"In the face of natural disasters, people always seem so fragile and insignificant."

Huang Dongjie looked at the low valley and flat land in front of him being filled with waves, and couldn't help but sigh at the fragility of life.

"Hahaha,,, we fought another unprecedented victory, and 400,000 rebels were defeated by us."

"Your Majesty, you are truly a god. Once again, we allowed us to massacre 400,000 rebels with zero deaths."

"This is a miracle, an incredible miracle. This is all brought about by you, my lord."

Zhang Haihua and the others saw the 400,000 Celestial Army being swallowed up by the waves. They were so excited that Zhang Haihua burst into tears.

Once again, they defeated an enemy with more than twice the strength without wasting a single soldier. They It doesn’t matter whether you want to be excited or not. For soldiers, nothing makes them more excited than winning a battle.

"Leave 10,000 people to go down the river and capture the rebels who are still alive. The others will follow me to pursue Dai Gaohang and others."

"If nothing else happens, Xinyang Mansion will be recovered by us without any effort."

Huang Dongjie waited for the water speed ahead to slow down, so he boarded a raft and boat to cross the lake, and led the Zhenwu Army to pursue Dai Gaohang and others.

"I,, how many of us are left?"

Dai Gaohang, who had escaped, scanned the people who escaped with him. Just a scan. His body couldn't help but tremble.

Suppressing all the emotions in his heart, he gritted his teeth and asked Luo Libo in grief and anger.

"No, the number of people who escaped with us was less than 10,000."

Luo Libo said with a gray face and a dejected and depressed expression after counting the number of people.

"No, less than 10,000 people, pfft~"


"Leader, are you okay?"

Luo Libo and others saw that Dai Gaohang was so angry that he vomited blood, and they quickly became concerned about Dai Gaohang's situation.

"Cruel, really cruel, King Dongwu, you bastard, a flood has wiped away all the foundation I have accumulated over the past few decades."


Dai Gaohang cursed and vomited another mouthful of blood.

"Leader, King Dongwu will definitely take advantage of the situation and lead an army to pursue us. What should we do next?"

A general panicked and nervously asked Dai Gaohang for instructions.

"Our main force is gone, and the remaining troops cannot compete with the high morale of the Suppression Army."

"Abandon Xinyang Mansion and transfer the 30,000 defenders of Xinyang Mansion back to Gaohong Mansion"

"Transfer our soldiers who are scattered in other places back to Gaohong Mansion. Only in this way can we hold the land of Yifu."

Dai Gaohang temporarily suppressed his grief and anger. The first priority was to think about his retreat. After thinking for a while, he made a painful decision to abandon Xinyang Mansion and transfer all his troops to Gaohong Mansion.

"Leader, we paid an unimaginable price to capture Xinyang Mansion back then. Do we really want to give up Xinyang Mansion?"

The other generals are not willing to give up the land of Yifu just like this. After all, the land of Yifu was bought with their blood.

"Do we have a choice? Even our 400,000-strong army cannot stop King Dongwu. The 30,000 defenders of Xinyang Prefecture can stop King Dongwu."

"If we don’t gather our troops, how can we leave 30,000 city defenders to fill King Tobu’s teeth?"

"You must know that this is the most critical moment for our Tianshen Sect. We don’t have many troops left. It is hard to say whether we can defend Gaohong Mansion with the remaining troops."

Hearing this, the generals of the Celestial Army fell silent.

"Leader, King Dongwu is too terrifying. It may be difficult for us to defend Gaohong Mansion. We must ask for help from the Tianxiong Army and the Pingshi Army."

Luo Libo knew that the leader's decision was correct. They really needed to gather the remaining troops in Gaohong Mansion to stop the Zhenwu Army's attack.

But thinking of the terror of King Dongwu, he couldn't help feeling sad. In order to keep the For the safety of Gaohong Mansion, he must ask the leader to ask for help from the Tianxiong Army and the Pingshi Army.

"Do as you say and we will call for their help immediately."

Dai Gaohang knew that once he asked for help from the Tianxiong Army and the Pingshi Army, the Tianxiong Army and the Pingshi Army would definitely take the opportunity to speak loudly, or they might take the opportunity to capture Gaohong Mansion.

