So cool!

Suddenly, the number of comments on Qin Yue's V-blog increased rapidly.

Tens of thousands of messages in the blink of an eye.

People who eat melons have never seen anything so fierce.

But this message really made He Hongtao angry!

"Then I wait for you!"

He Hongtao replied directly.

In fact, he now wanted to scold Qin Yue for his 10,000-word essay, but the online quarrel revealed that the more he wrote, the easier it would be misunderstood.

These four words were proposed by the public relations team.

Concisely. Clearly.

It showed both his toughness and his magnanimity.

It was very accurate.

Although behind his back, he had already scolded Qin Yue's ancestors for eighteen generations.

On the other side,

Fang Mingxu naturally saw the interaction between the two.

He felt sincere admiration. Come

"Master Qin, we are not afraid of He Hongtao. If he sues, he will sue. I have seen too many reputation rights."

"This means that what you said is the truth, but telling the truth caused him to suffer losses."

"The result is that you have violated your right of reputation."

"It's okay. A big star was accused of being bald. In the end, his reputation won and he lost 30,000 yuan."

"It’s only 30,000, fight him."

Qin Yue smiled

"It's okay, he doesn't dare to sue me!"

"Otherwise, the legs will be broken"

"I do what I say"


Office of the Chairman of Jianli Group.

He Hongtao issued the order.

The legal team immediately took action to prosecute Qin Yue.

The whole morning passed.

The secretarial team was frightened.

I see that the chairman's temper has improved a bit.

He quickly said:"Chairman, I have made an appointment with people from the Food and Drug Administration for lunch at noon, and there are still 30 minutes left."

"Well, let’s go!"

Although He Hongtao was angry, he couldn't afford to offend these departments and had to go. The other secretaries were finally relieved.

Several of them wanted to follow He Hongtao, and the rest went their own way.

Project managers, public relations, secretaries And He Hongtao came out.

He took the chairman's exclusive elevator.

The secretary also kept making reports.


The incandescent light above the head suddenly burst out with an electric arc!

Then it flashed crazily! For a moment, the atmosphere was weird!

The next moment, the numbers representing the elevator floors jumped suddenly!

A terrifying feeling of weightlessness came!

The elevator crashed!

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

The four people in the elevator suddenly screamed in terror and even staggered around.

"Creak, creak, creak, creak!!!"


The elevator fell directly from the third floor to the first floor before stopping, and it seemed that the elevator rope was holding it, preventing it from continuing to fall.

However, this sudden stop made several people in the elevator feel a violent shock. shock


The next moment, screams came from

"Quick, press the helpline"

"Chairman! Chairman, are you okay?"

"Call quickly!"

Soon, the elevator door was pried open from the outside!

Such a loud sound, and it stopped on the first floor, how could people outside not hear it.

Moreover, this is the chairman's exclusive elevator.

Hall The security guards and other employees inside all rushed forward and quickly pried open the door. It took ten minutes.

Only then did the people inside see the light.

For a moment, there was a feeling like a new life.

They just wanted to get wings. , escape here quickly.

Because this elevator can also lead to the second floor.

If it hits again, I don’t know what will happen.

However, at this time, the three people in the elevator were not injured.

But there was one person , was already sitting in the elevator.

He Hongtao's face was covered with sweat. The other two people wanted to help him up, but he felt severe pain.

You know, just now he was like a dog chewing food, kneeling on the ground, wearing glasses They were all broken.

It was not easy. After struggling around in the elevator, I turned around. Now I only feel severe pain in my legs and knees.

"Legs, my legs! Don't help me."

He Hongtao scolded

"The chairman is injured!"

"Quick, someone comes and carries the chairman out."

Soon, everyone was busy carrying He Hongtao out.

"Chairman, how is your leg?"

Everyone asked with concern.

He Hongtao's face was twisted.

"Call 120, there may be a fracture!"

Suddenly, a group of people started to call 120, but the three people in the elevator all had a chill down their spines at this time.

They suddenly realized something. They took out their mobile phones and looked at the V blog.

The latest update from Master Qin, the divine calculator, It’s the same one.

If you mess with me again, your legs will be broken.

"Is this really a coincidence?"

He looked at all this in disbelief.

The most important thing was that there was an elevator accident. There were four people in it.

The other three were unscathed.

Only He Hongtao.

His legs were severely injured.

Soon, 120 came.

The gate of Jianli Pharmaceutical Group.

Reporters from major online media in Kyoto have been waiting here for a long time.

Unexpectedly, what they saw was this scene.

"It's He Hongtao!"

"What's going on? Why did He Hongtao get into the ambulance?"

"Quickly ask, what's going on?"

"Big news, big news. Could it be that he was so angry that he had a cerebral hemorrhage and was hospitalized?"

"No, no, I have a friend who said that He Hongtao just took the elevator and fell directly from the third floor, breaking both legs."


All the reporters were shocked.

You know, no one thought anything about He Hongtao's accident. However

, only half an hour ago, Master Qin, the divine calculator, said on the V blog that if he messed with him again, his legs would be broken. He would be rewarded in this world. So fast?

Or is it a coincidence?

If it's not a coincidence, how awesome is Master Qin Yue?

"Damn, what are you waiting for, grab the headlines!"

"Breaking, this news broke!"

"Hurry, we, Peng Bai News, must be the first to send news"

"We, Zhuque News, must not be late!"

"Our new and surprising reports are definitely the most complete in video."

The next moment, at least twenty V-blog resident media rushed forward.

【He Hongtao broke his leg! 】

Because they wanted to grab news quickly, these people didn’t care about anything and quickly posted the videos they shot.

In the video, He Hongtao was pushed out by a cart and carried into an ambulance.

The video shook for a while, and you could even see other media, holding mobile phones and microphones, chasing the cart and asking crazy questions.

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