In the depths of the starry sky of the universe, a golden vortex suddenly appeared, and the blue figure walked out of the whirlpool, staggering under his feet, slightly embarrassed.

The figure was none other than Torrecchia, who had fled from Earth in a panic.


Torrecchia snorted coldly and shook his aching arm.

He didn't seem to be caught up by Griza, but he was actually injured by Griza's spatial power.

If it weren't for that, he wouldn't have had to run in such a hurry.

"Hunting geese all day long, but once I was pecked blind by geese!"

Torrecchia said through gritted teeth.

He never expected that Griza, whom he had captured with his own hands, would see him as his chief enemy.

Obviously, he shuttles to various universes to find powerful monsters for them to devour and absorb.

The reason why Griza was able to evolve from the weak first form to the second form was not because of the monsters he caught?

I carefully kept it as a pet, but I never thought that this pet was born against the bones, and it was in vain that I wanted it to help me deal with the dark Teliga......

The more I think about it, the more angry I get!


Torrecchia tentacled violently, blue energy lightning burst out like a poisonous snake, and countless meteorites in the starry sky exploded.

His chest heaved violently, and it took him a long time to calm down.


Suddenly, a strange smile appeared on Torrecchia's lips.

"Anyway, after Griza devoured the cosmic snail, he completely evolved to the ultimate form!"

"That's an existence that even I can't fight, let alone you dark Teliga? What's the use of growing up fast? It's not like the dust returns to dust with Tiga, and the earth returns to the earth......"

In Torrecchia's opinion, the power of the ultimate Griza is enough to turn the entire universe upside down, and the dark Teliga is absolutely powerless.

"Carl" 320 "Mira, I've got rid of your enemies, now you should accept me, right?" ha...... You'll be mine!"

Torrecchia fantasized about Carmilla tying the knot with him, and let out a maniacal laugh.

"As for the Eternal Core, Dark Teliga is dead, and there is nothing to worry about in the Teliga universe left only that weak Light Teliga. "

"Huh...... It's all under my control!"

The ultimate power bestowed by Tartarus exploded again, and the golden vortex opened, filling the space with the breath of space.

Now, Torrecchia is ready to return to the Tellica universe!

He wants to see the beauty he has been thinking about for a long time!

At that moment, a loud voice rang out, like a flood of bells, echoing straight through Torrecchia's mind.

"Torrecchia, return quickly!"

Hearing this, Torrecchia's pupils shrank.

"It's Lord Tartarus!"

"Is he calling me back?"

"Yes, the adults should be asking me about the progress of the mission, I've been free for more than a few months, and it's time to go back and take a look!"

Torrecchia muttered to himself, then smiled freely.

There have been some inexplicable changes in the golden vortex in front of him, and the coordinates leading to him have changed.

"Carmilla, I'll come back to you later......"

With that wonderful figure in his mind again, Torrecchia no longer hesitated, and stepped directly into the golden vortex.


After defeating Ultimate Griza, Chen Mo's mentality collapsed.

Because, Griza's body didn't even drop those dots of golden experience as usual.

That's a monster in the early stage of the ninth order, if he drops experience, I'm afraid he can make his physical strength directly break through from the middle of the seventh order to the middle of the eighth order, or even higher!

However, reality slapped him hard......

He soon realized that it was most likely because Griza belonged to a special being.

Although Griza is called the Void Monster, its essence is a cosmic cavern, with 0 mass and 0 energy, and it does not belong to life forms at all.

How can such a creature have life energy, and what kind of experience does it come from?

Knowing the principle, Chen Mo still couldn't let go, so he could only continue to comfort himself.

"Forget it, forget it, the existence of Griza has allowed the Ring Arm to evolve and produce a sword spirit that is unique in ten thousand...... Moreover, the Ring Arm also has the ability of the Cosmic Needle, which is not worth the trip!"

Chen Mo has always been a person who can adjust his mentality very well, and under constant hints and hypnosis, he finally accepted this fact!

Ultraman Telica's body turned into a point of light in the sky and slowly dissipated, and the entire desert was once again peaceful.

However, only the crumbling terrain in the desert proves that a terrible war broke out here.

The Victory Swift and the Snow pierced through the void and flew in the direction of the TPC base.

Although some team members were injured and lost a Victory Feiyan and Victory EX-J respectively, it was a triumphant return to destroy such a powerful monster as Griza.

On the Victory Feiyan, Lina and Dagu were silent, Dagu clutched the spark prism in his arms, looked out the window, and didn't know what he was thinking.