But he has no choice now. King Dongwu's plan It was so terrifying that it gave him a psychological shadow.

Facing such an opponent, he was not sure that he could defend Gaohong Mansion. He had to rely on the support of Tianxiong Army and Pingshi Army.

He was not afraid of Tianxiong The Tianxiong Army and the Pingshi Army will refuse to support him. The sudden increase in the strength of the Zhenwu Army is not what the Tianxiong Army and the Pingshi Army want to see.


"Your Majesty, as you expected, the rebels defending the city of Xinyang Mansion have long been deserted, and Xinyang Mansion was easily taken over by us."

Ding Zhengze was very excited. Another land was recovered by them. When did their Suppression Army have such a glorious moment?

"The army continues to advance, our target is not only Xinyang Mansion, we also want Gaohong Mansion."

Huang Dongjie asked Ding Zhengze and the others to calm down their excitement and continue to advance.

Zhang Yiran, who saw all Huang Dongjie's actions, suppressed the shock in his heart and recorded everything Huang Dongjie did. He asked his men to use the fastest way to record the battle situation and What he recorded was sent to the emperor.

There were countless forces paying attention to the battle situation of the Zhenwu Army and the Tianshen Army. The first ones to get information about the battle situation were the Tianxiong Army and the Pingshi Army who were also in Qingzhou.

The Tianxiong Army

"The Zhenwu Army won like this, and once again defeated the Heavenly God Army without wasting a single soldier.,,"

"This King of Dongwu is simply terrifying. Not only is his strategy unpredictable, but his knowledge is beyond the reach of ordinary wise men."

"Step by step, seize the time to calculate the arrival date of the Celestial Army and the changes in celestial phenomena."

"Every step was taken in every second. The most frightening thing is this. The Celestial Army arrived sooner or later, but they arrived just when the sun was about to go down."

"The heavy rain, which has been rare in thirty years, started falling early and late, but it happened to fall on the night when the Celestial Army arrived, and it rained all night long."

"coincide? fortune? A prophet? What kind of monster is this King Dongwu? How did he calculate all these factors together?"

"Is God helping King Dongwu, or King Dongwu has the ability to predict the future."

Feng Lanlei was also frightened by King Dongwu's sophisticated strategy. He calculated to the extreme, and every chess piece was placed on the lifeline, so that the enemy lost without knowing how.

"Mr. Kong, how long will it take for us to support the Tianshen Sect as quickly as possible to reach Gaohong Mansion?"

Feng Lanlei doesn't want to see the Zhenwu Army grow, and he doesn't have the courage to face King Dongwu with the unilateral force of the Tianxiong Army, so the Tianshen Sect cannot be destroyed by King Dongwu yet.

"Seven days, the fastest is seven days."

Military advisor Kong Mingshi calculated in his mind that if he marched very quickly regardless of all kinds of losses, such a long journey would take seven days.

"Gather the troops immediately and we will go support the Celestial Sect."


Ping Shijun

"How could it be, how could it be like this? Within less than a day of confrontation between the two armies, the Celestial Army was defeated by King Towu with a water attack."

"The Zhenwu Army once again massacred the Heavenly God Army with zero deaths. No, we cannot let the Zhenwu Army continue like this."

"If this continues, who else can stop them in Qingzhou?"

"Quick, gather the army, we must go to support the Celestial Army immediately. Facing an opponent of King Dongwu's level, our three forces must unite to fight against him."

Hou Dengfeng was also frightened into a cold sweat by King Dongwu's unpredictable strategy. Even the 400,000 Celestial Army was easily defeated. In the future

, when his Pingshi army faced King Dongwu alone, how could he have any top advisers to deal with him?King Dongwu.

In order not to face such a terrifying opponent alone in the future, he planned to protect the Tianshen Army and join forces with the Tianshen Army and the Tianxiong Army to fight against King Dongwu behind the Zhenwu Army. imperial court

"Hahaha,,, I knew that Uncle Five Emperors would definitely win, and once again miraculously destroyed the Celestial Army with zero death rate."

"Uncle Five Emperors, well done!"

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