However, when this fat and cute girl heard Qin Yue's words, she couldn't help but wrinkled her nose and pouted her mouth.

"Master Qin, I can’t do it. When I exercise, my legs hurt, my heart feels uncomfortable, and I can’t breathe at all."

"My heart can't handle the training"

"If I eat less, I will have hypoglycemia"

"You'll fall into a coma!"

"I don’t want to exercise to lose weight"

"The Diligent Talisman is of no use to me!"

After hearing this, Qin Yue was helpless.

"I just gave you an opinion"

"You have 10,000 reasons to refute"

"Countless inabilities are all excuses for laziness"

"How do you change yourself in this way?

The fat and cute girl could only timidly say:"That's why I want a slimming charm!""

Still thinking about the weight loss charm!

But don't talk about it yet.

Qin Yue really has it.

The most important thing to lose weight is to keep your mouth shut and open your legs.

The purpose of opening your legs is to burn fat.

Therefore, Qin Yue has a The talisman has the same effect as the body strengthening talisman.

It can keep the body feeling like exercising, which can indirectly reduce fat and form a good figure.

Of course, if worn by thin people, it can also have the effect of increasing muscles.

But this talisman is also a top-level talisman.

In other words, even a yellow paper talisman costs one hundred thousand.

However, what Qin Yue wants more is to change this little girl's laziness and gluttony.

Qin Yue thought for a while, Said:"Well, let's not mention the weight loss charm for now. Let me calculate for you first what your future will be like!""


"You can be prepared, maybe your future will be like that of a single dog who has been single for ten thousand years. If you don’t work hard, you can only become Teacher Guo’s plaything."

On the barrage, someone suddenly typed a series of question marks.

At first glance, isn't this the single man who has been single for ten thousand years?

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"Live in Bengbu!"

"Laughing to death, have you ever been offended if you are single for ten thousand years?"

"Girl, why don't you open an account like a ten thousand year single, you can't hold on, but if you two act together and have netizens urging you, you will definitely persevere."

"No, fellows, I'm afraid there will be a lolita voice playing coquettishly in my ears every day. I don't want to get up, I don't want to exercise, and then I have to coax, it's too much!"

"Hey, this girl looks so much like me. In fact, I am also fat, but I get breathless when I exercise. Last time I really gritted my teeth and tried to lose weight. Good guy, after a few days, meniscus effusion occurred!"

"Am I the only one who pays attention to beauty charms? Master, seek talisman"

"Come up with a price so that I can give up."

"Yuan Jiajia said, 10,000 pieces"

"Damn, isn’t it just three bottles of La Mer? purchase!"

"Buy buy buy!"

The barrage was chaotic.

At this time, Qin Yue also finished his calculation.

As a result, he looked strange.

He was silent.

Seemingly seeing his silence, the fat and cute girl quickly asked:"Master Qin , what’s the matter, my future life will be too bad, don’t you have the heart to tell me?"

Qin Yue was speechless.

"Water friends, to be honest, I originally wanted to use this to inspire you to exercise and become better."

"But I found that I was a little wrong!"

Qin Yue organized his language, and then said:"That's it. I didn't tell you before that Mengmeizhi's current occupation is to play with pen refills."

"Of course, I also work part-time as a voice actor and so on, which is very popular."

"Well, in about a month, she will meet her true love, and the two will establish a relationship on the Internet."

"Finally meet!"

"The other party is 1.83 meters tall, handsome, and accepts the cute girl calmly."

"After talking for a year, the other party paid the full price for the house, and even wrote Meng Mei Zhi's name to make it fair. She owned half of the house, which made Meng Mei Zhi's family feel at ease, and then the two got married."

"Happiness after marriage, having two children in three years, and a smooth life"

"For the next twenty years, the husband will follow the wife and the children will be filial."

"Wealthy destiny!"

After Qin Yue said this, everyone present raised questions.

It's not that they can't accept fat people.

But, such a cute girl actually has such a good marriage in the end.

It's simply beyond their comprehension.

Good guy, Does this mean that everyone has his own destiny?

In the live broadcast room, singles born in the year of 10,000 years are the hardest hit.

Why should he marry Mr. Guo when a girl can marry a handsome guy?

It is unforgivable!

However, there is one thing to say, even though he is fat The fat and cute girl has a bad figure.

But her voice is very sweet and her personality is very cute.

Maybe everyone has their own preferences for radish and green vegetables.

After hearing what Qin Yue said, this cute girl quickly said in surprise:"Really, Then thank you, Master Qin."

"However, I still want to lose weight"

"Although I don’t know why the other person likes me now, I still want to become more beautiful."

"I hope I can match his handsomeness"

"If he only likes fat girls, I won’t gain weight for him, because in fact, good looks are mine."

"I'm just lazy and can't do it. In fact, I still hope to have a good figure and a good body."

"In short, does the master have any weight loss charms?"

Come back again.

What a persistent woman.

What else can Qin Yue say?


"There is a kind of talisman called the cultivation talisman. After wearing it, your body will always maintain a sense of movement."

"The talisman is very expensive, costing 100,000 yuan"

"can you accept it?"

The cute girl did not answer immediately, but shouted:"Dad, can one hundred thousand be allowed!"

And at this time, another man appeared in the video.

This man was also fat and strong.

This was obviously genetic obesity.

"Master Qin, I am also your fan and I always follow you!"

"Thank you for telling my daughter’s fortune, I heard it all!"

"One hundred thousand yuan, no problem. Can I add a WeChat account later? I'll transfer the money to you right now"

"As long as my children can lose weight and find a good home, that's better than anything else."

"By the way, I need to get that Diligent Training Talisman too. I can't let my children be so lazy."

Qin Yue couldn't laugh or cry.

"Your daughter can find a good home even if she is not thin."

"That's different! In fact, I don't want her to bear too many strange looks."


This cute girl's father is right.

If you are too fat, you will indeed have to bear more strange looks.

Qin Yue nodded,"Okay, but you'd better bring two more health charms. This big brother, Fatty liver is quite serious!"

The cute girl's father quickly patted his belly and said,"It's harmful! Master, you are right."

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