"What's your customer's name? Did something happen to you?"

Qin Yue poured tea for the other party.

The other party took it politely and said,"My surname is Wang.

Then, she nodded and said,"I did encounter something."

She hesitated and said,"My mother passed away about ten days ago!""

Qin Yue nodded.

Whether it was the filial piety card or the fate of the other party, it was the loss of a close relative.

Miss Wang continued,"A few days ago, my dad said that he always dreamed of my mother when he was dreaming. I dreamed that my mother was going to take him away. Yesterday, she even said she wanted to sleep with me instead of in that room! She was a little emotional and said:"I obeyed my father. After all, I am 24 years old. A son avoids his mother and a daughter avoids her father.""

"If I hadn't known that my dad didn't mean that, I would have scolded him!"

"So I simply moved to my parents’ house to sleep, and let my dad sleep in my room. As a result, I also dreamed of my mom at night, pointing at the bedside, as if she was cursing someone, and I was very anxious!"

"It's so clear, as if it's not a dream. Of course I'm not afraid of my mother, but my father is too abnormal."

"Master, you said my mother was killed by my father?"

This incident is very similar to what happened last time.

It was all a dream given by the mother.

But it is also a little different.

Qin Yue looked at the girl's face and realized that her mother passed away unexpectedly.

"Do you have a photo of your mother?"Qin Yue asked

"Yes, yes!"

Miss Wang opened her phone and took out many photos.

Qin Yue just looked at one and that was enough!

Then, the secret book of stealing the sky was activated.

Under the secret record, the life of Miss Wang's mother also appeared. In front of Qin Yue's eyes.

This mother also lived an ordinary life. After retirement, she also suffered from many of the same diseases as older people, such as high blood pressure, hyperlipidemia, diabetes, etc.

And she also liked to stay up late watching chopsticks, D

He did not sleep until four o'clock in the middle of the night. He was fine now. He suddenly suffered a cardiac arrest in the middle of the night and no one noticed. He passed away immediately.

Then, the mother came back for the first seven days.

Miss Wang, her father, and several of her My aunt and several of my father's brothers gathered together.

According to the rules, they must stay until 12 o'clock, send tributes, and light incense.

Several people also started to help pack things.

For example, my mother's clothes, pillows, quilts, and finally Burn all the good things.

This approach is not only to send commonly used things, but also for the reason that things used by chronically ill people are full of bacteria and should not be transmitted to living people.

Although the mother is Sudden death, but it is still unlucky to use things that belonged to the mother during her lifetime.

So everyone packed up their things.

The first seven will definitely not be burned.

But people pay attention to the number of"seven", and worship requires an odd number.

That is, The first seven, three seven, five seven, seven seven, nine seven.

Then skipped 11 and went directly to 13 seven, which was a hundred days, and it was completely over.

But just as they were packing the pillows, the mother was also anxious He started gesticulating wildly.

Qin Yue understood now!


Qin Yue stopped activating the Secret Code of Stealing Heaven and opened his eyes.

Miss Wang was looking at Qin Yue nervously.

Qin Yue said:"Miss Wang, you are worrying too much. Your mother was not killed by your father. The location she pointed at was not your father's location, but the location where she slept."

"There was a pillow in that position before. Do you plan to burn it for her during March 7th?"

Miss Wang nodded quickly

"That's right! Why is my mother pointing at the pillow?"

Qin Yue didn't sell it, and said:"There is money in the pillow!"

"I have 20,000 yuan in cash. I’m afraid you’ll burn it, so I’ll remind you."

"It turns out that your father and you both misunderstood."

When Miss Wang heard this, she was stunned for a moment, and then burst into laughter.

She never expected that this was the case.

"This is something my mother can do. She is very good at it. She is not willing to buy groceries at home. If our family let her take care of the money, we would eat like rabbits all day long. Neither my father nor I would see the meat."

"But she can still save money"

"Hey, people are so fragile. Now think about it, what is the use of having so much money?"

The little girl became depressed again.

Qin Yue couldn't comfort her about this matter.

"Okay, it’s nothing serious. Don’t think too much about it. I can also write you an introduction and tell her that you know where the money is. You can also give her more money by the way so that she won’t withhold it so much.!"

When Miss Wang heard this, she felt funny again.

"Okay, master, write it for me!"

"The introduction costs five hundred yuan. You can actually tell her in your dream, but you will be tired. Sometimes people can't control their dreams."

"It doesn't matter, Master Qin, tell my mother, I think it's worth five hundred!"


Qin Yue wrote to Miss Wang's mother and wrote an introduction.

After finishing writing, he took incense and candles and ordered the offerings to be placed at night.

