Qin Yue once again deprived the other party of his life.

The final count is 39.

3900 days.

11 years

At this moment, this man has become 64 years old.

The skin is visibly old, and there are even a large number of age spots on the arms.

This man is completely scared

"No, don’t, don’t take it away!"

"Master, please, I was wrong, I was wrong!"

"Stop it."

His feet finally moved away from the woman, and then he knelt on the ground and kowtowed.

Qin Yue said:"Give the phone to your wife!"

"good! OK OK!"

"Master, don't forget it. Please, I will do everything you say."

The man shouted.

The phone soon fell into the hands of Jiaheng's mother.

In the surveillance camera screen, it took a long time for Jiaheng's mother to raise her hand and put the phone to her ear.

"Master Qin, is that you?"

"Well, friend water, let me ask you now, are you still separated?"

When the other party heard this, he suddenly burst into miserable cries.

The voice was shrill.

Like a female ghost.

"Master, I'm leaving! Leave!"

This time, she really believed it.

She felt that her husband really wanted to kill her.

"I'll call 120 for you, and I'll arrange a lawyer for you to file a lawsuit later!"

Qin Yue hung up the phone.

Then he called 120 again. After Jiaheng's mother was picked up by 120

, Qin Yue ended the video.

Xiaozi saved the video and then sent it to an email address designated by Qin Yue.

This lawyer is a woman who specializes in defending women against domestic violence. She can allow the Jiaheng mother to receive part of the compensation after marriage to ensure the other party's later years.

Moreover, because there is sufficient evidence, the case is almost certain to win.

However, this case The battle caused netizens’ blood pressure to soar

"I'm really angry. This is the first time I've seen a victim so unhappy."

"Thanks to Master Qin, otherwise, this eldest sister would have been beaten to death!"

"Evil will be punished"

"Relieve your anger!"

"Don’t use anything as an excuse not to divorce for the sake of your children. You don’t know how much shadow it will bring to your children."

"It's really uncomfortable. I hope this eldest sister will be fine in the future!"

While everyone was talking,

Qin Yue also finished the phone call.

Then he returned to his seat.

"Now, let’s invite the next person who is destined to join us!"

Qin Yue began to connect the koi test to the shore.

Looking at the name, he also knew the situation.

Qin Yue connected to the other party. The one who appeared in the video was a 22 or 3-year-old girl.

However, if she is taking the postgraduate entrance examination, she is almost a university student. Just graduated age

"Hello Master Qin!"

This girl also put her hands together and bowed to Qin Yue.

"Taoist clasping fist salute!"

Qin Yue cupped his fists and pointed at this Koi classmate.

"Oh, I never noticed that before."The koi came ashore and hurriedly clasped his fists and said

"Well, it’s not surprising to those who don’t know, so let’s do the math for water friends first!"

He looked at the friend in the water and activated the Secret Code of Thieving Heaven.

The friend in the water quickly became nervous.

"Master Qin, if I have done anything wrong, please be gentle! It doesn't matter if you don't say it"

"Although I haven’t done any good deeds, I won’t be liquidated!"

"I actually just want to ask for a talisman."

She said with a sad face.

It was Qin Yue who took action just now and scared her.

In the live broadcast room, netizens quickly forgot about the previous unpleasantness and devoted themselves to the new victim.

"Tell me, what bad things have you done?"

"Leniency for those who confess, severity for those who resist"

"Hahaha, this young lady is so scared."

Qin Yue didn't know whether to laugh or cry when he heard this.

In his opinion, this girl is just living a normal life.

But who can guarantee that he has not made any mistakes?

Qin Yue said:"Don't be so nervous, friend Shui, it's not Everyone is a victim"

"That's not necessarily true. Nine out of ten are victims!"

Qin Yue thought about it, and it seemed that it was really the case.

Qin Yue simply said:"Then let's not forget it. You didn't make any mistakes before. Ordinary life is smooth sailing."

"We calculate the future."

When Qin Yue said this, the girl quickly moved in, and then said:"Master Qin, just do the math for me, can I get on board this time for the postgraduate entrance examination?"

"The picture of failure!"

Qin Yue spoke directly.

He didn't need the Secret Code of Thieving Heaven to figure out the girl's situation.

But this answer obviously made Koi take the postgraduate entrance examination very sad.

"Master, I really can’t pass the exam. I’m already in World War II, and it’s been a year since my boyfriend passed the exam. I’m very anxious now! Qin

Yue nodded and said:"It doesn't matter if you fail the exam, your boyfriend is now looking for a new girlfriend!""

In an instant, the koi carp came ashore as if it was struck by lightning.

And the netizens in the live broadcast room smelled a familiar smell again.

