
The famous monster.

This monster is known for its powerful fighting ability.

They are extremely fast, and their beaks and claws are also sharp. Coupled with the high speed of their flight, they are one of the most troublesome monsters for all practitioners.

Moreover, some flame birds also have the special ability to breathe fire.

The flames they emit are enough to burn through financial iron.

If there is not enough strength, few people would dare to provoke such a powerful monster during the Qi training period.

Fang Jian felt faintly disappointed.

Why didn't it evolve into a three-legged Golden Crow?

But after thinking about it, he was suddenly relieved.

The three-legged Golden Crow is a real divine beast. Just with this mere hundred years of cultivation, is it like stimulating the bloodline of a divine beast?

Haha, I must have thought too much.

Staring at the little turkey...no, it's the flamingo now.

In Fang Jian's sight, the system provided a status bar.

Species: Flame Bird

Level: First-order early stage monster

Bloodline: Hidden three-legged Golden Crow bloodline, can evolve.

Specialties: Sharp claws, lightning fast, breath of fire.

After seeing this status bar, Fang Jian was speechless.

This is one of the best little guys among the flame birds.

A flame bird with flame breath and a flame bird without flame breath are two completely different levels.



Another day passed.

Fang Jian counted on his fingers.

Today is already the seventh day of awakening. the time passes so fast!

However, the efforts of the past few days were not in vain.

Under his full training, the little turkey has successfully evolved into a monster.

Although it is only the early stage of the first level, it has already formed a stable combat effectiveness.

You must know that after awakening, ordinary beast masters only contract with monster cubs.

If you want to cultivate it, it won't take more than a few years, so don't even think about it.

Moreover, in this process, there must be huge investment.

The lifespan of monsters is much longer than that of humans, but their growth time is also longer.

Of course, the bodies of monster beasts are also far stronger than humans. They are extremely resistant to medicine and can swallow far more pills than humans.

Therefore, as long as the cultivation resources are sufficient, their growth will not be much inferior to that of humans.

Near Yongcheng.

There are several dangerous places.

One place Fang Jian knew was the Siming Shiwan Mountain.

It is said that there are powerful monsters inside the Shiwan Mountain, which leads to the legendary battlefield of all races.

At the entrance to Shiwanda Mountain, there is a fortress built by humans.

However, the monsters there rarely attack the fortress. Instead, human cultivators often go out of the city to hunt monsters and catch monster cubs.

Here, while being full of dangers, there are also opportunities everywhere.

Fang Jian's current cultivation level is only at the fourth level of Qi training.

Naturally, it is impossible to go deep into the Hundred Thousand Mountains.

However, if you just wander around the outskirts of the mountain forest, there will still be no problem.

As far as Fang Jian knew, many of the students in their school were training just outside Shiwanda Mountain.

After making up his mind, Fang Jian bought a ticket to the Shiwan Mountain.

There is a direct bus from the city to Shiwandashan Fortress.

It is free for those with a practitioner logo, but ordinary people must buy a ticket.

Although Fang Jian is a practitioner, he has not yet taken the practitioner assessment, so after getting on the bus, he still paid.

There were not many people on the bus, only two-thirds of the bus was full.

When Fang Jian got into the car, he immediately attracted everyone's attention.

However, what they were looking at was not Fang Jian, but the flame bird standing on Fang Jian's shoulders.

The people in the car are basically practitioners. Although their cultivation level is ordinary, it is not surprising to recognize the flame bird.

After Fang Jian sat down, a person next to him suddenly came over and whispered:"Brother, are you going to Shiwanda Mountain too?"

Fang Jian secretly cursed, isn't this nonsense.

If you don't go to Shiwandashan in this car, where will you go?

But he still smiled and nodded.

"Bro, is this your pet?"The man pointed to the flame bird on Fang Jian's shoulder.

Fang Jian smiled and said,"This is my contracted spirit beast."

"Oh, brother is a beast master. The man's eyes lit up and he said,"I see that my brother is traveling alone. Do you want to join our team?"

He introduced:"There are four people in our team, two martial arts cultivators, one talisman cultivator and one plant cultivator.""

Fang Jian was surprised. We've never met each other, and you actually invited me to join your team?

Are you stupid? Or do you think I'm stupid?

He chuckled and said,"Thank you for your kindness, brother, but our class has agreed to... Gather there. The teacher said that we can only form teams within the class, so I'm sorry.

A trace of regret flashed in the man's eyes, and he said,"That's it, that's such a pity.""

Several people came up one after another to strike up a conversation, and two slim girls came over. With Fang Jian's consent, they took a few photos of the Flame Bird.

Fang Jian silently stroked the bright red feathers on the Flame Bird.

This guy, He's even more popular than himself.

It's really depressing.

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