one blood ginseng seed, which can be sold for 25 million.

As for labor, machinery, packaging, etc., the price is only One million.

A batch of products can earn 24 million from blood.

The most important thing is that this is still benefiting the people.

Because ordinary people have no access to this magical medicine.

You can drink diluted blood ginseng seeds for 100 yuan. Water, it’s so profitable.

If people from the Special Bureau knew about it, I’m afraid they’d all come to grab it.

Time is running out and when I saw this, I smiled bitterly again.

"OK, thank you, Master."

You know, he didn't take the 100 yuan ginseng water seriously at all.

But Qin Yue could give him a glimmer of hope, so he agreed.

As for the 120,000 yuan, oh, and the extra 100 yuan This money is probably the last money his parents will spend on him.

His mother is by his side and transfers the money directly without hesitation.

She is just waiting for Qin Yue to deliver the goods!

"Every cause must have its effect, and your noble person is me!"

"Friends, don’t worry, just start repairing your heart tomorrow."

When netizens heard this, they burst out laughing.

"Master, don't make people laugh. It doesn't matter if I laugh. If my little brother laughs, it will hurt his heart and he will die!"

"Can't you say something auspicious?"

"Bah, bah, bah, crow's mouth."

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