Soon, the group returned to the base.

Ye Rui had already stood at the gate of the base to greet everyone.

"Welcome back!" Ye Rui smiled.

"Ah, I'm finally back, relaxed!" Xincheng stretched his waist, and his tense nerves were completely relieved.

"Yes, this time it's really a walk before the ghost gate closes!"

Zongfang lowered his head and did not speak.

After a moment, he raised his head, frowned, and said, "Have we forgotten someone?"

"Who?" everyone turned to look at him.

"Chen Mo!" Zong Fang said in a deep voice.

Everyone was stunned, and then they reacted, they actually left the new external team member behind!

Dagu sat down in his chair with difficulty, his whole body aching, he was the most injured of the people, and the slightest movement was excruciatingly painful, and everyone speculated that he might have broken a bone.

After returning to the base, Najing immediately ran to call Mayumi and these medical personnel to come over.

Hearing everyone talk about Chen Mo, Da Gu sighed, wanting to say something for Chen Mo, but he didn't know how to speak.

After all, Chen Mo had exposed too much, and although he was a human being, he was almost running around with Torrecchia in a crushing attitude.

This kind of strength is simply superhuman, and even once made everyone in the victory team not know how to get along with it in the future.

"Don't worry about him, he's a superman who can soar through the clouds!" Megumi Kurama said with a smile.

Megumi tries to change the subject and make everyone think of something light.

In fact, everyone was not worried about Chen Mo's safety, but was just thinking about Chen Mo's future situation.

On that day, the observation on the surveillance satellite was clear, and Chen Mo stopped Torrecchia with the strength of one person.

This scene must have attracted the attention of the high-level leaders, and the high-level leaders of the victory team were mixed, and it was not impossible for a radical faction to arrest Chen Mo for human experiments.

Chen Mo saved everyone, they were not ungrateful, so they naturally worried about Chen Mo.

"Alas, perhaps, Chen Mo doesn't come back is the best ending!" Zong Fang sighed.

Although everyone has been together for a short time, Chen Mo has brought too many surprises to everyone, and Da Gu has the most profound feelings.

When facing Qigera, Chen Mo has always supported and encouraged himself, making himself determined to do what he can do as a human being; Caro Base was destroyed, Chen Mo turned the tide and exposed the true face of the Meizhulang Star people alone: this time, in fact, it was Chen Mo who saved everyone and the whole world......

Thinking of this, everyone was a little silent.

After a long time, Da Gu said, "I will definitely see you again!


In fact, as they expected, Chen Mo became a loner again.

After defeating Griza, Chen Mo's figure appeared in the desert, and he looked at the communicator exclusive to the victory team in his hand, and was speechless for a long time.

"It seems that the victory team can't go back......"

Chen Mo naturally knew that there were many radicals at the top of the victory team.

These radicals took over the leadership of the entire organization during the period of Ultraman Dinah and did a lot of wrong things. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The reason why I chose not to return to the team is not because I am afraid of those guys.

It's just that he doesn't want to embarrass those teammates of the winning team.

"Anyway, the story of the Tiga universe is nearing the end, and when you defeat Gatanjee, you should be able to go back!"

A gust of wind blew, and Chen Mo's figure disappeared without a trace.

...... []

In the base of the victory team, in the recuperation room, Dagu was lying alone on the hospital bed.

As expected, his arm was broken, and the paramedics bandaged him and told him to recuperate before leaving.

It was late at night, but he couldn't sleep for a long time.

Da Gu's hand reached into his arms and held the Divine Light Stick in the palm of his hand.

Looking at the mysterious lines and golden borders on the spark prism, Dagu fell into thought.

The dark research room was empty, and a strange cone-shaped device was placed on the table.

It was a time machine with a sense of pity.

Suddenly, the machine flashed white light for the first time in a long time, and the hatch of the time machine opened, revealing a pitiful old figure.

As if sensing the location of Da Gu, Yu Pian's consciousness left the time machine and flew towards the confirmation room.

"Great Ancient ...... Great Ancient ......"

The empty corridor reverberated with ethereal girls.

It was a voice that only Dagu could hear.

"Who?!" Dagu immediately became alert.

But soon he remembered the owner of the voice.

"It's you, mercy!"

"Da Gu, there is not much time left for mankind!"

A pitiful phantom appeared in front of Da Gu, and a trace of melancholy flashed on the old face.

Da Gu was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly asked, "What do you mean?"

