Video continues.

Faced with Huey who didn't believe him, Butch continued to explain.

Now, everything from movie tickets, cultural products, theme parks, video games, and global industries worth billions are all in their shadow.

The Watt Company, which controls these assets, is naturally incredibly powerful.

Later, he took Huey to a secret bar and said that only superheroes were entertained here.

When he saw a group of superheroes who only knew how to drink and pick up girls, Huey became a little desperate and felt that his own outlook on life was about to be shattered.

That's not all yet, Butch played him another video about the locomotive.

It turned out that after his girlfriend Tuo Bin was hit and killed, Locomotive came to the bar and told his friends about the incident.

Locomotive said that when he crushed her body, it was like killing a bug while driving on the highway.

After saying that, the two of them burst out laughing.

Huey was stunned.

These two bastards can actually laugh.

After watching the video, Huey asked Butch if all superheroes were like thisWell?

Butch said that only the people of his motherland are different. He doesn't smoke or drink. He looks like a saint.

Inside the Batcave

"It seems that it is your variant that holds the last line of superheroes."


Barry Allen patted Superman on the shoulder with a somewhat complicated expression.

He was completely in despair for the black version of himself. He killed someone without feeling the slightest bit of guilt. Calling him a scumbag was just to flatter him.

And Looking at the scene in the bar, it can be seen that most ordinary superheroes are like this.

Bruce Wayne on the side also has some admiration on his face.

He is indeed Clark.

He is simply the light of a superhero.

Even if he is a variant, in that world , and became the last hero to stick to his true heart.

"Of course, my love for mankind comes from my heart"

"My mutants are no exception in this regard."

Clark straightened his back and looked solemn.

A sneer appeared on the clown's lips, but he didn't say anything.

He didn't believe it. In the mess of superheroes, the people of the motherland could stand alone.

The clown has an intuition.

The motherland. The darkness in people is mostly just hidden deeper.

The video continues.

Butch took out the information and said that there was no bank robbery at all that day.

The locomotive was in a hurry that day, and it must be to do something shameful.

Why couldn't he stop Come down, what is in the bag behind your back?

As long as you find out these things, you will definitely be able to give justice to Tuo Bin who died.

After Huey agreed to cooperate, Butch assigned him a task and asked him to contact Walter Company , expressed his willingness to sign a confidentiality agreement.

But there is one condition, Locomotive Lightning must apologize to him in person. In order to keep it confidential, Vought Company will definitely let them meet in the Vought Building.

Huey took the opportunity to install a bug there, so that You can find out the truth of the matter as soon as you come.

However, Huey felt that the risk was too great and was very scared and refused to cooperate.

The next day,

Silly Baitian Xingguang called her mother in a small park.

Her mother did not know that her daughter had met What happened? She was still immersed in pride.

In the end, Starlight did not tell her mother the true identity of the Super Seven and ended the call.

At this time, Huey was also in the park and happened to be sitting next to Starlight.

Look. Seeing that Starlight seemed to be in a bad mood, he took the initiative to comfort her and encouraged her to be brave.

Starlight was inspired and said with some touch that she would rip off that bastard's head if he dared to mess around again.

After this incident, Huey also Changed his mind, found Butch, and decided to accept cooperation.

On the other side, Starlight returned to the Watt Building, the new Super Seven, and the first meeting began.

At the meeting, Transparent Man began to talk about piracy.

Due to piracy Rampant, Walter Company loses 1.2 billion White Eagle coins every year.

And they all have 4% of the shares of Walter Company.

This is simply robbing money from their pockets.

The motherland interrupted impatiently Several people spoke, asking if they could stop talking about money right from the beginning. How do you want the new Starlight to see them?

You want to talk about how many people have been saved recently, okay.

At the same time, Huey and Boo Strange, appeared downstairs in the Watt Building.

Butch hid a monitor under Huey's phone case, asked him to pass the security check, took it out, and secretly stuck it under the table in the conference room.

Soon, according to the plan , Huey entered the building and saw Lightning.

Although Huey was very reluctant, but for the sake of the plan, he accepted Lightning's apology.

Before signing the agreement, Huey asked to go to the toilet.

However, unexpectedly, he took out the monitor At that time, something went wrong and the monitor fell to the ground.

After picking it up, he quickly left without noticing the transparent man who appeared next to him.

After coming out, Huey took advantage of signing the agreement and secretly glued the bug to the ground. Under the table.

After the mission was completed, Huey and Butch met up and left quickly.

Butch said that Huey would not participate in the subsequent actions.

This undoubtedly made Huey very disappointed, and said in front of Butch , tore up the check for compensation from Walter Company.

Seeing this scene, Butch was a little moved.

Although Huey was timid, he was kind-hearted and would not compromise because of money.

Just after Butch left, the Transparent Man came to the store. He placed the monitor in front of Huey and punched and kicked him.

The transparent man became angrier and angrier as he beat him, and his attacks became more and more severe, and he was about to beat Huey to death. boom.

With the sound of breaking glass, Butch drove the car and rushed into the store, knocking the transparent man away.

The next moment the two fought together, but Butch gradually fell into a disadvantage.

Huey, who was about to escape, saw this scene, turned back, and used the broken wire to electrocute the transparent man.

After doing all this, Butch looked solemn and said that they who attacked the superheroes had undoubtedly gotten into big trouble.

But Huey said that as an agent, Butch should be able to handle the matter easily.

In desperation, Butch told Huey that he was just an ordinary person, not an agent at all, and that he was just talking nonsense before.

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