The Age of Mythology

The Yellow River Yinglong?

Ancestor Hongjun's face was still calm, as if Heaven was firmly in control of everything, but there was a big question mark in his heart.

Since the beginning of Pangu, prehistoric times have taken shape.

After experiencing the calamity of ferocious beasts, the calamity of Longhan, and the calamity of Tao demons, now the two clans of witches and demons are the protagonists.

Which period does the Age of Mythology refer to?

The Yellow River Yinglong is expected to be from the Dragon Clan, but apart from the Ancestral Dragon, there is really no one among the Dragon Clan who can be remembered in the heart of Patriarch Hongjun.

Nuwa has already become a saint, why would she come here to ask herself this kind of question?

Ancestor Hongjun was confused.

But rationally, he told him that Nuwa made a special trip to Zixiao Palace, and it was definitely impossible to deliberately ask boring questions to entertain herself.

So Hongjun looked at Nuwa with deep eyes, remained silent, and waited for Nuwa to explain.

Sure enough,

Sage Nuwa continued:

"Teacher Qi, today the All Heavens Avenue Projector recommends a work called"The Age of Archaeological Mythology - The Yellow River Yinglong Chapter"》...."

Saint Nuwa slowly opened her mouth and narrated the situations revealed in the video one by one, speaking in detail.

"The most important thing is the Yellow River Yinglong, who seems to be closely related to the human race. She even personally preaches to a group of human races on the earth."

Nu Wa, who relied on the merits of creating humans to achieve enlightenment, had no choice but to be anxious and came to Zixiao Palace.

After a slight hesitation,

Nu Wa continued to add:"The way she taught the human race is better than the way of saints taught by the teacher. More mysterious!"

What did you say?

Hearing that Nuwa said that the Tao of the other party was more mysterious than his own, Hongjun wanted Nuwa to say it again. After all, it was the heart of heaven that he had cultivated for hundreds of millions of years that stopped him. Resisting the impulse.

Except for the expressionless face.

In a pair of eyes, two dark pupils rotate occasionally, as deep as the black holes of all things.

Archeology of the Age of Mythology - Yellow River Yinglong

What does archeology mean? Since the Age of Mythology appears from the projection of the avenue of the heavens Compared with the Yellow River Yinglong, he is not a creature of the prehistoric world.

However, on the ranking list of all heavens and worlds, ranking from one to one hundred, there is no world named"Mythical Age".

Even though Mr. Hongjun Zu is the master of saints in this prehistoric world. He is almost in charge of the way of heaven and controls all the secrets of the prehistoric world.

Looking at the great powers in the world, he can also be ranked in the top fifty.

But at this moment, he has no regard for women.

There is no clue at all about what Saint Wa said.

"If the teacher has free time today, why not go into the projection of the heavens and watch it? It may inspire the teacher and give him some inspiration to deduce the origin of the Yellow River Yinglong."

Nu Wa said cautiously.

She even wanted to suggest Ancestor Hongjun to contact the creator behind the video and ask about the origins of the human race and the Yellow River Yinglong. She just thought that the road mentioned by the woman in the video was far away. More than what Patriarch Hongjun told us about the way of a saint, he finally resisted and did not let Hongjun ask.

Otherwise, if Patriarch Hongjun stumbles, he will inevitably end up in trouble when he comes back.


Patriarch Hongjun seems to have Feeling the little thoughts in Nuwa's heart, she looked over with an indifferent expression.

Is there really a powerful person who can tell a more mysterious way than the way of the saint?

Since the perfection of the Supreme Way, the projection of the heavens has appeared in the world.

Hongjun The ancestor also learned about some worlds that are more powerful than the prehistoric world, and there are even the supreme prehistoric world, the Hongmeng world, and the chaotic world that have the same origin as this prehistoric world....

Among them there are many 'Tiandao Hongjun' and 'Daodao Hongjun' who are stronger than him, but they have no biological essence.

He became more ambitious to quickly devour the way of heaven.

He usually stays in seclusion in Zixiao Palace, promoting the development of calamities and monitoring all things in the world.

Now I heard that Nuwa said that someone actually talked about a way far beyond that of a saint. Could it be that the other person was a top ten boss in the supreme world?

Patriarch Hongjun naturally didn't believe that anyone's preaching would be helpful to him now. After all, he was only half a step away from the realm of heaven, and the road ahead was very clear.

No mysterious avenue before his eyes can change his current process of promoting calamity and integrating the path step by step.

If so, it is necessary to observe it yourself.

The changes in Hetu Luoshu in the Demon Clan Heavenly Court may be due to the variables produced by the contents projected by the heavens.

Let me take a look!

With the feeling that although it is of little help to you, you can control the variables of all living beings.

Ancestor Hongjun closed his eyes slightly, sent out a spiritual thought, and entered the heavens to project"The Age of Archaeological Mythology - The Yellow River Yinglong Chapter" to see the movements of Ancestor Hongjun.

Nuwa found an open space in the Zixiao Palace, and a purple jade lotus platform appeared out of thin air at her feet, sitting cross-legged.

Close your beautiful eyes

"That mythical power is still preaching to the human race. After all, I am the Holy Mother of the human race in the ancient world. I listened carefully to what he said, and in the future I will teach it to the human beings in this world, and it may be of great benefit."

Immersed in my heart and sincerity

, I once again entered the vast world of mythical ancient times. Among the many shadows, they were not noticeable at all.

Xiao Haotian and Xiao Yaochi were bored outside Zixiao Palace, but they could still listen to the sermon at first. Ancestor Hongjun and Nuwa were talking to each other in the palace.

Now the incomparable silence has returned!

The vast Zixiao Palace is in chaos, and there is no change at all.

Haotian, Yaochi, and the two boys once again fell into a long In the midst of boredom and loneliness.

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