"Thank you, Master. Is there anything else besides five hundred?"

"Well, fortune telling is five hundred, and fortune telling is five hundred!"


The little girl scanned the QR code and paid a thousand before leaving. At four o'clock in the afternoon, the antique street also became quiet.

Fang Mingxu picked up Xiao Yan from school and then went home.

Qin Yue took Xiao Yan and Xiao Zi back to In the manor.

Xiao Zi prepared dinner, Xiao Yan took out his homework book and started studying.

Qin Yue began to inspect his manor.

In just a few days, the manor changed again.

Blood ginseng has been planted in a vegetable field, and there are also plantings next to it. There are mulberry leaves.

Some white silkworm babies are already swimming on it. This is a state of direct stocking.

Three holy snow lotuses at the back of the manor have also bloomed.

There are also ten golden lotuses in the small pond in the manor. Qin

Yue set up a formation and planted the Anshenhua seeds he just got today next to the blood ginseng.

"Still missing some rotten wood!"

This is for planting red Ganoderma lucidum.

Fortunately, the manor is in the suburbs, facing the east, and is a scenic spot.

Qin Yue did not drive, and disappeared in a flash.

That is to say, he has not arrived in Jin yet. Dan period.

Otherwise, he would just fly with his sword.

Soon, he entered the scenic area, found some dead wood and collected it into the Ghost Domain Jade Tablet.

Within half an hour, he returned to the manor.

Arranged the dead wood and tore up the red Ganoderma lucidum. Break it into pieces, use your fingers to make a hole in the dead wood, and put the broken pieces of red Ganoderma lucidum into it.

Then, he played the Spring Rain Jue.

A continuous drizzle fell from the sky.

All things grew.

The Anshen Flower soon revealed its seedlings, and after a while The flower bones bloomed.

The red Ganoderma lucidum is even more terrifying.

Ganoderma lucidum matures very quickly. It only takes a year for ordinary Ganoderma lucidum to mature. If no one picks it, it will rot or be eaten by birds.

Spring Rain Jue can It accelerates the growth of all things and accelerates the growth rate by ten years.

And this red Ganoderma lucidum happens to be born in ten years.

In other words, after a spring rain, these red Ganoderma lucidum will directly emerge from the dead wood and grow visibly to the naked eye.

In a moment, They all grew to the size of a palm.

Of course, because they are spiritual plants, red Ganoderma lucidum can continue to grow. The longer the time, the higher the efficacy.

Qin Yue picked three directly. It was too late tonight. Tomorrow, let Xiaozi makes chicken soup to drink.

It is definitely a great tonic.

Of course, the effect will not be like that of bloody ginseng seeds. After drinking it, you will directly spray nose bleeding. After all, the effects are different.

"Boss, it’s time to eat!"


Qin Yue returned to the villa and ate with Xiao Yan.

Looking at Xiao Yan's somewhat inconsistent eyes,

Qin Yue was also thinking about the prosthetic eye.

However, because there will be a barter auction for the inherited family in three days. Yes, Qin Yue thought about waiting.

What if better materials were collected?

While he was thinking about it,

Qin Yue's expression paused slightly and his eyebrows raised.

But he quickly recovered his expression and didn't care..At this time, outside Qin Yue’s lavender manor, five sneaky people were wandering

"Is it here? Isn't this a forest?"

"I looked at the map and it said Lavender Manor. It should have been rebuilt by that person after buying it."

"Find the door first, make sure it's done before entering."

"Bring all the equipment and put on the silencer."

These people all have fierce looks on their faces.

They are all desperadoes.

Moreover, they have another identity.

D dealer!

Last week, Qin Yue's series of air strikes caused heavy losses to the entertainment industry.

As a top leader After the collapse of the popular Jin Zhenyi, the artists who sucked D one after another were dismissed.

The big bosses in the entertainment industry came to Qin Yue to pay homage to Qin Yue, hoping that Qin Yue would be accommodating and not continue to report the artists who sucked D.

But after paying homage to Qin Yue , After the top of the mountain.

They were all conquered by Qin Yue's talisman.

They knew that Qin Yue was the real master.

Naturally, they couldn't do anything the master didn't like.

The artists who were doing these things all began to suspend their resources, and when the contract was terminated The situation.

However, these artists still have leverage in their hands.

After all, knowing that these artists are addicted to D, if the artists do not terminate their contracts, then it will be announced, and then these artists will never be able to turn around.

Major companies have already behaved Leave a thread!

However, after doing this, the dealers lost a huge market.

Naturally, they were angry and wanted to retaliate against Qin Yue.

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