"right! I really asked Master to figure it out. Shao

Feng nodded quickly, and then looked at the others,"Let me declare first that I really don't know the master. I just came to Hangzhou from Shanghai for a trip. I can show my high-speed rail ticket.""

Then he took out his ID card and handed it to the security guard on the side.

The security guard nodded to express his approval.

"The name is right!"

Qin Yue accumulated one point.

Qin Yue looked at Liu Zhen

"Master Liu, it’s your turn."

Liu Zhen was speechless. Good guy, there is no fortune teller like you. Just give your name and give me an ID card next round.

Get two points directly.

Isn't this a trick?

But he can't help it. He can't even stop it.

What if Qin Qin Yue turned his head and said,"Why don't you repay me?"

How could he figure it out?

He could only look at Li Shaofeng again, mainly to observe the major events in life from his face. And, in addition to his face, he could also make inferences based on other things.

It was very difficult. Quickly, Liu Zhen said:"You will get married when you are around 25 years old. Shao

Feng frowned and said:"It is true that we got married around 25 years old, but we were 27 years old, a difference of two years. Master, please be more accurate. In this case, I can only give you half a point.""

Liu Zhen was speechless.

If he was telling fortunes normally, he would have a set of words, saying about 25, or he might be in love, and the marriage fortune is already there.

In this way, he can stabilize the other party.

But here, Before he could speak,

Qin Yue spoke directly.

"I won’t say who you are, but you just blew yourself up. As for your age, you were born in 1990 and your birthday is in June."

The security guard looked at the ID card.


Then he returned the ID card to the other party.

It was Liu Zhen's turn again.

Liu Zhen wondered for a while, and finally said:"Now I have a child. Shao

Feng shook his head directly,"My wife and I have no children, and this time I came here to ask Master Qin for a talisman, hoping to have a child.""

Qin Yue naturally saw it.

"I am born with weak yang and bad kidneys, so I want to seek a kidney-nourishing charm! Shao

Feng nodded quickly,"Yes, master, your calculation is really accurate. My kidneys are indeed not very good, so I came here to ask for a talisman this time. It would be better if it is a jade talisman." Of course, I also want to calculate when my child will be born. After all, we have been married for three years."

My family has two apartments in Magic City, and there is no shortage of money.

Qin Yue said:"I will tell you later. The child's matter is in the future, and it cannot be proved immediately. I can prove it immediately now!"

"You husband and wife are loving, but your wife is in charge of money."

"There's a hole in your belt, and there's some personal money hidden inside."

"Two hundred dollars! Shao

Feng's eyes suddenly widened, and then he immediately covered his belt and shouted:"Wrong, the master made a wrong calculation!"

His wife immediately glared and said,"Take off your belt and let me take a look!""

"Good guy, you still dare to hide your private money?"

"Men become bad when they have money. Tell me, have you done anything to feel sorry for me?"

"If you don't tell me, I will ask Master Qin to do the calculation in a moment, and I will definitely calculate it accurately."

Then, the wife actually pulled out her husband's belt in the street, and then actually took out two hundred yuan from the slit. She was caught on the spot.

This drama made everyone around laugh.

Live broadcast room Netizens were also excited

"It tastes like that"

"This is a typical victim!"

"Hahaha, this is too tragic. At least he is a rich man who can afford a jade charm. He actually hid two hundred yuan and was scolded. How sad!"

"It’s just a couple’s little fun"

"Single dogs cry with envy"

"This is a good man, a virtuous man, a good man!"

"Shocked, a woman would do this to her husband in the street"

"The UC Shock Department invites you to work tomorrow."

This one.

Although it was a bit dramatic in the end.

But it was obvious that Qin Yue won.

"Congratulations to Mr. Xiao Qin for winning the game. Liu

Zhen said angrily.

"Lucky, please!"

Now, it's Liu Zhen's turn to choose someone.

However, there are a lot of people at the scene now.

In addition to his people, there are other people mixed in. He can only choose one who looks very distinctive. He remembers Live alone

"You come!"

Soon, a arrogant man came out.

Qin Yue frowned when he looked at the other person.

This man was very sick.

And this disease made people speechless.

Soon, the two of them Then we entered the process.

Qin Yue said first

"Your name is Wang Chen"


"When you were a child, your family was in a difficult situation."


"Born in July 1988"


"You married young and now have a child"


Next, it's Qin Yue's turn.

In fact, Liu Zhen does have something. If he gives the other party's birth date, the calculation will be very powerful, but it is far behind Qin Yue.

Now, Qin Yue has another chance. , Liu Zhen also has a chance.

However, this is the last round.

Qin Yue must decide the outcome in one round.

Then, he said with a half-smile:"This is the last round, I will say a little more"

"This destined person named Wang Chen comes from a poor family and his parents are still alive, but they are both seriously ill."

"His own abilities are lacking and he has no fixed job"

"I have a wife and children, but I divorced a long time ago and am now single."

"A month ago, my girlfriend was arrested and imprisoned for 15 days because of 300 yuan."

"Oh, by the way, he didn't pay attention to hygiene and safety. Now he is sick and his calves are blooming!"

"Xiao Zi, take a closer look at the water friends. Do you see this red thing that looks like a plum blossom? This is called plum blossom, and this kind of plum blossom will leave scars even after it disappears, so be careful."

"Look at this gentleman, it's so serious that it's spread to his calf, and you still don't go to the hospital to get a sling. Be careful of it spreading throughout your body!"

"But you are lucky, it’s just Mei D. If you get AIDS, I’m afraid you will die."

"Of course, this is nothing"

"The main thing is that this brother is acquainted with Master Liu's apprentice. Each person is paid 500 yuan to come and act in a play. If he is selected, it will be doubled. There is also a conversation between the two on WeChat!"

"How about it, do you dare to take out your phone and verify what I said is right?"

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