"This plot is familiar, friend, your boyfriend has a new girlfriend!"

"It tastes like that!"

"Good guy, water friend, you are so miserable! We broke up one month before the exam"

"Tragic, really miserable, hahahahaha!"

"Seeing you unhappy makes me happy!"

This group of people were all gloating.

When Koi took the postgraduate entrance examination, he immediately raised his head and suppressed his tears. Then he pretended not to care and said:"I guessed it, but I didn't expect that it was exposed by you, Master."

"Recently, he hasn't been replying to messages for a second. When I ask, he is in class and doesn't come to see me!"

"I tested it at home, and I was obviously very irritable. He didn't comfort me, and even said I was lazy, but I was so irritable that I couldn't read at all."

"He is different from before!"

Qin Yue shook his head

"Water friends, he is right!"

"You're just lazy, you can't study, you've already fought for the second time"

"In the previous year, I spent all my time playing games at home, fishing for three days and surfing the Internet for two days."

"It is indeed wrong for your boyfriend to ride a donkey to look for a horse, but sometimes, you should also think deeply about yourself"

"Only when two people make progress together can they have a bright future. If you are holding him back, who is willing to continue to maintain such a relationship with you?"

Qin Yue said this.

When Koi came ashore for the postgraduate entrance examination, he was immediately off guard and couldn't pretend anymore.

"Master Qin, I come to you to comfort me, not to criticize me! Qin

Yue smiled faintly:"You just want to pray to God and worship Buddha. You only make wishes without working hard, but there will be no results.""

Netizens have no intention of letting this water friend go.

"Play games every day and still want to take the postgraduate entrance exam?"

"Your boyfriend hasn't told you now, probably because he's afraid of affecting your postgraduate entrance examination, and it's his last act of dignity!"

"If you don’t work hard, who is to blame?"

"I still can’t accept criticism!"

"I guess they were too pretentious, so they broke up!"

At this time, the girl couldn't stand it anymore and left the camera. She probably went to wipe her tears. It can be said that this was a major blow!

However, if she didn't come to Qin Yue to tell her fortune, she would fail the postgraduate entrance examination. If her boyfriend breaks up again, she may be hit even harder. She may suffer from depression.

Now, she has the idea of ​​not giving up.

She sat back in front of the phone again.

"Master Qin, can I still be saved now?"

"Are you talking about your boyfriend or the postgraduate entrance examination?"

"Take the postgraduate entrance examination, forget about men, it’s useless, bye bye!"

Qin Yue said:"You have weak self-control. You swore to me today that you might lie down and play games for another day tomorrow. You must quit games to have a chance."

"Besides, you have too many thoughts"

"If your financial conditions permit, buy a meditation talisman and a diligent talisman!"

"Okay, thank you Master Qin."

Originally, she was chosen and wanted to buy a beauty charm.

Of course, she spent her parents' money or asked her boyfriend to help her with it.

Now, her boyfriend has to look for other women, so why bother to get it by herself? What about the humiliation?

So she didn't hesitate. She only had two talismans and she had enough money.

"Master Qin, let me add your WeChat account"


The two added WeChat, transferred money to Koi Postgraduate Entrance Examination, and swiped a big rocket, and went offline directly.

This is fast enough.

Qin Yue can only contact the third person who is destined.

Maple leaves are red!

The video is very Quickly connected.

Two couples who looked like they were in a good mood entered the live broadcast room.

They looked very simple and honest.

"Hello water friends!"

"Hello, Master Qin!"

Both of them smiled.

However, Qin Yue saw that their eyes were dark, and their auras were exuding black.

It was obvious that they were contaminated with bad luck.

But he did not reveal it immediately.

"I'll show you two your faces. Is there anything you can't tell me? Qin Yue asked.

The woman immediately spoke:"There is nothing that cannot be said. Master Qin, please show me if my husband has ever been dishonest before and climbed through the door of the widow's house."

The man quickly said,"Daughter-in-law, I don't have it. I really don't have it.""

Qin Yue said:"If you have a thief's heart but not the courage, you will have a good wife at home, but you will be henpecked."

The woman's eyes suddenly widened.

"Are you really evil? The man quickly clasped his fists and bowed,"Master, master, please, don't mess with me. I will be domestically abused later.""

Seeing this scene.

The live broadcast room was also relaxed and happy.

"Rake your ears!"

"Haha, these two couples seem to have a good relationship"

"Why are men so cowardly? If she hits you, you kiss her. Hitting is kissing and scolding, which is love!"

"The guy upstairs is awesome, I learned from it."

Qin Yue also smiled

"You two, I don’t count you when you were children, let’s count you after marriage!"

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