Huo Qingcheng was really miserable.

But these are miserable.

Aren’t they all seeking their own death?

If she doesn't fall in love with a married man.

A graduate student who is beautiful can certainly find a very good person to start a family with.

She chose to destroy other people's families.

Qin Yue said:"I can calculate it for you. As for your future situation, it's up to you how to break the situation and change it!"

Then, Qin Yue activated the Secret Code of Stealing Heaven.

At this time, we are calculating the future.

The future situation actually changes at any time, and Qin Yue can only see the changes at this moment.

Not only that, but Huo Qingcheng came to the live broadcast room to tell fortunes unscrupulously.

It also brings risks to your future.

Don't underestimate the current network.

However, Qin Yue would not remind the other party of this.

She has already had the consciousness to bear this!

In such a situation, everything calculated may be a major event.

Soon, Huo Qingcheng's next twenty years came into his mind.

Qin Yue said in a deep voice:"In half a year, this man will divorce his wife."

"Of course, this divorce lawsuit will take a long time."

"It will take a year or two"

"Moreover, the amount involved is huge, and your company has this man’s shares, but this is the joint property of the husband and wife."

"Moreover, you usually act arrogantly and domineeringly, but now the principal wife is very dissatisfied with you and will directly sue you to recover your property."

"Later, you will be involved in this lawsuit"

"All your transfer records, gifts, and houses over the years will be recovered by the court."

"Afterwards, you will take your three children and return to your parents’ home to spend this life"

"Moreover, it will be difficult for your children to transition from luxury to frugality, and they will have very high requirements for the quality of life. If you cannot provide such a life, your three children will resent you."

"From now on, old age will be miserable."

When Qin Yue said this, Huo Qingcheng finally couldn't hold it any longer and shed tears. She was worthy of being a mistress.

The tears fell beautifully.

Although she is 40 years old now, her charm is still there.

She is like a big sister..

Coupled with the current netizens.

The outlook on appearance follows the appearance.

Some people actually feel sorry for Huo Qingcheng.

"Master, this sister is quite pitiful. She just fell in love with someone she shouldn’t have fallen in love with. Please help her!"

"What are you doing to help? It’s your own fault."

"Haha, the mistress still deserves sympathy?"

"The three views of the barrage really shocked me"

"You really dare to come here to tell fortunes. It would be nice if everyone doesn’t shout and beat you."

Actually, even if Qin Yue doesn't give her a future, some people can see how miserable she is.

A woman who has never been married, or is regarded as divorced, gave birth to three children.

Two boys and one girl.

These two A boy, he will get married and have children when he grows up.

If Huo Qingcheng is involved in a lawsuit, all the money she has earned over the years will be sent back.

Not only does she have no money, but she also owes a lot of debt.

After all, what she has enjoyed these years She had spent all the money.

How could a woman with three children afford to provide for herself?

Unless she found an honest man to take over.

Therefore, her life was already in stagnant water.

Huo Qingcheng Begging

"Master, please show me a clear path!"

She didn't want to think that all the hard work she had put in for so many years would not be rewarded in the end, and she would end up with a miserable end in her old age.

"I can give you pointers, but whether you can do it, or whether you can do it, depends on you!"

"After all, this man still has half a year to get divorced."

"You need to leave this company and obtain forgiveness from your current wife"

"As long as she doesn't sue you, everything will resolve naturally."

"However, I asked you before if you wanted to continue counting, and you said continue"

"Today's video and live broadcast content may also be seen by the other party. Do you understand the consequences of this?"

At that time, it will be at least a hundred times more difficult to get the other party's forgiveness.

After all, the royal wife will definitely think.

You just want to get my forgiveness because of the master's fortune-telling inference that you think your old age will be miserable and you are afraid.

That's not the case at all. I sincerely regret it.

Now I’m scared.

What did you do before?

Moreover, maybe what Qin Yue says now will reach the ears of the principal, and he will take action in advance.

Huo Qingcheng is a mistress, and the live broadcast room has admitted it, and backhandedly sued you. Go to court and accuse her of infringing upon the joint property of husband and wife.

Recover the investments made over the years.

That would be a big deal!

All in all, it’s just what you deserve.

"That's all I can tell you!"

"Pay the hexagram gold"

"Take care of yourself!"

Huo Qingcheng also saw that Qin Yue was indifferent to her.

But she was used to it.

Moreover, not only could she not lose her temper with Qin Yue, but she also had to say thank you.

"Thank you Master, I will reward you with a treasure map"

"No, you think 5,000 yuan is nothing now. Maybe it will be your monthly living expenses in the future, and a rocket will do."

Huo Qingcheng lives in Bengbu!

This master obviously doesn't think highly of her.

He believes that she is miserable.

Although it seems now that she still controls a big company, has a successful career, and is backed by her sponsor.

But once the sponsor abandons her,.

Her future life will be just like what Qin Yue said.

Unlucky in her later years.

At this time, she could only answer with choked eyes.

"Okay, okay, thank you Master Qin."

Huo Qingcheng dropped a big rocket and then disconnected!

For a while, netizens were also sighing.

"Master, is what you say true? If you cheat and give money to your mistress, can you go to court and sue to get it back? My husband has been cheating on me for a long time, can I sue him?"

"Of course you can sue, that's your right"

"Sue the mistress, get the money back, and get divorced"

"A cheating man is like a hundred dollars dropped on Xiang. Don’t pick it up. It’s a loss. Pick it up. It’s a bit disgusting."

"I’ve let you all understand"

"I understand, mistresses are now high-risk professions"

"Am I the only one who wants to say that he deserves it? She should be made miserable. What did she do when she violated public order and moral bottom line?"

"To talk about some hot knowledge, the first law for flower growers is the Marriage Law, which abolishes the old system and implements monogamy."

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