"The spearheads of the gods are about to be revived, and they will engulf the whole world with flames from Hell......"

"When the whole world is darkened, they will welcome the arrival of the King, and the Ruler of Darkness will plunge the whole world into infinite darkness!"

"Dark Dominator?" Dagu repeated the name, and suddenly remembered the dream he had 0 .

Qi Jiela filled the world, and the raging fire engulfed the world, and boundless darkness enveloped it......

"Is this how you perished 30 million years ago?" Dagu asked.

He bowed his head and turned around slowly, saying, "You are already much better than us, most of the humans 30 million years ago died immersed in the Elysium created by Zigera pollen...... But you've persevered all the way to the present!"

"It's okay, we humans will definitely win the final victory!"

"Now, I'm not the only one fighting against the darkness, but also Teliga, isn't it?"

After pondering for a moment, Yu Lian shook his head and said in a serious tone: "It's useless, the Ruler of Darkness is a stronger existence than Griza, and under the shroud of darkness, he is the god of the world!"

"Even if you join forces with Teliga, you won't be able to beat him!"

"No, I don't believe it! How can you know the final result if you don't try?" Dagu couldn't believe it.

Not to mention Tiga, isn't there even a terrifying existence like Teliga that can defeat the terrifying monster of the Ultimate Griza, and there is nothing he can do with the Dark Dominator?

"Alas......" Yu Pian sighed lowly, turned around, and looked at the spark prism in Da Gu's hand with a cold gaze.

"There's one more important thing I have to tell you......"

"The light of Tiga merges perfectly with Teliga and can no longer be separated. "

"And you, although you still have the power to turn into light, but the spark prism has persevered to the limit......"

"You're the most...... And the ability to transform into Tiga three times!"

"What?!" Dagu's eyes widened, a little incredulous.

I thought that my mission was not over yet, but I didn't expect that there were indeed few opportunities left!

"Isn't the Spark Prism good?" Dagu flipped the Spark Prism back and forth in his hand, still unwilling to believe this fact.

"The bottom of the Divine Light Rod, it's lost its power!" reminded Youlian.

Da Gu hurriedly raised the Divine Light Stick and looked at it from the bottom up.

It was discovered that there were already signs of petrification at the bottom of the Divine Light Rod.

For a moment, Dagu felt a little tightness in his chest.

It's not because I'm about to lose my luster completely......

He was worried about the future of humanity.

If it is true that the last ruler of darkness is as Mercy says, the last of the Rulers of Darkness is incomparably powerful and invincible......

Doesn't that mean that the final result of mankind is still to perish?

So what is the purpose of everything you have worked hard to do so far?

Suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed, and Da Gu seemed to grasp the straw that saved his life, and asked, "You must have a way, right?"

Looking at Da Guna's hopeful gaze, Youlian couldn't bear to tell him the truth.

In the last 1.8, Yu Pity just sighed and shook his head, and the whole phantom disappeared completely.

On the other side, Megumi Kurama was still busy with affairs at the base alone.

She yawned, feeling a little tired.

Megumi took the coffee on the table and was about to put it to her lips.

At this moment, she glanced at the corner of her eyes and found an unfamiliar figure at the entrance of the base.

It was a woman!

"Who?!" Megumi Kuruma immediately became alert.

Knowing that he had been discovered, the figure hurried towards the other end of the hallway.

Megumi Kurama pulled out her Victory Haipa gun and got up to chase after her.

The two of them walked one after the other, and seeing that the figure was about to run around a corner, Megumi Kuruma held up the Victory Haipa gun and shouted, "Stop, or I'll shoot!"

It's an unmonitored dead end.

The figure finally stopped, and slowly turned around.

The moment she saw that side face, Megumi Kuma's eyes widened.

"How is that possible?" she muttered in shock.

That face looks exactly like her.

"Who are you?" Megumi asked.

The figure began to be enveloped in a layer of white light, and after the transformation, he spoke: "I am the leader of the Earth Garrison Regiment in the super ancient period, and my name is Yu Lian!"

"The evil demon bird that has burned the earth is about to be resurrected! it will bring endless darkness and swallow the land completely!"

"Endless ...... Darkness?" Megumi Kuruma repeated?

But he ignored it, and said to himself: "It is the messenger who brings terror, ruin, sorrow, and everything to nothing!"

"It's ...... A prophecy of the future?"

Yu Lian glanced at Megumi deeply, and without answering, his body turned into a point of light and completely dissipated.

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