The next few customers all came to buy kidney-nourishing charms and health-qi charms.

But the elder brother who tasted the pastry bought a jade charm.

Finally, it’s Yuan Jiajia’s turn!

Yuan Jiajia is also here to buy the health talisman and the meditation talisman.

Don't watch her live broadcast every day and run around everywhere.

But when she goes back in the evening, she still has to do some video editing and study tomorrow's strategy.

I even have to talk to some businesses about advertising, write scripts, shoot videos, etc.

Stay up late often.

The skin condition is not good, and the complexion is not good either.

But with thick makeup, open the live broadcast room to beautify your face.

Nature covers all this.

So she also asked the question she was looking forward to

"Master Qin, do you have any talisman here that can whiten your skin or make girls look better?"

"Or, is there any charm to prevent hair loss?"

"I stay up late recently and my hair is falling out a lot!"

Qin Yue looked at Yuan Jiajia!

These... the three major evil arts of Kyushu, he mastered them with great proficiency.

But Qin Yue didn't need to look at these, he could also see the problem from his breath.

Yuan Jiajia is very hardworking. She is also under a lot of mental pressure, so Just lost my hair

"In fact, I suggest you buy a meditation charm. Going to bed early is better than anything else!"

"I also want to go to bed early, but I am too busy and have no time, so I have to stay up!"

"The Meditation Talisman helps you fall asleep quickly when you want to sleep, and allows you to concentrate on your work without having so many disturbing thoughts."

Qin Yue thought for a while and said:"As for the talisman you mentioned to make a girl beautiful, there are indeed some, it just depends on which one you want."

"What are they?"

"One is a beauty charm, a charm that can make your skin delicate and your complexion rosy!"

This talisman is similar to the kidney-nourishing talisman.

They both focus on one direction.

Therefore, the spiritual power consumed is similar.

If sold, it will also be 10,000 yuan.

But there is another talisman.

"The second type is the peach blossom talisman. This talisman can make men think you are beautiful and make it easy to find a fate."

The peach blossom charm itself is a charm that enhances one's own charm.

It is very attractive to the opposite sex.

"Then I want them all!"

Yuan Jiajia waved her hand.

Then she took all the health charms, beauty charms, peach blossom charms, and meditation charms.

Forty-two thousand!

When she scanned the code, her heart was bleeding.

"Forget it, think of it as a plastic surgery. It’s an investment in yourself and you don’t have to go under the knife. It’s worth it!"

She gritted her teeth and paid, and then reluctantly left!

After two hours, all the guests were sent away.

It was also 1 pm.

Xiaozi had already prepared the meal.

Qin Yue walked to Xiaoyan, Looking at Fang Mingxu with a frown on his face.

He was scared at first, but for the hobby in his heart, he could only grit his teeth and endure the cold, reading Xiao Yan's book.

Then he discovered that this book was actually the Book of Changes.

Naturally, he was a book like this. I bought it.

But he couldn't understand it at all.

Especially, what Xiaoyan read was actually in classical Chinese.

It made his eyes darken.

He even didn't recognize some of the words.

As a result, Xiaoyan read it for a while. , turned the page, he hesitated several times, and finally shamelessly asked Xiao Yan a few words.

As a result, Xiao Yan actually knew them all.

There were some that Xiao Yan didn't recognize, so he asked Xiao Zi.

Xiao Zi could do it too..Fang

Mingxu felt like he had lived in a dog’s belly.

"How did you learn?"

Fang Mingxu was speechless and choked.

"Master, do I really have no talent? She is so young and knows everything. I feel like I am a waste. I am just here to make ends meet!"

Qin Yue smiled.

"Let’s eat first! Chatting while eating,"

"Thank you Master Qin!"

Fang Mingxu quickly thanked him.

The three of them had dinner together, but Xiao Zi went to work again.

"Xiao Zi doesn't want to eat?"

"She doesn't have to eat. Fang

Mingxu paused with the chopsticks in his hand, and his whole body trembled again.

He lowered his eyebrows and said submissively:"Master Qin, Xiao Zi, are you human?""

After all, a child of six or seven years old can crush a piece of jade with one foot.

He is extremely powerful.

He doesn't need to eat yet.

He knows something is wrong even if he thinks about it!

"Um!"Qin Yue shouted again.

Fang Mingxu was so frightened that he even dropped his chopsticks.

"I'll get you a new one!"

Xiao Zi looked at them and said

"No, no, no, I'll just wipe it off!"

Fang Mingxu took out the paper towel in his pocket and wiped his chopsticks, but he didn't dare to trouble Xiao Zi.

Qin Yue smiled

"How can you be the president of a supernatural society and study occult science?"

"You are a typical Mr. Ye who loves dragons."

"Moreover, you are too old to use the wisdom charm to improve your brainpower. Do you know why Xiaoyan reads so fast?"

"Why?"Fang Mingxu asked subconsciously

"She has a photographic memory!"

Fang Mingxu choked!

He really came to the human world to make up for it!

Xiao Yan is obviously a child, with Yin Yang eyes and a photographic memory.

"But you also have some benefits"

"What! Fang Mingxu's eyes suddenly lit up.

Qin Yue smiled and said,"At least you are still a boy.""

Fang Mingxu suddenly became sad and angry.

This doesn't seem to be a good thing.

Thinking of this, he can eat a lot to vent his anger.

At least he will eat Master Qin's three bowls of rice.

Let him know that he has changed from a fan to a hater.

But this As soon as the food entered his mouth, Fang Mingxu was shocked.

This was so delicious.

It was even more delicious than the three-star Michelin restaurant he had eaten at.

Absolutely amazing!

Immediately, he changed his mind about Xiao Zi.

Just based on this meal, he also He must stay here.

Thinking of this, he quickly swallowed the food in his mouth and strongly recommended himself

"Master Qin, although I have no talent and cannot be your teacher, I can come and work for you."

"I see that when you sell talismans now, you have to explain them to people and draw the talismans. This is a waste of time."

"I can help you sell goods and clean your room"

"By the way, although Xiaoyan has a photographic memory, does he need to go to kindergarten? I can pick up and drop off the kids."

I have to say that Qin Yue is a little excited.

Especially the last one.

Qin Yue was also smart when he was a child, but Zhang Yizong always let him go to school.

In his spare time, he studied a little bit more and taught him personally.

Now that Qin Yue has inherited the inheritance, he does not need to be taught. So carefully, then school is about to start.

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